SSOC Tohbans Report for Week 49_95 (04 December - 10 December 1995) SSOC: H. Nakajima and J. I. Khan KSC: Y. Suematsu and S. Ueno 0. Meeting Attendants -------------------------------------------------------- ( to be filled-in ) 1. Solar Activity ------------------------------------------------------------ Solar activity was very low, only just reaching GOES B X-ray class once during the week. 2. Standard Operations ------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 SXT table uploads A total of 5 SXT tables were uploaded: ------------------------------------------------- Date (JST) Pass# Table ID ------------------------------------------------- 04-Dec-95 4 951204 P4 ARS0 QUIET CORON 05-Dec-95 2 951205 P2 ARS1 DKCAL 06-Dec-95 2 951206 P2 ARS1 STD+DIFFUSE 06-Dec-95 4 951206 P4 ARS1 STD+LONG 07-Dec-95 3 951207 P3 HI CADENCE FLARE ------------------------------------------------- 2.2 STT timer setting The STT Timer was set on pass 3 of Tuesday 5-Dec-95. 2.3 S/C pointing for SXT terminator images The table below lists the satellite pointing for SXT terminator images: ------------------------------------------------------------- Date Time (UT) OG comment (OG#) ------------------------------------------------------------- 04-Dec-95 14:09:35 Normal 05-Dec-95 05:45:03 S/C E.044 N.779 (33) 07:21:33 S/C W.039 N.237 (34) 06-Dec-95 02:49:03 S/C W.067 N.712 (35) 04:27:59 Normal 06:03:27 S/C E.044 N.779 (33) 07:40:31 S/C W.039 N.237 (34) 12:33:55 Normal 17:25:35 Normal 07-Dec-95[06:22:07 S/C W.067 N.712 (35)] 06:22:07 S/C E.100 N.668 (86) 12:52:31 S/C W02 S17 (87) ------------------------------------------------------------- * OGs 33, 34, and 35 were revised from last week [see 6.1]. 3. Errors and Problems ------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 SXT errors An SXT Bitmap Error was found during pass 1 on 06-Dec-95 (Wed) and was recovered during the same pass with Yobi C. 3.2 BCS errors None. 4. DSN Communications -------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 DSN Final schedule for W49 There were no cancelations for the Final schedule for W49. 4.1 DSN Final schedule for W50 We canceled 1 DSN contact from the Final Schedule for W50. This was done on Thursday by RASM but not by fax and the contact was eventually deleted by Sunday. [also see 8.4] 4.3 DSN Strawman schedule for W51 The previous week's tohbans were not able to make the usual Strawman Schedule cancelations on the previous Friday. Consequently on Monday 04-Dec-95 we canceled 60 DSN contacts from the Strawman Schedule for W51. 4.3 DSN Preliminary schedule for W51 There were no cancelations for the Preliminary Schedule for W51. 4.4 DSN Strawman schedule for W52 We canceled 81 DSN contacts from the Strawman Schedule for W52. This schedule overlaps with the holiday period from 29-Dec-95 onwards. During the holiday period we chose 4 DSN contacts per day. 4.5 Pass additions None. 4.6 Re-transmission requests and results Katano-san requested re-transmission of the following pass: DOY 337 3-Dec-95 01:58-02:08 Wallops on 04-Dec-95 and 08-Dec-95. To date the data has still not arrived. 5. Yohkoh/Asca/SFU Pass Conflicts at KSC ------------------------------------- In week 49, 9 KSC passes were lost due to conflicts with ASCA. There were no conflicts with SFU. 6. Special Operations -------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 New OGs for SXT terminator offpoints We prepared the following 3 OG commands for offpoints with SXT terminator images: ------------------------------------------------------------ OG# (dec) Content ACS BC ------------------------------------------------------------ 33 S/C E.044 N.779 81-F9-7B-02-20-00-00 34 S/C W.039 N.237 81-FA-1E-02-07-00-00 35 S/C W.067 S.712 81-F9-8F-01-FE-00-00 ------------------------------------------------------------ These OGs were uploaded in pass 1 of 04-Dec-95. 7. Holiday Schedule ---------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Next holiday The next holiday will be on Sunday, 17-Dec-95. 7.2 New year holidays The last operation of this year will be around 10:00 a.m. JST on 29-Dec-95. The holiday period begins from 29-Dec-95 PM (JST). Yohkoh operations will re-commence on the evening of 04-Jan-96. 8. Hikitsugi Items ----------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Tohbans for W50 KSC: S. Ueno and S. Morita SSOC: H. Sekiguchi and Y. Nishino 8.2 STT timer setting The next STT timer set is due on 12-Dec-95 (Tue). 8.3 OG Editing The SSOC tohbans now have to edit the OGs used for offpoints with SXT terminator images. They should be particularly careful as errors in the OGs could have serious consequences. The new OG commands will be provided by the SXT CO. 8.4 Yohkoh schedule and real-time change requests It was not clear whether the reason for the recent email message from Jose Valencia was because someone had sent a schedule change to the real-time operation fax number by mistake, or whether fax transmission to real-time operations was no longer required for final week changes except for passes due to occur quite soon. Jim Lemen is looking into this. In the meantime the SSOC tohbans should continue the previous procedure, i.e., requests for preliminary and schedule changes should be sent by email and RASM, while requests for final week changes should be sent by RASM and fax to JPL (Real-time) +1-818-393-0612. 8.5 Offpoint terminator images If terminators appear in the OP generated by running OP_FIRST_GUESS, then the OP should be FAXed to the SXT_CO (Chief Observer) in D-toh. The SXT_CO will then inform the SSOC tohbans if offpointing will be carried out. If so, the OP will need be edited appropriately. Note two terminator offpoints appear at the same time on 07-Dec-95 in the table in 2.3. The SSOC tohbans sent the OP to the SXT CO, but it seems that both did not realize that the same terminator occurred in consecutive OPs. This happened because the OP for 06-Dec-95 included passes 1 and 3 of 07-Dec-95 and it was between those passes that the terminator occurred. The inclusion of those two passes in the OP for 06-Dec-95 is for safety and a new OP was loaded on pass 1 of 07-Dec-95 which included the same terminator. The SSOC tohbans and the SXT CO should be careful about such `overlapping' terminators in the future. 8.6 Transmission of OPs It is no longer necessary to confirm the transmission of OP/OG files to KSC by checking the printout on the 3rd floor in B-toh. Instead the time of transmission of the OP/OG files should be noted down. If the SSOC or KSC tohbans notice any failure in transmission of the OP/OG files then it should be reported to Shuto-san and Kosugi-san. 8.7 SXT patrol image dumps A block command `DP BC 8C-05 (hex)' should be executed whenever an SXT Table is uploaded. Since the Sun is very quiet, ARS parameters need to be checked by the SXT patrol images dumped by this command. 8.8 KSC-LOS OG for the second (next) day KSC passes We did not find the previously reported QUIET RATE HI/MED confusion in KSC-LOS OGs for the `overlapping' next day KSC passes. However the tohbans should carefully check the OP and be on the lookout for this. 8.9 Mainframe shutdown The SSOC mainframe will be shutdown from 09:30 a.m. (JST) on Saturday 16-Dec-95 until 00:00 a.m. (JST) on Monday 18-Dec-95. The SSOC tohbans should complete operations for the passes on Monday 18-Dec-95 by the evening of Friday 15-Dec-95. ------------------------------- End of Report ---------------------------------