Yohkoh SXT Observing Log


Example Output

Provided here is an example of output from the Observing Log Inquiry Form. The input times were
Start time  12-jun-99 10:00
End time    12-jun-99 12:00
The table is organized to show the images acquired during each orbit which overlaps this time span. Below the table are some brief explanations of the entries.

Yohkoh orbits spanning the timerange
(12-JUN-99 10:00:00) to (12-JUN-99 12:00:00)
DawnDuskSummary of FFIs Summary of PFIs
(UT)#FFIsCenterResolution#PFIsCenterFOVResolutionNOAA no.
"""20N39E90 5'14"x5'14" 2.45"
"""30N19W29 5'14"x5'14" 2.45" 8569 8574 8575 8578

(If no table appears above this line, then please adjust the input time interval and try again.)

Dawn - Dusk gives the time of "sunrise" and "sunset" as seen by the orbiting spacecraft. The table should list these times for each orbit within the time range requested (possibly extending for one orbit before or after the time range requested).

Summary of FFIs: This refers to "full-frame images" (i.e., full-Sun images) made by Yohkoh SXT. There are three columns: (i) number of images, (ii) the location of the center of the images (in heliographic coordinates), and (iii) the resolution of the images (in units of arcseconds per pixel). We have tried to avoid reporting the "calibration" images, as they would not be useful in general; however some may have sneaked under our radar. Be aware that any FFIs made in full resolution (2.45" per pixel) will be calibration images, and except for very special cases will not be useful for solar analysis. The highest resolution ordinarily used for FFIs is 4.91" per pixel.

Summary of PFIs: This summarizes the partial-Sun images made during each orbit within the requested time span. The five columns are: (i) number of images, (ii) location of image center (in heliographic coordinates), (iii) size of the field of view (east-west x north-south), (iv) resolution (in units of arcseconds per pixel), and (v) nearest NOAA active region. If more than one NOAA active region is nearby, then all will be listed. Furthermore, the listing of a NOAA number only means that the region was close to the SXT pointing, and does not guarantee that the region is within the field of view.

Note:: This report does not list the times or filters of the individual images. Because Yohkoh SXT frequently makes more than 100 images in a single 96-minute orbit, a more detailed report would very quickly become prohibitively large.

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