SXT Status During the 24-Oct-95 Eclipse Recovery Serge Savy 13-Nov-95 The eclipse observations on 24-Oct were a great success but the special operations associated with them led to problems with Yohkoh operational control for several days afterward. Normal operation was restored by Saturday 28 October. The problems arose from conflicting Sun sensor signals due to incorrect orbital timer setting after the partial eclipses ended. This caused Yohkoh to go into safehold mode, whereby spacecraft pointing switched automatically to its backup control system. A mistake was made in the attempt to recover from safehold mode the next day, causing Yohkoh to enter "hard safe hold" mode, whereby the spacecraft pointing is maintained by the attitude control hardware. Recovering from this mode required a reboot of the Attitude Control Processor (ACP) to clear an error flag. This reboot failed. Working on the assumption that the ACP software had become corrupted, the entire ACP software package--including original code and software patches--was restored from memory at a different on board location (the bubble file memory--BFM). The reloading process required careful checks, but after hard work by senior Tohbans (especially Te. Watanabe) helped by NEC specialists, the ACP setup was restored in several stages over a few days. SXT operation was suspended during most of the recovery process because on entry into safehold mode on 24 October Yohkoh lost fine pointing capability. The key times with regard to SXT data are: Yohkoh safehold began 24-Oct-95 07:29:20 UT SXT off (SXT CTL MAN) 26-Oct-95 04:19 UT (KSC Pass 4) SXT on (SXT CTL AUTO) 28-Oct-95 04:57 UT (KSC Pass 5) Yohkoh fine pointing regained 28-Oct-95 05:00:47 UT Yohkoh and SXT have been operating normally since 28-Oct-95 05:00:47 UT. There is no problem now either with the spacecraft or the instruments.