CHIEF OBSERVER'S REPORT for Week 39 18-Sep-00 through 24-Sep-00 N. Nitta, A. Takeda GENERAL Two huge regions dominated the solar disk -- AR 9166 (700 millionth), and AR 9169 (2000 millionth), both of them could be seen by a naked eye. SXT TECHNICAL No problems. SXT SCIENTIFIC For Web material see the science nuggets: Current Week: Index: The newest nugget shows data of a clear X pattern formed by X-ray loops on 22-Jul-2000. CAMPAIGNS JOP 126 ended, and JOP 104 continued. For SXT plans, see: For SXT completed campaigns, see: PERSONNEL No change. SEMINARS Speaker: Robert Cameron (SUT), Title: Quiet Sun Magnetic Fields. TELEMETRY DOWNLINKS Week Wallops Goldstone Canberra Madrid NASA Japan 39 30 4 3 4 41 30 40 33 6 1 5 45 30 SXT TABLE PLAN, WEEK 40 (25-Sep-00 to 1-Oct-00) We will continue the coordination with JOP104 to observe the onset of CMEs. We probably follow their region, as announced around 14 UT, to cover 19 UT (the same day) - 19 UT (the next day). In that way, there is a higher probability of observing a same region, given that the Yohkoh passes are getting earlier. ________________________________#_______________________________ JST Day UT Start Time Pass Table ID Monday PM 25-Sep-00 06:43 1 000925 P1 ARS2 JOP104 Monday PM 25-Sep-00 11:49 4 000925 P4 ARS1 DIF104 Tuesday PM 26-SEP-00 11:55 4 000926 P4 ARS1 DARK Wednesday PM 27-SEP-00 05:15 1 000927 P1 ARS2 JOP104 Thursday PM 28-SEP-00 05:21 1 000928 P1 ARS2 JOP104 Friday PM 29-SEP-00 05:27 1 000929 P1 ARS2 JOP104 Saturday PM 30-SEP-00 05:34 1 000930 P1 ARS2 JOP104 Saturday PM 30-SEP-00 10:40 4 000930 P4 ARS1 STD This table plan is subject to change. Continuing requests: KSC & SSOC Tohbans: If any KSC passes are likely to be cancelled (for example due to heavy snowfall) or an SXT table cannot be uploaded for some reason, please telephone and e-mail the Chief Observer immediately. (, copy to KSC Tohbans: In general flare mode supersedes table upload, i.e. if a flare is in progress please do not upload a new table, and contact the chief observer. Normally it is OK to go ahead with the planned table without change on the next pass, if it is available. Chief observers should keep an eye on this.