29 July 1995 D. Alexander SXT CHIEF OBSERVER REPORT AND TABLE PLAN SXT TABLE PLAN FOR WEEK 31 (31-JUL-95 to 06-AUG-95) This week we will only carry out standard ARS1. We will continue to take offpoint terminator images with the OG 85. The observing objectives of this plan are: - Dark Calibration on Tuesday. - Take offpoint terminator images. The SXT Table Plan for the week is as follows. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Our default mode is ARS1 STD+LONG. An asterisk (*) means that the table will only be necessary if there is a change in the terminator filter. KSC Time (start) in JST Pass # Table ID Comments _____(= UT + 9 hrs)___________________________________________________________________ Monday NO TABLE Tuesday 01-AUG-95 05:38 3 950731 P3 ARS1 DKCAL Wednesday 02-AUG-95 02:31 2 950801 P2 ARS1 STD+LONG Thursday 03-AUG-95 02:51 2 950802 P2 ARS1 STD+LONG Friday 04-AUG-95 03:10 3 950803 P3 ARS1 STD+LONG Saturday NO TABLE UPLOAD ********************** KSC HOLIDAY *************************** Terminator-Offpointing: The terminator-offpointing program will continue this week. The SSOC tohbans are required to manually insert the off-point OGs for the terminators in the OP tables. The SSOC tohbans, please fax the preliminary OP list to D-tou when it contains a terminator so that the Chief Observer can suggest which OG's to be used. Dumping Patrol images: We request that KSC tobans continue to dump a patrol image each time an SXT table is loaded to facilitate the study of optimizing ARS parameters for an awfully quiet period. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SXT CHIEF OBSERVER'S REPORT for Week 30: 24-JUL-95 to 30-JUL-95 Sun very quiet again this week. No special operations this week. Concentrated on obtaining terminators with new OG 85 (E08 S17) in all SXT filters. SOLAR ACTIVITY There is not much to report in terms of activity at the moment. There were a couple of small active regions showing some nice loops. SXT INSTRUMENT STATUS The SXT has been operating without any problem. FILAMENT OBSERVATIONS No filament observations this week. UPCOMING CAMPAIGN Spartan 201-03 launch delayed until "no earlier than mid-August". Our observing plan will change depending on exact launch date. POLAR RAY CAMPAIGN Koutchmy-san and Hara-san have proposed a campaign to "Identify and deduce relevant parameters of small scale features seen at high temperature in polar regions at time when polar faculae are still active." This proposal was accepted by the WOM attendees. The dates of this campaign will be determined by the proposers and the new SXT Chief Observer. PERSONNEL Mark Weber takes over the SXT Chief Observer duties from David Alexander. Mark will be here until late September.