Dear Colleagues, The target for the first day of observations for Max Millenium Campaign #10 will be ARs 9114/9126, which are close to one another over at the W limb. One of these two produced a flare earlier today, so we will stick with them for another day or so then reassess the targets at ~02:30 UT 15-aug-00. The SXT pointings are as follows. Target AR: 9114/9124 on 15-Aug-00 at Yohkoh Pass 1 01:42 UT Heliographic Coordinates : N 6.3 W 88.2 SoHO X-Y : (x,y) = (941".6, 98".2) Yohkoh SXT will track the brightest pixel in the AR, with a (5.'2 x 5.'2) field of view. Best wishes Lyndsay