Dear Colleagues, The NOAA event report has been updated -- now it says that the X1.8 flare came from AR 8910, instead of AR 8917. There was an M2.8 flare later (at 11:25 UT), and this was definitely from AR 8910, as I looked at EIT images. Therefore, we will observe AR 8910, not AR 8917, between 00:26 UT and 05:33 UT on 25 March. Yohkoh/SXT will track the brightest pixel in the AR, with a (5.'2 x 5.'2) field of view. After 05:33 UT until 27-Mar-00 00:48 UT (over the weekend), we will have no control on the target selection, meaning that the brightest region will be observed. The co-ordinates are as follows. Target AR 8910 on 25-Mar-00 at Yohkoh Pass 1 00:26 UT Heliographic Coordinates : N 13.1 W 88.4 SoHO X-Y : (x,y) = (937", 220") Best wishes NVN