SXT Status Report 16 Sept. - 6 Oct. 1997 (Weeks 38-40) J. Lemen, H. Hudson, D. McKenzie, S. Savy, J.-P. Wuelser SUMMARY Solar activity continued at an elevated level; SXT and Yohkoh continued to operate well and there were several coordinated observing campaigns. Alert KSC tohbans (week 40) noted that on day 2,222 of the Yohkoh mission, image 3,333,333 was obtained! SOLAR ACTIVITY GOES did drop below the B level briefly during the interval, and is headed in that direction at the end of the reporting period. There were however four M flres, lots of C flares, and frequent CMEs. SXT INSTRUMENT STATUS AND CALIBRATION ACTIVITIES SXT continues to operate well. In particular the higher level of activity, which has included some "no flare flag" flares with extreme overexposure, has not shown up any weaknesses in the CCD. We are planning however to implement a change in observing policy, namely to switch off during SAA to avoid this vulnerability to the lack of protection from the Yohkoh flare trigger, which does not operate during SAA. There has been no further progress on the terminator (stray light correction) program. We note that very few SFC's were created during September, probably a result of the rather densely filled grid we are developing in the Al.1 stray-light correction images. Still there is unwanted flicker in the movie - some excellent corrections, some fairly crummy ones. Yohkoh experienced a one-day outage (Oct. 1) because of a broken compressor in the uplink telemetry system at KSC. It sound odd to imagine the mechanical compression of uplink data... Luckily the breakdown occurred after the HRTS rocket, and the EIT cal rocket (which had been scheduled for that day) was postponed until October 16. Data archiving is complete through Week 36, 1997. PASS CONFLICTS AT KSC Week 38: Six passes relinquished in favor of HALCA and Akebono. Week 39: Ten passes surrendered to HALCA and Akebono. Week 40: One pass bestowed upon Akebono. CAMPAIGNS During Sep. 25 - Oct. 5 we participated in a coordinated observing plan centered on Tenerife ground-based observations (B. Schmieder). The HRTS rocket flew on Sep. 30, and Yohkoh was put into "campaign mode" to protect the data. The launch time had been coordinated so that in fact Yohkoh was in daylight and clear of the SAA at the time of the flight. At present we do not have the data in hand from DSN, nor do we know any details of the rocket flight, so we are hoping that things went well. During Oct. 1 - Oct. 12 we are supporting Advanced Stokes Polarimeter observations at Sac Peak (Pevtsov and Metcalf) trying to delineate separator structure. Finally, we did some special jet-hunting on behalf of M. Shimojo. In this kind of effort we use the orbits visible at KSC to identify a jet-active region and go there in near-real time. This is not an easy program to succeed with, given the rarity of good jets, so we will probably continue do as much more of this as we can. For Yohkoh target planning, the SXT weekly observing plan is available on the Web at or with "finger | more" . See for SoHO target planning. VISITORS AND PERSONNEL Jean-Pierre Wuelser and Nariaki Nitta returned to Palo Alto. David McKenzie, Jim Lemen, and Greg Slater arrived. SEMINARS none OTHER SCIENCE TOPICS Sam Freeland noted a rather remarkable trans-equatorial loop system that appeared suddenly on the East limb, and captured it on a Web movie: These loops clearly link two quite distant N and S active regions. They will be near disk center on about October 8 and it will be interesting to see if they show the X-point geometry we have found in earlier trans-equatorial interacting loop systems. This interconnecting structure looks like it envelopes the entire active regions, rather than just being a subset of their loops, however. It may be familiar to LASCO C1 observers. If it is possible, vector magnetic measurements should be made to define the net helicities of the active regions (cf Canfield et al. paper in the Bath proceedings). TOHBANS Tohbans for Week 38: SSOC : S. Tsuneta & N. Saita KSC : M. Noguchi & S. Sano SXT_CO: J.-P. Wuelser SXT_SW: - Tohbans for Week 39: SSOC : H. Hara & J.-P. Wuelser KSC : S. Sano & Y. Iizuka SXT_CO: J.-P. Wuelser & S. Savy SXT_SW: - Tohbans for Week 40 SSOC : M. Sawa & S. Kubo KSC : Y. Iizuka & Y. Saito SXT_CO: H. Hudson & J. Lemen & D. McKenzie SXT_SW: G. Slater