SXT Status Report April 18, 2000, to May 1, 2000 (Weeks 17-18) B. Handy, H. Hudson SUMMARY Activity was undisputedly low; we've been helping with SOHO JOP083 and JOP119; SXT has had no technical problems. SOLAR ACTIVITY There were _NO_ M flares in this interval. As in the last reporting period, there have many active regions, including one (8970) which exceeded 1,000 millionths in sunspot area. But, no major flares. The southern large spot group, 8970, matched the longitude of another large spot group in the north, 8971. Their mutual CMP was about April 27. Probably the proximity of these two has led to the TIL fireworks we've been enjoying in week 18. OBSERVING CAMPAIGNS Yohkoh supported SOHO JOP083 and an attempt at a new JOP119 oriented towards transequatorial loops. During this period TRACE has been doing a dedicated study of the quiet Sun (well, the timing was right, at least). Please see our webpages for more details about campaigns past and future: SXT INSTRUMENT STATUS AND CALIBRATION ACTIVITIES Handy tackled the question of orbital decay with interesting results, part of which are to be found in the science nugget for April 28, "Running in Circles." Hudson continued to work with pointing jitter during flare mode, but with no distinct conclusions yet. We carried out test exposures for SFD-type images in the Mg filter, which look passable (see but grainy, probably owing to the high stray-light level in the raw images. SXT OBSERVING SEQUENCE TABLES ------------------------------------------------------------- UT Date & Time Pass Table ID ============================================================= Tuesday AM 17-APR-00 18:16 4 000417 P4 ARS1 DKCAL Tuesday PM 17-APR-00 11:16 1 000418 P1 ARS2 JOP83+DF Wednesday AM 18-APR-00 16:43 4 000418 P4 ARS2 JOP83* Thursday PM 20-APR-00 10:14 1 000420 P1 ARS1 JOP119 Friday AM 20-APR-00 15:19 4 000420 P4 ARS1 JOP119* Friday PM 21-APR-00 13:46 3 000421 P3 ARS1 STD Monday PM 24-APR-00 14:16 4 000424 P4 ARS1 DARKCAL Tuesday PM 25-APR-00 09:18 2 000425 P2 ARS1 STD Wednesday PM 26-APR-00 11:09 3 000426 P3 ARS1 STD Thursday PM 27-Apr-00 09:36 2 000427 P2 ARS1 IL Thursday PM 27-Apr-00 22:02 4 000427 P4 ARS1 STD Friday PM 28-APR-00 15:23 1 000428 P1 ARS2 JOP120 Friday PM 28-APR-00 20:28 4 000428 P4 ARS1 STD Saturday PM 29-APR-00 08:13 2 000429 P2 ARS1 STD ============================================================ Data reformatting is complete through March 17, 2000. We had one operations glitch on 18 April which resulted in the loss of SXT data for the subsequent invisible orbits. Basically it was simultaneous goofs by the SXT chief observer and the KSC tohbans. The SXT manual has been edited to reduce the chances of the same mistakes happening again. Yohkoh continues to receive one Santiago pass per day: seven listed in the strawman schedule for week 21, which covers 15-May through 21-May. This seems to be a good arrangement. SCIENCE Seminars April 20 V. Grechnev (NoRH): "The impulsive flare of September 17, 1999 accompanied by a cusp-like structure in soft X-rays" Y. Uchida (SUT): "Accumulating observational evidence for the quadruple magnetic source model of arcade flares" April 20 K. Shibasaki (NoRH): "Fan of rays above a flare arcade - the result of an interchange process" Science Nuggets 21-Apr-00: "Oops, missed a GEM" belatedly describes an important X-class flare from 1998, the source of a major geomagnetic disturbance. It turned out to be truly a wonderful event. 28-Apr-00: "Running in circles", the first bit of Brian's handiwork on characterizing the Yohkoh orbital decay. The bottom line is that this series of science nuggets may become quite long... The full list of nuggets is kept on , and the current week's nugget also normally resides on . PERSONNEL No changes. TOHBANS (spacecraft operators) Tohbans for week 17 SOC: S. Akiyama, Y. Saito KSC: K. Fujiki, T.Morimoto SXT_CO: B. Handy, H. Hudson SXT_SW: - Tohbans for week 18 SSOC: K. Shibasaki, T. Kobaayshi KSC: T. Morimoto, T. Miyagoshi SXT_CO: B. Handy SXT_SW: -