YLA Data Search for Daily Files
This page provides data search for YLA/SXT products which are made with 1 file per day basis. You can reach the following archives through this service. Data compression service (by gzip) will follow the search result.
  1. Select range of dates.
  2. Select the type of data set you desire
  3. Push when ready or to clear entries

• Dates (data available from 3-September-1991 through 14-December-2001)

Starting date:   listing files for  day(s) including the starting date.

• Desired Data Set:

SXT: Level_2 SSCs (XDA)
SXT: Level_2 SSC Uncertainty images (XDA)
SXT: Level_1 FFIs (XDA)
SXT: Level_1 PFIs (XDA)
SXT: Level_1 PFIs (tar-ed FITS)

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