August 30, 1999 H. Hudson CHIEF OBSERVER'S REPORT for Week 35 23-Aug-99 to 30-Aug-99 GENERAL The level of solar activity rose yet again, providing another (the year's second) X-class flare plus five M-class flares as of Sunday afternoon. The X-class flare followed a prediction by Big Bear regarding region 8674 S24W28 244 0730 FKC 23 87 BETA-GAMMA-DELTA. SXT TECHNICAL The WOM meeting came to a concensus about flare mode, agreeing to try a higher threshold. One consideration not in our earlier notes about this surfaced - since BCS works best with weak flares, this may substantially reduce the number of well-observed flares. On the other hand, BCS will still get its interesting preflare data on larger events. A normal pointing update was executed August 28. The Chief Observer was not present Tuesday through Saturday of this week, and SSOC tohban H. Hara filled in. SXT SCIENCE No particular news, except for the campaign activities. This week's CO went to the Monterey TRACE meeting, which was extremely enjoyable, and announced his new conjecture regarding magnetic implosions. This was met with skepticism, disbelief, and a lot of discussion. For Web material see Current Week: Current Week: Index: This week's science nugget deals with the experimental fast-cadence FFI data obtained this week. Based on the image performance, we propose to substitute this for some of the movie, at the CO's discretion. CAMPAIGNS For SXT plans, see: For SXT completed campaigns, see: PERSONNEL No changes. SEMINARS None. SXT TABLE PLAN, WEEK 36 (30-Aug to 5-Sep-99) The coordinated observations this week continue with Whole Sun Month 3 and the MM02, the sigmoid target-of-opportunity study. ________________________________#_______________________________ JST Day UT Start Time Pass Table ID Monday 30-AUG-99 04:04 1 990830 P1 ARS1 STD Tuesday 31-AUG-99 06:00 3 990831 P3 ARS1 DARK Wednesday 1-SEP-99 02:49 1 990901 P1 ARS1 DIFF Wednesday 1-SEP-99 07:57 4 990901 P4 ARS1 STD Thursday 2-SEP-99 04:46 3 990902 P3 ARS1 STD Friday 3-SEP-99 05:00 3 990903 P3 ARS1 STD Saturday 4-SEP-99 05:14 4 990904 P4 ARS1 STD This plan is subject to change. Continuing requests: KSC & SSOC Tohbans: If any KSC passes are likely to be cancelled (for example due to a typhoon) or an SXT table cannot be uploaded for some reason, please telephone and e-mail the Chief Observer immediately. (, copy to SSOC Tohban: On the weekly visible diagram, please mark the official five passes first and then cross out those passes that will be given to other satellites. That way we can keep the numbering straight in the Yohkoh software system. SSOC Tohban: SXT operations do not currently include terminator off- pointing. It is unnecessary this week to ask the SXT Chief Observer for terminator off-pointing information. KSC Tohbans: In general flare mode supersedes table upload, i.e. if a flare is in progress please do not upload a new table, and contact the chief observer. Normally it is OK to go ahead with the planned table without change on the next pass, if it is available. Chief observers should keep an eye on this.