Quick Function Survey for SXT Operations

Click on any image to expand it. These pages are currently updated by cron job from /ftp_isass5/sxt_co/idl/go_quick.pro. The weekly GOES plot and the line drawings show the time of creation, JST (UT+9 h). Beware of old versions kept in your Netscape cache!

SXT is now running this sequence table.

We now have e-mail aliases and sample images for alert messages.
On-line data summary for current week. Blue ticks denote PFI's, red ticks FFI's, purple ticks flare mode.

The current GOES data in the same format (last 24 hours only).

Stray light. Derived from the standard stray-light monitoring images, the value normally oscillates between two levels; this display uses an empirical factor to plot the two levels on the same scale.

Dark level. Total counts for DPE=13 dark images for the recent period. These are images taken in Quiet Medium rate and contain many SAA exposures, shown by vertical lines. The horizontal line is a reference level (June 1988).

DPE values for Dagwood PFI (non-flare) exposures, as a guide to the current exposure times. Subtract two to get good settings for thin Al, add 8 for thick Al, add 10 for Be.

Difference of recent SFD images, by default spanning one day and using Al.1 half-res as the basis. This allows us to monitor the stray light in this filter, see emerging flux, spot dimming regions, track the NS loop structures, etc.; the difference image is byte-scaled to +-100 DN/pix (37.5 DN/pix/sec).

Current visibility limits of patrol image, displayed on latest SFD. Active regions outside the patrol region may not be tracked by ARS.

Locations of SFC database (since the 1997 rupture) relative to the current locations of the HXT fiducial zones.

Left, the pointing for the previous epoch (+) and the current one (*) as defined by the Yohkoh normal pointing target. Colored points are Al.1. Right, the apparent solar radius at the time of each SFC image. Again, colored points are Al.1, and these should be distributed uniformly on both plots to optimize the corrections. On the left plot, the small symbols show the locations of the most recent SFD images for comparison.

The latest SFD image and PFI coverage map:
Table of the 20 Most Recent 1/2 Resolution SFD Images.
Or, select individual SFD images from the following list:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Times of today's KSC contacts, from SHOW_CONTACTS. Note that the red line marked "NOW" is plotted for the time this page was created, not the time that you are viewing it!

The PLOT_TRAV database for /OPS at ISAS. The times listed are from 3 months ago to 9 months from now.

Link to: First_Light at LMSAL or ISAS

Link to: Locations of recent PFIs