01 July 1995 D. Alexander SXT CHIEF OBSERVER REPORT AND TABLE PLAN SXT TABLE PLAN FOR WEEK 27 (03-JUN-95 to 09-JUL-95) This week we will carry out some long exposure quiet corona observations with filament observations when conditions merit. The long exposure observations will be taken with 1x2 HR PFIs in two filters. This will hopefully allow us to see the network and determine temperature distribution of the small scale structures in diffuse corona regions. We will continue to take offpoint terminator images. The observing objectives of this plan are: - Dark Calibration on Monday. - The filament campaign with Mees Observatory. - Quiet Corona observations. - Take offpoint terminator images. The SXT Table Plan for the week is as follows. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Our default mode is ARS1 STD+LONG. However, if there is a filament on the disk the tables marked (*) will switch to a filament table. KSC Time (start) in JST Pass # Table ID Comments _____(= UT + 9 hrs)___________________________________________________________________ Monday 03-JUL-95 15:11 3 950703 P3 ARS1 DKCAL Tuesday 04-JUL-95 18:55 3 950703 P3 ARS1 STD+LONG (*) Wednesday 05-JUL-95 14:07 1 950705 P1 QT CORONA 05-JUL-95 20:57 5 950705 P5 ARS1 STD+LONG (*) Thursday 06-JUL-95 14:26 1 950706 P1 QT CORONA 06-JUL-95 21:17 5 950706 P5 ARS1 STD+LONG (*) Friday 07-JUL-95 13:03 1 950607 P1 QT CORONA 07-JUL-95 29:53 5 950707 P5 ARS1 STD+LONG Saturday NO TABLE UPLOAD ********************** KSC HOLIDAY *************************** Terminator-Offpointing: The terminator-offpointing program will continue this week. The SSOC tohbans are required to manually insert the off-point OGs for the terminators in the OP tables. The SSOC tohbans, please fax the preliminary OP list to D-tou when it contains a terminator so that the Chief Observer can suggest which OG's to be used. Dumping Patrol images: We request that KSC tobans continue to dump a patrol image each time an SXT table is loaded to facilitate the study of optimizing ARS parameters for an awfully quiet period. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SXT CHIEF OBSERVER'S REPORT for Week 26: 25-JUN-95 to 02-JUL-95 Sun was very quiet this week with one active region (AR7882) dominating the PFI ARS1 pointing. The 5 continuous KSC passes available to Yohkoh on Tuesday (27-Jun-95) were used to carry out quiet corona observations. KSC tohbans successfully loaded the long exposure table at Pass 1 and replaced it with a standard tabel at Pass 5. SOLAR ACTIVITY The sun is very quiet at the moment allowing us the opportunity for long exposure observations such as filament and quiet corona studies. SXT INSTRUMENT STATUS The SXT has been operating without major problem. FILAMENT OBSERVATIONS No worthwhile filaments were observed this week. Continued communication with the Hawaii Mees Observatory was maintained. The Hawaii observers were added to the SXT_FAX mailing list. UPCOMING CAMPAIGN Spartan 201-03 is scheduled for launch on 30 July, followed by deployment 24.5 hours later. It will observe solar corona for 43.5 hours. I reminded the UV team of the availability of SXT daily images at CRL, but we will be contacted for more coordination. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT NOTES The replacement VCR is up and running in D-toh. The Mitsubishi colour printer has a scanning or alignment problem. Replacement printer for the MacIntosh is important.