CHIEF OBSERVER'S REPORT for Week 36 2-Sep-01 through 9-Sep-01 H. Hudson GENERAL Solar activity remained high, and there were predictions of major flares, but there were none greater than M class (but 18 of them) until the very last second - 9-Sep 21:45, M9.5 or X1.0, depending on your choice of GOES. An alert had been issued just before the event. SXT TECHNICAL No new problems to report. Normal pointing was updated and the short movie exposures have temporarily been decreased because of the high activity. SXT SCIENTIFIC For Web material see the science nuggets: Current Week: Index: This week's nugget reports the discovery of another X-ray global wave event, associated with a C-class flare brought to the CO's attention by Clara Yatini. Correspondence with K. Shibata established that this event also was seen as a Moreton wave in Kyoto. CAMPAIGNS There were not campaign activities. For SXT plans, see: For SXT completed campaigns, see: PERSONNEL No changes. SEMINARS No seminar this week. SXT TABLE PLAN, WEEK 37 (11-Sep-01 through 16-Sep-01) We will be supporting JOP146 beginning on Tuesday. The table names do not reflect this at present. _______________________________________________________________ JST Day UT Start Time Pass Table ID Monday PM 10-SEP-01 08:54 3 010910 P3 ARS1 STD Tuesday PM 11-SEP-01 03:50 1 010911 P1 ARS1 DIFF Tuesday PM 11-SEP-01 08:52 4 010911 P4 ARS1 STD Wednesday PM 12-SEP-01 05:28 2 010912 P2 ARS1 DARK Wednesday PM 12-SEP-01 08:51 4 010912 P4 ARS1 STD Thursday PM 13-SEP-01 07:08 3 010913 P3 ARS1 STD Friday PM 14-SEP-01 07:06 3 010914 P3 ARS1 STD Saturday PM 15-SEP-01 03:41 2 010915 P2 ARS1 STD The date part of a table ID reflects the UT date of pass 1. This table plan is likely to change. Prepare for last minute changes. Continuing requests: KSC & SSOC Tohbans: If any KSC passes are likely to be cancelled (for example due to typhoons) or an SXT table cannot be uploaded for any reason, please telephone and e-mail the Chief Observer immediately. (, copy to KSC Tohbans: In general flare mode supersedes table upload, i.e. if a flare is in progress please do not upload a new table, and contact the chief observer. Normally it is OK to go ahead with the planned table without change on the next pass, if it is available. Chief observers should keep an eye on this.