----------------------------------------------------------------- SSOC Tohban's Report for Week 35 (25 Aug 1997 - 31 Aug 1997) ----------------------------------------------------------------- SSOC : J. I. Khan & R. Kano KSC : S. Masuda & J. Ogura 0. Meeting attendance (in alphabetical order): R. Kano, J. I. Khan, H. S. Hudson, N. Nitta, M. Sawa, A. C. Sterling, T. Watanabe, T. Yoshida 1. Solar Activity: Solar activity increased. The GOES X-ray background increased from just below B-level to mid-B-level. There were 7 GOES C-class flares and 1 GOES M-class flare. The was also an interesting eruption seen above the SE disk from an active region behind the limb on 28-Aug. 2. Standard Operation: 2.1 SXT Table Uploads: The following SXT tables were uploaded last week. ------------------------------------------------------------ Pass ID Pass # Table ID ------------------------------------------------------------ Monday 970824-1340 2 970824 P2 ARS1 CDS CAMP Tuesday 970825-1341 3 970825 P3 ARS1 CDS CAMP Tuesday 970825-1548 5 970825 P5 ARS1 DKCAL Wednesday 970826-1342 3 970826 P3 ARS1 CDS CAMP Wednesday 970827-0001 5 970826 P5 ARS1 STD+DIFF Thursday 970827-1342 4 970827 P4 ARS1 CDS CAMP Thursday 970827-1446 5 970827 P5 ARS1 STD Friday 970828-1239 3 970828 P3 ARS1 CDS CAMP Friday 970828-0102 6 970828 P5 ARS1 STD Saturday 970829-1340 4 970829 P4 ARS1 CDS CAMP Saturday 970829-1444 5 970829 P5 ARS1 STD Sunday 970830-1341 4 970830 P4 ARS1 CDS CAMP Sunday 970830-1341 5 970830 P5 ARS1 STD ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2 STT timer setting: We set the STT timer during pass 2 on Tue. 26-Aug (970825-1238). The next STT timer setting is due on Tue. 2-Sep. 2.3 Off-pointing for Terminators : None 2.4 HXT, BCS, and WBS calibrations : HXT calibrations were done three times: during pass 2 on Sat. 30-Aug (970829-1133) during pass 1 on Sun. 31-Aug (970830-1030) during pass 2 on Sun. 31-Aug (970830-1134) 3. Errors and Problems 3.1 SXT Errors and Problems: There were two SXT errors. During pass 5 on Wed. 27-Aug. (970827-0001) an SXT Bitmap Error was detected. This error was recovered during pass 1 on Thu. 28-Aug. (970827-1032) by issuing SXT Yobi-C commands. An SXT Line Synvc Error was found during pass 4 on Fri 29-Aug (970828-1343). SXT Yobi-A and Yobi-B commands were issued during the same pass and the SXT Recovery commands were issued during the next pass recovering the error. The sixth pass of the day was then used to upload the (safe) SXT Table planned for pass 5. 3.2 BCS Errors and Problems: None 3.3 DSN Schedule File Transmission Problem: There were some problems sending schedule change requests to JPL via ftp. The ftp connection is now extremely bad. We did eventually manage to transfer the schedule change requests to JPL after many repeated attempts. Something should be done to help to improve the pitiful state of the network. Reminder: For file transmission to JPL via e-mail, one must use flare20. It is probably the only machine registered at JPL, i.e., flare14 cannot be used. 3.4 Other We sent the SXT terminator information to the SXT Chief Observer from flare14 but all of these messages bounced back 3 days later. We don't know the reason for this `failure'. See 8.3 below. 4. DSN Communications: 4.1 DSN Final schedule for W35: No cancelations. 4.2 DSN Final schedule for W36: We canceled 5 passes from the W36 final schedule. 4.3 DSN Preliminary Schedule for W37: 21 passes were canceled from the W37 preliminary schedule. 16 pass cancelations were requested by us and JPL canceled an additional 5 passes. We requested one pass addition for the W37 preliminary schedule. 4.4 DSN Strawman schedule for W38: 32 passes were canceled. None of these were due to conflicts with other satellites. 4.6 Data Transmission from DSN: (/home/flare1/yohkoh/dsn_corrupt/97_35) 213 17 0427 corrupted tape Requested 07 Aug. corrupted tape Requested 19 Aug. corrupted tape Requested 22 Aug. Closed/ same data 231 46 0947 corrupted tape Requested 25 Aug. Closed/ same data 237 76 1219 not received Requested 29 Aug. 4.7 Antenna Parameters for DSN stations JPL sent us DSN horizon maps which should be helpful for selecting low altitude DSN passes. We did not use them this week. 5. KSC Pass Conflicts and Schedule 5.1 YOHKOH/ASCA/AKEBONO/HALCA Pass Conflicts at KSC: Week 35: No passes were canceled due to conflicts with other satellites. Week 36: 1 pass will be canceled due to a conflict with HALCA. 5.2 Future Schedule: Nothing to report. 6. Special Operations: There was a special co-ordinated observing campaign with SOHO CDS & Norikura Observatory to investigate the non-thermal velocity along coronal loops. 7. Holiday Schedule: The next holiday will be Sunday 07-Sep. 8. Hikitsugi Items: 8.1 Tohbans for W36 SSOC : T. Kosugi & T. Yoshida KSC : J. Ogura & S. Yasuno 8.2 OP and Command Sheet Status The command sheets and the OP for very late Monday (01-Sep-97) have not been created. The new tohbans must do this. 8.3 SXT Terminator Information As mentioned in 3.4 we were unable to email the SXT terminator information to the SXT Chief Observer from flare14. We recommend future SXT tohbans to use either flare20 or flare1 to send this email. 8.4 OPOGNEW instead of OPOGEDT ----Paraphrased from the previous week's report ---------------------------- We continued to use the revised version of OPOGEDT, OPOGNEW. OPOGNEW is the same as OPOGEDT except that the printing out of the OP is simpler. The SSOC tohbans should press the PF4 key (`print') on the mainframe and then print out the OP by typing: IDL> print_op Similarly, in order to print out the OG, type: IDL> print_ogall IDL> print_ogsel It is also possible to use the mainframe emulator on flare20 instead of the mainframe terminal for some situations: flare20% telnet mainf1 17 s88239 ex op(opognew) PF3 is {Esc}3 PF4 is {Esc}4 etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.5 STT_PLOT ----Paraphrased from the previous week's report ---------------------------- It is possible to check the STT Tracking by using the routine `STT_PLOT': First make sure you are on the HOME directory of the yohkoh account then type: IDL> stt_plot (,'DD-MM-YY') This will plot a time variation of the STT output signal level. If the STT is working properly, the signal level should stay in between 400--800, and should vary only in the time period set by the timer. See sample plots in the tohban's manual. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.6 New Manual and Check sheet Versions ----Quoted from the previous week's report --------------------------------- A new version of the English Tohban's Manual is now out. Future tohbans should write corrections and updates directly in the manual, and inform A. Sterling of the changes. Jim Lemen has made a new version of the check-sheet to correspond to the new manual. Changes to the check-sheet should be marked on the check-sheet and reported to A. C. Sterling. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Sirius Data Nothing to report. 8.8 Suggestion to DSN selection rule: mail from JPL ----Quoted from the previous week's report --------------------------------- I understand that you access RASM and choose the passes that are made available to you. We would like you to use the Wallops (WFF) passes as much as possible. In other words, if a pass from one of the DSN sites (Goldstone, Madrid or Canberra) can be substituted by a WFF pass, please use the WFF pass and delete the DSN pass, instead of vice versa. Please understand we are not asking you to give up any coverage but if the same coverage can be accomplished by using WFF instead of the DSN, we would like you to do so. (Albert Chang) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Action Items 9. Further software development It would be greatly appreciated if the SSOC tohbans could recommend any software development that they think will save future tohbans time and which improves the reliability of their. 10. Action Items 10.1 Week-35-A/I-1 SSOC tohbans The SSOC tohbans should inspect the horizon maps sent by JPL and think about whether it would be possible to determine whether the acceptable minumum altitude (Is 10 degrees really the best estimate or is less accepatble?). Please refer to Hudson-san for further information. end of report