Dear Colleagues, The M1.5 flare at 00:30 UT on 23-Mar-00 occurred in the middle of Yohkoh daylight, but SXT was looking at a wrong place -- the active region selection was probably fooled by AR 8910 being as bright as the flaring region. Was the flare in AR 8916 in the NE quadrant? We have no access to the latest EIT data so do not know. Anyway, the target for Max Millenium Campaign #6 on 23-Mar-00 will continue to be AR 8910. Yohkoh/SXT will track the brightest pixel in the AR, with a (5.'2 x 5.'2) field of view. The co-ordinates are as follows. Target AR 8910 on 23-Mar-00 at Yohkoh Pass 3 05:15 UT Heliographic Coordinates : N 11.5 W 66.7 SoHO X-Y : (x,y) = (866", 236") We will probably change the target for 24-Mar-00, so please stay tuned in. Best wishes NVN