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Advances in Space Research, 49, 416
Photospheric flows in the active regions (asymmetric and localized Doppler velocities)
Martens,P.C.H., Attrill, G. D. R., Davey, A. R., Engell, A., Farid, S.,
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Delouille, V. A., Hochedez, J. F., Cirtain, J. W., Deforest, C. E.,
Angryk, R. A., de Moortel, I., Wiegelmann, T., Georgoulis, M. K.,
McAteer, R. T. J., & Timmons, R. P. 2012,
Solar Physics, 275, 79=113
Computer Vision for the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
Savage,S.L., McKenzie, D. E., & Reeves, K. K. 2012,
The Astrophysical Journal, 747, L40
Re-interpretation of Supra-arcade Downflows in Solar Flares
Tomczak,M., & Chmielewska, E. 2012,
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 199, 10
A Catalog of Solar X-Ray Plasma Ejections Observed by the Soft X-Ray Telescope on Board Yohkoh
Cremades,H., Mandrini, C. H., & Dasso, S. 2011,
Solar Physics, 274, 233-249
Coronal Transient Events During Two Solar Minima: Their Solar Source Regions and Interplanetary Counterparts
Graham,D.R., Fletcher, L., & Hannah, I. G. 2011,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 532, A27
Hinode/EIS plasma diagnostics in the flaring solar chromosphere
Kolomanski,S., Mrozek, T., & Bak-Steslicka,U. 2011,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 531, A57
RHESSI observations of long-duration flares with long-lasting X-ray loop-top sources
Kumar,S., Sharma, R. P., & Singh, H. D. 2011,
Solar Physics, 270, 523-535
Cavitation by Nonlinear Interaction Between Inertial Alfven Waves and Magnetosonic Waves in Low Beta Plasmas
Liu,R., Xu, Y., & Wang, H. 2011,
Solar Physics, 269, 67-82
A Revisit of the Masuda Flare
Nishizuka,N., Nakamura, T., Kawate, T., Singh, K. A. P., & Shibata, K. 2011,
The Astrophysical Journal, 731, 43
Statistical Study of Chromospheric Anemone Jets Observed with Hinode/SOT
Savage,S.L., & McKenzie, D. E. 2011,
The Astrophysical Journal, 730, 98
Quantitative Examination of a Large Sample of Supra-arcade Downflows in Eruptive Solar Flares
Song,Q., Huang, G., & Nakajima, H. 2011,
The Astrophysical Journal, 734, 113
Co-analysis of Solar Microwave and Hard X-Ray Spectral Evolutions. I. In Two Frequency or Energy Ranges
Takeda,A. 2011,
Solar Physics, 273, 295-306
Characteristics of the Re-Calculated Yohkoh/SXT Temperature Response
Vats,H.O., & Chandra, S. 2011,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413, L29-L32
North-south asymmetry in the solar coronal rotation
Wang,T.J. 2011,
Space Science Reviews, 158, 397
Standing Slow-Mode Waves in Hot Coronal Loops: Observations, Modeling, and Coronal Seismology
Adams,M., Tennant,A.F., and Cirtain,J.W. 2010,
Solar Physics, 262, 315-320
Using a Chandra source-finding algorithm to automatically identify solar X-ray bright points
Chandra,S., Vats, H. O., & Iyer, K. N. 2010,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 407, 1108
Differential rotation measurement of soft X-ray corona
Jakimiec,J., and Tomczak, M. 2010,
Solar Physics, 261, 233-251
Investigation of Quasi-periodic Variations in Hard X-rays of Solar Flares
Kontar,E.P. and Jeffrey,N.L.S. 2010,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 513, L2
Positions and sizes of X-ray solar flare sources
Morimoto,T., Kurokawa, H., Shibata, K., & Ishii, T. T. 2010,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 62, 939
Energetic Relations between the Disappearing Solar Filaments and the Associated Flare Arcades
Nishizuka,N., Takasaki, H., Asai, A., & Shibata, K. 2010,
The Astrophysical Journal, 711, 1062-1072
Multiple Plasmoid Ejections and Associated Hard X-ray Bursts in the 2000 November 24 Flare
Savage,S.L., McKenzie,D.E., Reeves, K.K., Forbes, T.G., and Longcope, D.W. 2010,
The Astrophysical Journal, 722, 329-342
Reconnection outflows and current sheet observed with Hinode/XRT in the 2008 April 9 Cartwheel CME flare
Sharma,R.P., & Kumar, S. 2010,
Solar Physics, 267, 141-151
Nonlinear Excitation of Fast Waves by Dispersive Alfven Waves and Solar Coronal Heating
Susino,R., Lanzafame, A. C., Lanza, A. F., & Spadaro, D. 2010,
The Astrophysical Journal, 709, 499-506
Signatures of Impulsive Localized Heating in the Temperature Distribution of Multi-Stranded Coronal Loops
Yokoyama,M., & Masuda, S. 2010,
Solar Physics, 263, 135-152
Trans-Equatorial Loop System Arising from Coronal Hole Boundaries through Interactions between Active Regions and Coronal Holes
Hara,H. 2009,
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Differential Rotation Rate of X-ray Bright Points and Source Region of their Magnetic Fields
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Near-Simultaneous Observations of X-Ray Plasma Ejection, Coronal Mass Ejection, and Type II Radio Burst
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Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 114, 7301
Quantitative forecasting of near-term solar activity and upper atmospheric density
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Multispectral Emission of the Sun During the First Whole Sun Month: Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations
Liu,R. and Wang,H. 2009,
The Astrophysical Journal, 703, L23-L27
Coronal implosion and particle acceleration in the wake of a filament eruption
McKenzie,D.E. and Savage,S.L. 2009,
The Astrophysical Journal, 697, 1569-1577
Quantitative examination of supra-arcade downflows in eruptive solar flares
RubiodaCosta, F., Fletcher,L., Labrosse,N., and Zuccarello,F. 2009,
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Observations of a solar flare and filament eruption in Lyman alpha and X-rays
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A Nanoflare Heating Model and Comparison with Observations
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Does a polar coronal hole's flux emergence follow a Hale-like law?
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Optical characteristics of the soft X-ray telescope aboard Yohkoh. I. Interpretation of the undersampled point spread function
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Studies on the imaging characteristics of Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope: Optical aberration and scattering
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The YOHKOH survey of partially occulted flares in hard X-rays
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The YOHKOH survey of partially occulted flares in hard X-rays
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Probing nanoflares with observed fluctuations of the coronal EUV emission
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Formation Mechanism of Soft X-Ray Transient Trans-Equatorial Loop System
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Magnetic flux emergence in the Sun
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The flaring and quiescent components of the solar corona
Asai,A., Shibata, K., Hara, H., & Nitta, N. V. 2008,
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Characteristics of Anemone Active Regions Appearing in Coronal Holes Observed with the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope
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Flare Observations
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Modeling Non-Potential Magnetic Fields in Solar Active Regions
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Modeling of the Extreme-Ultraviolet and Soft X-Ray Emission in a Solar Coronal Bright Point
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A New Model for Propagating Parts of EIT Waves: a Current Shell in a CME
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Dissipation of Longitudinal Oscillations in Stratified Nonisothermal Hot Coronal Loops
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Multi-wavelength spatially resolved analysis of quasi-periodic pulsations in a solar flare
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Solar coronal rotation determined by X-ray bright points in Hinode/XRT and Yohkoh/SXT full-disc images
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Solar coronal differential rotation from XBPs in Hinode/XRT and Yohkoh/SXT images
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Multiple Flux Systems and their Winding Angles in Halo CME Source Regions
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Preflare Eruption Triggered by a Tether-cutting Process
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Large-Scale Coronal Density and Abundance Structures and Their Association with Magnetic Field Structure
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Forward modeling of active region coronal emissions: II. Implications for coronal heating
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Observations of solar Doppler shift oscillations with the EUV imaging spectrometer on Hinode
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Detection of high-energy solar neutrons and protons by ground level detectors on April 15, 2001
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Observational Appearance of Nanoflares with SXT and TRACE
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Observational appearance of nanoflares with SXT and TRACE
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The Correlation among the Rise Velocity of a Soft X-Ray Loop, the
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Based on the Reconnection Model of Flares
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A quantitative MHD study of the relation among arcade shearing, flux rope formation, and eruption due to the tearing instability
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On the origin of the magnetic helicity in the solar corona
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Ballooning Instability in Coronal Flare Loops
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Observational study of magnetic chirality of solar active regions
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Prominences on the Limb: Diagnostics with UV-EUV Lines and the Soft X-Ray Continuum
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Chapter 4: The Sun
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Radio Spectral Evolution of an X-ray Poor Impulsive Solar Flare: Implications for Plasma Heating and Electron Acceleration
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Radio Spectral Evolution of an X-Ray-poor Impulsive Solar Flare: Implications for Plasma Heating and Electron Acceleration
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Exploring the connection between coronal and footpoint sources in a thin-thick target solar flare model
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Yohkoh SXT Full-Resolution Observations of Sigmoids: Structure, Formation, and Eruption
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Helicity Patterns of the Active Regions Connected by Transequatorial Loops
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Solar Radio Bursts with Drifting Stripes in Emission and Absorption
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On the causes of Hard X-ray asymmetry in Solar Flares
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The Hinode X-Ray Telescope (XRT): Camera Design, Performance and Operations
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The relative timing of supra-arcade downflows in solar flares
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Investigation of long-duration arcade flares. II. Energy release
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Investigation of long-duration arcade flares. I. Morphology and physical parameters
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The interaction of a plasmoid with a loop-top kernel
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The Hinode (Solar-B) Mission: An Overview
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Photon Spectroscopy with Imaging X-Ray Instruments
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The acceleration characteristics of solar energetic particles in the 2000 July 14 event
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Jets or high velocity flows revealed in high cadence spectrometer and imager co-observations?
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He3-rich solar energetic particle events
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Sources of efficient acceleration of solar flare particles: Observational aspects
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Theoretical Predictions of X-Ray and Extreme-UV Flare Emissions Using a Loss-of-Equilibrium Model of Solar Eruptions
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New Evidence for the Role of Emerging Flux in a Solar Filament's Slow Rise Preceding Its CME-producing Fast Eruption
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Imaging Spectroscopy of a Gradual Hardening Flare on 2000 November 25
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Statistical Correlations between Parameters of Photospheric Magnetic Fields and Coronal Soft X-Ray Brightness
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Forward modeling of hot loop oscillations observed by SUMER and SXT
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Footpoint versus loop-top hard X-ray emission sources in solar flares
Trimble,V., Aschwanden,M.J., and Hansen,C.J. 2007,
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Astrophysics in 2006 (Invited Review)
Wang,T.J., Innes,D.E., and Qiu,J. 2007,
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Determination of the coronal magnetic field by hot loop oscillations observed by SUMER and SXT
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Static and Dynamic Modeling of a Solar Active Region
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Coronal Heating and Photospheric Turbulence Parameters: Observational Aspects
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Flare associated oscillations observed with NoRH
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Loop top nonthermal emissin sources associated with an over-the-limb flare observed with NoRH and RHESSI
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The localization of particle acceleration sites in solar flares and CMEs
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Direct Observation of Low Coronal Breakout: Does Breakout Precede or Follow Solar Eruption?
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Energetics and Dynamics of an Impulsive Flare on March 10, 2001
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A Statistical Study of Transequatorial Loops
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Hard X-ray emission at the footpoints of solar flares
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Long-lived hot coronal structures observed with CORONAS-F/SPIRIT in the Mg XII line
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Source structure of the 1998 November 28 X-Class flare and electron acceleration
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The relationship between magnetic field strength and loop lengths in solar coronal active regions
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The Filament Eruption of 1999 March 21 and Its Associated Coronal Dimmings and CME
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Coronal mass ejection geoeffectiveness depending on field orientation and interplanetary coronal mass ejection classification
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Non-thermal broadening of coronal emission lines in the onset phase of solar flares and CMEs
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Observations of simultaneous coronal loop shrinkage and expansion during the decay phase of a solar flare
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Observations of the coronal dynamics associated with solar radio spike burst emission
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Spectroscopic Properties of Dynamical Chromospheric Processes in a Confined Solar Flare
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A Model for Patchy Reconnection in Three Dimensions
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Characteristics of Solar Flare Doppler Shift Oscillations Observed with the Bragg Crystal Spectrometer on Yohkoh
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Long period variations of dm-radio and X-ray fluxes in three X-class flares
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Statistical Study of the Reconnection Rate in Solar Flares Observed with Yohkoh SXT
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Statistical Analysis of Reconnection Inflows in Solar Flares Observed with SOHO EIT
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Solar X-Ray Spectral Irradiance Variability
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Analysis of a multi-wavelength time-resolved observation of a coronal loop
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X-ray intensity fluctuations of solar corona and its implications for coronal heating
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YOHKOH/WBS Recalibration and a Comprehensive Catalogue of Solar Flares Observed by YOHKOH SXT, HXT and WBS Instruments
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X-ray plasma ejections associated with coronal type II shocks
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Neoclassical bootstrap current in solar plasma loops
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Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 118, 947-1047
Astrophysics in 2005 (Invited Review)
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Transequatorial Filament Eruption and Its Link to a Coronal Mass Ejection
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Multithread Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Solar Flare
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Hydrostatic Modeling of the Integrated Soft X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Emission in Solar Active Regions
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Evidence for tether cutting reconnection in a quadrupole magnetic configuration in the 2001 April 9 M7.9 flare
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Large-scale source regions of earth-directed coronal mass ejections
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The Three-dimensional Interaction between Emerging Magnetic Flux and a
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Physics of the Solar Corona - An Introduction with Problems and Solutions (2nd Printing)
Bak-Steslicka,U., & Jakimiec, J. 2005,
Solar Physics, 231, 95
Investigation of X-Ray Flares with Long Rising Phases
Bogachev,S.A. and Somov,B.V. 2005,
Astronomy Letters, 31/8, 537-545
Comparison of the Fermi and betatron acceleration eifficiencies in collapsing magnetic traps
Bogachev,S.A., Somov,B.V., Kosugi,T., and Sakao,T. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 630, 561-572
The Motions of the Hard X-Ray Sources in Solar Flares: Images and Statistics
DeToma,G., Holzer, T. E., Burkepile, J. T., & Gilbert, H. R. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 621, 1109-1120
Transient Coronal Holes as Seen in the He I 1083 nm MLSO Observations
Doschek,G.A., & Warren, H. P. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 629, 1150-1163
Chromospheric Evaporation in Solar Flares Revisited
Galsgaard,K., Moreno-Insertis,F., Archontis,V. and Hood,A. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 618, L153
A Three-dimensional Study of Reconnection, Current Sheets, and Jets Resulting from Magnetic Flux Emergence in the Sun
Guangli,H., Zhou, A., Su, Y., & Zhang, J. 2005,
New Astronomy, 10, 219
Calculations of the low-cutoff energy of non-thermal electrons in solar microwave and hard X-ray bursts
Isobe,H., Takasaki,H., and Shibata,K. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 632, 1184-1195
Measurement of the Energy Release Rate and the Reconnection Rate in Solar Flares
Kamio,S., Kurokawa, H., Brooks, D. H., Kitai, R., & Ueno, S. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 625, 1027-1035
Transition Region Downflows in the Impulsive Phase of Solar Flares
Kim,Y.H, Moon, Y.-J., Cho, K.-S., Kim, K., & Park, Y. D. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 622, 1240-1250
A Study of Flare-associated X-Ray Plasma Ejections. I. Association with Coronal Mass Ejections
Kozu,H., Kitai, R., & Funakoshi, Y. 2005,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 57, 221
Development of Real-Time Frame Selector 2 and the Characteristic Convective Structure in the Emerging Flux Region
Lehtinen,N.J., Pohjolainen, S., Karlicky, M., Aurass, H., & Otruba, W. 2005,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 442, 1049-1058
Non-thermal processes associated with rising structures and waves during a "halo" type CME
Maeshiro,T., Kusano, K., Yokoyama, T., & Sakurai, T. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 620, 1069-1084
A Statistical Study of the Correlation between Magnetic Helicity Injection and Soft X-Ray Activity in Solar Active Regions
Mandrini,C.H., Pohjolainen,S., Dasso,S., Green,L.M., Demoulin,P., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Copperwheat,C., and Foley,C. 2005,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 434, 725-740
Interplanetary flux rope ejected from an X-ray bright point: The smallest magnetic cloud source-region ever observed
Mariska,J.T. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 620, L67-L70
Observations of solar flare Doppler shift oscillations with the Bragg Crystal Spectrometer on Yohkoh
Matsumoto,Y., Makishima, K., Kotoku, J., Yoshimori, M., Suga, K., Kosugi, T., Masuda, S., & Morimoto, K. 2005,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 57, 211
A Statistical Study of Gamma-Ray Emitting Solar Flares Observed with Yohkoh
Phillips,K.J.H., Feldman,U., Harra,L.K. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 634, 641-650
X-ray observations of solar long-duration flares
Reeves,K.K., & Forbes, T. G. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 630, 1133-1147
Predicted Light Curves for a Model of Solar Eruptions
Shiota,D., Isobe, H., Chen, P. F., Yamamoto, T. T., Sakajiri, T., & Shibata, K. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 634, 663-678
Self-Consistent Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of a Coronal Mass Ejection,
Coronal Dimming, and a Giant Cusp-shaped Arcade Formation
Singh,J., Sakurai, T., Ichimoto, K., Suzuki, I., & Hagino, M. 2005,
Solar Physics, 226, 201-222
Spectroscopic Studies of Solar Corona VII. Formation of a Coronal Loop by Evaporation
Sterling,A.C. and Moore,R.L. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 630, 1148-1159
Slow-rise and fast-rise phases of an erupting solar filament, and flare emission onset
Tanuma,S., & Shibata, K. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 628, L77-L80
Internal Shocks in the Magnetic Reconnection Jet in Solar Flares:
Multiple Fast Shocks Created by the Secondary Tearing Instability
Trimble,V. and Aschwanden,M.J. 2005,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 117, 311-394
Astrophysics in 2004 (Invited Review)
Warren,H.P., & Doschek, G. A. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 618, L157
Reconciling Hydrodynamic Simulations with Spectroscopic Observations of Solar Flares
Winebarger,A.R. and Warren,H.P. 2005,
The Astrophysical Journal, 626, 543-550
Cooling active region loops observed with SXT and TRACE
Zharkova,V.V., Ipson,S., Benkhalil,A., and Zharkov,S. 2005,
Artificial Intelligence Review ... (in press)
Feature recognition in solar images (survey)
Aschwanden,M.J. 2004,
The Astrophysical Journal, 608, 554-561
Pulsed particle injection in a reconnection-driven dynamic trap model in solar flares
Aschwanden,M.J. 2004,
Praxis Publishing Ltd., Chichester UK, and Springer, New York, ISBN 3-540-22321-5, First Edition, hardbound issue, 842p
Physics of the Solar Corona - An Introduction (1st Edition)
Aurass,H. & Mann, G. 2004,
The Astrophysical Journal, 615, 526
Radio Observation of Electron Acceleration at Solar Flare Reconnection Outflow Termination Shocks
Brosius,J.W., and Phillips,K.J. 2004,
The Astrophysical Journal, 613, 580-591
Extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray spectroscopy of a solar flare loop
observed at high time resolution: a case study in chromospheric
Burnette,A.B., Canfield, R. C., and Pevtsov, A.A. 2004,
The Astrophysical Journal, 606, 565-570
Photospheric and Coronal Currents in Solar Active Regions
Goff,C.P., Matthews,S.A., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., and Harra,L.K. 2004,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 423, 363-372
Relating magnetic field strengths to hard X-ray emission in solar flares
Liu,Y. & Kurokawa, H. 2004,
The Astrophysical Journal, 610, 1136-1147
On a Surge: Properties of an Emerging Flux Region
Orlando,S., Peres, G., & Reale, F. 2004,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 424, 677-690
The Sun as an X-ray star: Active region evolution, rotational modulation, and implications for stellar X-ray variability
Saint-Hilaire,P. and Benz, A. O. 2004,
Proc. "Stars as Suns: Activity, Evolution and Planets", Symposium S219,
IAU 25th Coll. and General Assembly, held in Sydney, Australia, 2003
July 13-26, (eds. A.K.Dupree and A.O.Benz), Astronomical Society of the
Pacific (ASP), Conference Series ASP ISBN 1-58381-163-X, ...
Hard X-Rays and Decimetric Radio Emission in Solar Flares
Sakajiri,T., Brooks, D. H., Yamamoto, T., Shiota, D., Isobe, H., Akiyama, S., Ueno, S., Kitai, R., & Shibata, K. 2004,
The Astrophysical Journal, 616, 578-586
A Study of a Tiny Two-Ribbon Flare Driven by Emerging Flux
Siarkowski,M., & Falewicz, R. 2004,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 428, 219-226
Variations of the hard X-ray footpoint asymmetry in a solar flare
Sterling,A.C. & Moore, R. L. 2004,
The Astrophysical Journal, 613, 1221-1232
External and Internal Reconnection in Two Filament-Carrying Magnetic Cavity Solar Eruptions
Tomczak,M. 2004,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 417, 1133-1144
Do X-ray plasma ejections accelerate Coronal Mass Ejections?
Trimble,V. and Aschwanden,M.J. 2004,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 116, 187-265
Astrophysics in 2003 (Invited Review)
Zioutas,K., Dennerl, K., DiLella, L., Hoffmann, D. H. H., Jacoby, J., & Papaevangelou, T. 2004,
The Astrophysical Journal, 607, 575-579
Quiet-Sun X-Rays as Signature for New Particles
Benz,A.O. 2003,
"Energy Conversion and particle Acceleration in the Solar Corona", Proc.
CESRA Workshop, Ringberg, Germany, 2001 June 2-6, (ed. K.-L. Klein),
Lecture Notes in Physics Vol.612, Springer, Berlin, 80-95
Radio diangostics of flare energy release
Demoulin,P., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Mandrini,C.H., Klimchuk,J.A., Harra,L. 2003,
The Astrophysical Journal, 586, 592-605
The long-term evolution of AR 7978: Testing coronal heating models
Farnik,F., Hudson, H. S., Karlicky, M., & Kosugi, T. 2003,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 399, 1159
X-ray and radio observations of the activation stages of an X-class solar flare
Glover,A., Harra,L.K., Matthews,S.A., Foley,C.A. 2003,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 400, 759-767
The association of transequatorial loops in the solar corona with coronal mass ejection onset
Hudson,H.S., Fletcher,L., Khan,J.I. and Kosugi,T. 2003,
"Solar and Space Weather Radiophysics", Astrophysics and Space Science
Library Vol. 314, Proc. AAS/SPD Special Session, held in Albuquerque,
New Mexico, 2002 June 4, (eds. D.E.Gary & C.O.Keller), Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 1-4020-2813,
424p., 153-178
Overview of solar flares
Hudson,H.S., Khan, J. I., Lemen, J. R., Nitta, N. V., & Uchida, Y. 2003,
Solar Physics, 212, 121-149
Soft X-ray observation of a large-scale coronal wave and its exciter
Kamio,S., Kurokawa, H., & Ishii, T. T. 2003,
Solar Physics, 215, 127-146
Precise determination of cooling times of post-flare loops from the detailed comparison between H-alpha and soft X-ray images
Kay,H.R.M., Harra, L. K., Matthews, S. A., Culhane, J. L., & Green, L. M. 2003,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 400, 779-784
The soft X-ray characteristics of solar flares, both with and without associated CMEs
Landi,E., Feldman, U., Innes, D. E., & Curdt, W. 2003,
The Astrophysical Journal, 582, 506
Mass Motions and Plasma Properties in the 10(7) K Flare Solar Corona
Leamon,R.J., Canfield, R.C., Blehm, Z., and Pevtsov, A.A. 2003,
The Astrophysical Journal, 596, L255-L258
What is the role of the kink instability in eruption of X-ray sigmoids?
Martens,P.C.H. 2003,
Advances in Space Research, ...
Yohkoh-SXT Observations of Reconnection
Masuda,S. and Sato,J. 2003,
"Energy Release and Particle Acceleration in the Solar Atmosphere -
Flares and Related Phenomena", COSPAR Colloquia (eds. Dennis,B.R.,
Lin,R., and Kosugi,T.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Advances
in Space Research Vol. 32, 12, 2455-2458
Hard X-ray footpoint motion and acceleration mechanism
Matthews,S.A., Harra,L.K. and Culhane,J.L. 2003,
"Energy Release and Particle Acceleration in the Solar Atmosphere -
Flares and Related Phenomena", COSPAR Colloquia (eds. Dennis,B.R.,
Lin,R., and Kosugi,T.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Advances
in Space Research Vol. 32, 2553-2559
Multi-wavelength observations of the pre-cursor phase of solar flares
Matthews,S.A., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Hudson,H., and Nitta,N. 2003,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 409, 1107-1125
A catalogue of white-light flares observed by Yohkoh
Metcalf,T.R., Alexander,D., Hudson,H., and Longcope,D. 2003,
The Astrophysical Journal, 595, 483-492
TRACE and Yohkoh Observations of a White-Light Flare
Nagata,S., Hara,H., Kano,R., Kobayashi,K., and Sakao,T. 2003,
The Astrophysical Journal, 590, 1095-1110
Spatial and temporal properties of hot and cool coronal loops
Pohjolainen,S. 2003,
Solar Physics, 213, 319-339
Repeated Flaring from Loop-Loop Interaction
Shin,J. and Sakurai,T. 2003,
Journal of Korean Astronomical Society, 36, 117-124
Point spread function of the Soft X-ray telescope aboard Yohkoh
Trimble,V. and Aschwanden,M.J. 2003,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 115, 514-591
Astrophysics in 2002 (Invited Review)
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Demoulin, P., Mandrini, C. H., Harra, L., & Klimchuk, J. A. 2003,
The Astrophysical Journal, 586, 579-591
The Long-Term Evolution of AR 7978: The Scalings of the Coronal Plasma Parameters with the Mean Photospheric Magnetic Field
Winebarger,A.R., Warren,H.P., and Mariska,J.T. 2003,
The Astrophysical Journal, 587, 439-449
Transition Region and Coronal Explorer and Soft X-ray Telescope active
region loop observations: comparisons with static solutions of the
hydrodynamic equations
Zhang,J. & Huang, G. L. 2003,
The Astrophysical Journal, 592, L49-L52
The Effect of the Compton Backscattering Component on the Photon Spectra of Three Yohkoh/Hard X-Ray Telescope Flares
Akiyama,S. and Hara,H. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 367-370
Soft X-ray high-temperature regions above solar flare loops
Alexander,D. and Metcalf,T.R. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 103-112
Yohkoh: A decade of discovery
Altrock,R.C. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 337-340
Long-term variation of the rotation of the solar corona
Arge,C.N., Harvey,K.L., Hudson,H.S., and Kahler,S.W. 2002,
Proc. "Solar Wind 10", ..., (ed. ...), ..., ...
Narrow coronal holes in Yohkoh soft X-ray images and the slow solar wind
Asai,A., Masuda,S., Yokoyama,T., Shimojo,M., Kurokawa,H., Shibata,K.,
Ishii,T.T., Kitai,R., Isobe,H., and Yaji,K. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 221-224
Fine structure inside flare ribbons and temporal evolution
Aschwanden,M.J. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 57-60
Reconciliation of the Coronal Heating Function between Yohkoh and TRACE
Aschwanden,M.J. 2002,
"Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. Euroconference and
IAU Colloquium 188, 11-15 June 2002, Santorini, Greece, European Space
Agency Special Publication Vol. 505, ESA SP-505, (ed. Huguette
Sawaya-Lacoste), ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 191-198.
Observations and Models of Coronal Loops: From Yohkoh to TRACE (Invited Review)
Aschwanden,M.J. 2002,
Space Science Reviews, 101:(1-2), 1-227; Hardbound 236 pp, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Particle Acceleration and Kinematics in Solar Flares. A Synthesis of
Recent Observations and Theoretical Concepts (Invited Review)
Aschwanden,M.J., Parnell,C.E. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 572, 1048-1071
Nanoflare statistics from first principles: fractal geometry and temperature synthesis
Aurass,H., Karlicky,M., Thompson,B.J., and Vrsnak,B. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 401-404
Radio shocks from reconnection outflow jet? - New observations
Banerjee,D., O'Shea,E., Doyle,J.G., and Goossens,M. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 19-22
Long-Period oscillations in polar coronal holes as observed by CDS and SOHO
Benevolenskaya,E.E. 2002,
"Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. Euroconference and
IAU Colloquium 188, 11-15 June 2002, Santorini, Greece, European Space
Agency Special Publication Vol. 505, ESA SP-505, (ed. Huguette
Sawaya-Lacoste), ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 353-356
Coronal structures in extreme ultravilet and soft X-rays, and their relation to the photospheric magnetic flux
Benevolenskaya,E.E., Kosovichev,A.G., Scherrer,P.H., Lemen,J.R., and
Slater,G.L. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 329-332
Coronal patterns of activity from Yohkoh and SoHO/EIT data
Berlicki,A., Heinzel,P., and Jakimiec,J. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 549-552
Soft X-ray heating of the solar chromosphere: gradual phase of a solar flare
Brosius,J.W. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 283-284
Search for evidence of alpha particle beams during a solar flare
Cecatto,J.R., Sawant,H.S., Fernandes,F.C.R., Krishan,V., Rosa,R.R., and
Kalicky,M. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 313-314
Decimetric reverse drift and U-type bursts in the April 9, 2001 flare
Chertok,I.M., Hudson,H.S., and Kahler,S.W. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 569-572
Unusual large-scale flaring structure
Chertok,I.M., Obridko, E. I. M. V. N., Shilova, N. S., & Hudson, H. S. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 567, 1225-1233
Solar Disappearing Filament Inside a Coronal Hole
Cirtain,J.W. and Schmelz,J.T. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 79-80
Isothermal approximation vs. differential emission measure analysis: how hot are hot loops?
Cliver,E.W. and Hudson,H.S. 2002,
Jorunal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial physics, (?), ... (accepted Dec 2001)
CMEs: How Do the Puzzle Pieces Fit Together?
Correia,E., Raulin,J.P., Trottet,G., and Kaufmann,P. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 229-232
Dynamics of coronal magnetic fields inferred from multi-frequency radio observations of a solar flare
Craig,N. and Larson,M.B. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 119-120
Our Sun - The star of classroom activities and public outreach efforts
Cranmer,S.R. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 3-12
Coronal holes and the solar wind
Davey,A.R. and Sato,J. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 415-416
New interfaces of the Yohkoh archive at Montana State University
DelZanna,G., Mason,H.E., and Foley,C. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 585-588
EUV spectral observations of active region flares
Dobrzycka,D., Raymond,J.C., Cranmer,S.R., and Li,J. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 23-24
UV and soft X-ray polar coronal jets
Emslie,A.G. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 371-378
Scientific results from RHESSI - A preview
Falconer,D.A., Moore,R.L., and Gary,G.A. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 303-304
Use of Yohkoh/SXT in measuring the net current and CME productivity of active regions
Falconer,D.A., Moore,R.L., and Gary,G.A. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, ...
Use of Yohkoh SXT in measuring the net current and CME productivity of active regions
Falewicz,R., Tomczak,M., and Siarkowski,M. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 601-604
Multiwavelength observations of the X-class flare of 25 August 2001
Farnik,F. & Svestka, Z. 2002,
Solar Physics, 206, 143-154
X-ray Jets in Interconnecting Loops
Farnik,F. Karlicky,M., Hudson,H. and Kosugi,T. 2002,
Proc. SoHO 11 Symposium, "From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with
SoHO", Davos Switzerland, 11-15 March 2002, (ed. ...), ESA, ESTEC,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, ESA SP-508, ...
X-ray and radio observations in the initial development of an X-class solar flare
Farnik,F. and Karlicky,M. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 169-170
3 GHz flux variations of the April 7, 1997 flare and current-loop coalescence model
Farnik,F. and Svestka,Z. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 81-82
X-ray jets in interconnecting loops
Foley,C.R., Culhane,J.L., Patsourakos,S., Yurow,R., Moroney,C., and
MacKay,D. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 341-342
What are the origins of quiescent coronal soft X-rays
Foley,C.R., Harra,L.K., Culhane,J.L., Mason,K.O., Hori,K.,
Matthews,S.A., and Iles,R.H.A. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 253-256
Anatomy of a flare and coronal mass ejection
Garaimov,V.I. and Kundu,M.R. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 233-234
Multiple-loop structure of a solar flare from microwave, EUV and X-ray imaging data
Gburek,S., Sylwester,J., and Martens,P.C.H. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 417-418
Blind deconvolution of the SXT PSF core part
Gburek,S., and Sylwester,J. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 517-520
Mission long analysis of distribution of compact X-ray sources observed by SXT on Yohkoh
Golovko,A.A., Slakhutdinova,I.I., and Khlystova,A.I. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 621-624
Pre-flare dynamics of chromospheric structures and magnetic field in the active region NOAA 9077
Gretchnev,V.V., and Nakajima,H. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, ... (in press, Dec 2001)
An impulsive solar flare accompanied by a cusp-like structure in soft X-rays
Hagino,M., and Sakurai,T. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 147-148
Hemispheric helicity asymmetry in active regions for solar cycle 21-23
Hanaoka,Y., Noguchi,M., Ichimoto,K., and Sakurai,T. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 417-428
A high-speed H-alpha camera for solar flare observations
Harra,L.K. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 261-270
Non-thermal velocities in solar flares
Hirayama,T. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 13-18
Solar wind acceleration, critical points and mass flux, and coronal heating due to supra-thermal electron beams
Hirose,S. and Uchida,Y. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 181-190
Models of arcade flares in view of observations by Yohkoh, SoHO/EIT, and TRACE
Holman,G.D., Sui,L., McTiernan,J.M., and Petrosian,V. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 405-406
Theoretical model images and spectra for comparison with HESSI and microwave observations of solar flares
Hori,K. and Culhane,J.L. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 305-306
Trajectories of microwave prominence eruptions
Hori,K., Glover,A., Akioka,M., and Ueno,S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, ...
Thether-cutting action in two sigmoidal filaments
Hori,K., Glover,A., Akioka,M., and Ueno,S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 139-142
Tether cutting action in two sigmoidal filaments
Hudson,H.S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 379-382
A rapidly moving hard X-ray source in a CME
Hudson,H.S. 2002,
Proc. SoHO 11 Symposium, "From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with
SoHO", Davos Switzerland, 11-15 March 2002, (ed. ...), ESA, ESTEC,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, ESA SP-508, ...
Coronal holes as seen in soft X-rays by YOHKOH
Isobe,H., Morimoto,T., Eto,S., Narukage,N., and Shibata,K. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 171-172
Statistical study of the reconnection rate in solar flares
Isobe,H., Shibata,K., Machida,S. 2002,
Geophysics Research Letters, 29/21, 2014, doi:10.1029/2001GL013816
Dawn-dusk asymmetry in solar coronal arcade formations
Isobe,H., Yokoyama, T., Shimojo, M., Morimoto, T., Kozu, H., Eto, S., Narukage, N., & Shibata, K. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 566, 528
Reconnection Rate in the Decay Phase of a Long Duration Event Flare on 1997 May 12
Jain,R. and Yashiro,S. 2002,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 394, 1111-1116
Filling factors and magnetic field strengths of nanoflare-heated coronal active regions: Yohkoh and MDI observations
Kahler,S.W. and Hudson,H.S 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 574, 467
Boundary structures and changes in long-lived coronal holes
Karlicky,M., Kliem,B., Meszarosova,H., and Jiricka,K. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 653-656
Drifting decimetric pulsation structures in the initial phase of solar flares
Karlicky,M., Sawant,H.S., Fernandes,F.C.R., Cecatto,J.R., Farnik,F., and
Meszarosova,H. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 173-174
Drifting pulsations, 3 GHz oscillations and loop interactions in the June 6, 2000 flare
Katsukawa,Y. and Tsuneta,S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 61-64
Small fluctuations of coronal X-ray intensity: a signature of nanoflares
Khan,J.I. & Aurass, H. 2002,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 383, 1018-1031
X-ray observations of a large-scale solar coronal shock wave
Khan,J.I., Vilmer, N., Saint-Hilaire, P., & Benz, A. O. 2002,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 388, 363-372
The solar coronal origin of a slowly drifting decimetric-metric pulsation structure
Khan,J.I., Vilmer,N., Saint-Hilaire,P. and Benz,A.O. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 285-286
The solar coronal origin of a slowly-drifting radio pulsation feature
Kisich,D. and Lewis,E. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 115-117
Scientist involvement in high visibility education and public outreach "Solarevents"
Kisich,D., Hawkins,I., and Vondrak,R. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 113-114
Sharing the Sun-Earth connection
Klassen,A. and Pohjolainen,S. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 307-310
Type II precursor and X-ray flare emission
Kliem,B., Dammasch,I.E., Curdt,W., and Wilhelm,K. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 271-274
Correlated dynamics of hot and cool plasmas in two solar flares
Klimchuk,J.A. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 65-68
Observation and theory of coronal loop structure
Ko,Y., Raymond, J. C., Li, J., Ciaravella, A., Michels, J., Fineschi, S., and Wu, R. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 578, 979
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
and Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope Observations of the High-Temperature
Corona above an Active Region Complex
Ko,Y.K., Raymond,J.C., Li,J., Ciaravella,A., Michels,J., Fineschi,S.,
and Wu,R. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 73-78
A high temperature corona above an active region complex
Kobayashi,K., Tsuneta,S., Tamura,T., Kumagai,K., Katsukawa,Y., Kubo,S.,
Yamagami,T., and Saitoh,Y. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 429-430
Balloon-borne hard X-ray spectyrometer for flare observations
Kolomanski,S. and Jakimiec,J. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 665-668
Analysis of the long-duration arcade flare of 27 April 1998
Kosugi,T. and Acton,L.W. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, p.VII
Ten Years of Yohkoh and its current status: a brief summary
Kozu,H. and Kitai,R. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 83-84
Convective structure in an emerging flux region
Krishan,V., Fernandes,F.C.R., and Sawant,H.S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 85-86
Frequency drift rate measurements of coronal temperatures
Kundu,M.R. and Garaimov,V.I. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 319-320
Distinctive spatial configuration of a class of microwave flaring sources
Kurokawa,H. 2002,
J.Communic.Res.Lab. 49/3, 5-15
Solar phenomena and solar wind: Study of energy build-up in solar flares
Kurokawa,H., Ishii,T.T., Wang,T.J., and Shine,R. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 257-258
Pre-flare heating around the temperature minimum region found right prior to an X-class flare
Kusano,K., Maeshiro,T., Yokoyama,T., and Sakurai,T. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 151-152
Helicity injection into the corona
Larson,M.B., Slater,T., McKenzie,D., Acton,L., Alexander,J., Lemen,J.,
Freeland,S., Metcalf,T. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 117-118
The Yohkoh public outreach project
Lee,J.W., Gary,D.E., Qiu,J., and Gallagher,P.T. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 572, 609-625
Electron transport during the 1999 August 20 flare inferred from microwave and hard X-ray observations
Li,J., LaBonte,B., Acton,L., and Slater,G. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 333-336
Large-scale and long-lived coronal structures detected in limb synoptic maps
Li,Y.P., and Gan,W.Q. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 287-288
Broadening mechanisms of the Ca XIX resonance line in solar flares
Litvinenko,Y.E. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 383-386
A simple estimate for the energetics of electrons accelerated in flare current sheets on the Sun
Loukitcheva,M.A., Mandrini,C.H., and Stenborg,G.A. 2002,
"Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. Euroconference and
IAU Colloquium 188, 11-15 June 2002, Santorini, Greece, European Space
Agency Special Publication Vol. 505, ESA SP-505, (ed. Huguette
Sawaya-Lacoste), ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 481-484
Some results of the chromospheric magnetic field study based on millimeter wave observations of active regions
Madjarska,M.S., Doyle,J.G., and Teriaca,L. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 69-72
Dynamics and diagnostics of explosive events and blinkers
Magara,T. and Longcope,D.W. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 195-198
Three-dimensional MHD simulation of an emerging flux tube in the Sun
Martens,P.C.H. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 135-138
The origin of prominences and their hemispheric preference for the skew of overlying X-ray loops
Martens,P.C.H. and Cauffman,D. (eds.) 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam
Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting
Mason,H.E. and Pike,C.D. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 89-90
SOHO-CDS obserations of an X2 flare spray injection
Masuda,S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 351-360
Hard X-ray solar flares revealed with Yohkoh HXT - A review
Matthews,S.A., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Hudson,H.S>, and Nitta,N.V.
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 287-288
Multi-wavelength observations of Yohkoh white-light flares
McConnell,M.L., Smith,D.M., Emslie,A.G., Lin,R.P., and Ryan,J.M. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 431-432
Prospects for hard X-ray flare polarimetry with RHESSI
McKenzie,D.E. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 155-164
Signatures of reconnection in eruptive flares
McMullen,R.A., Longcope,D.W., adn Kankelborg,C.C. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 95-96
Nanoflare modeling of an X-ray bright point coronal loops
Melnikov,V.F., Reznikova,V.E., Yokoyama,T., Shibasaki,K. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 339-342
Spectral dynamics of mildly relativistic electrons in extended flaring loops
Meshalkina,N.S., Altyntsev,A.T., Grechnev,V.V., Sych,R.A., and Yihua,Y.
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 343-346
An analysis of the spatial features of drifting bursts in the microwave range
Metcalf,T.R., Mickey,D.L., LaBonte,B.J., and Ryder,L.A. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 249-252
The magnetic free energy and a CME in active region 8299
Miller,J.A. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 387-392
Heavy ion acceleration in solar flares
Miyagoshi,T.M., and Yokoymama.T.Y. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 203-204
Three-dimensional MHD simulations for an emerging twisted magnetic flux tube
Moore,R.L., Falconer,D.A., and Sterling,A.C. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 39-42
Contagious coronal heating form recurring emergence of magnetic flux
Morimoto,T. and Kurokawa,J. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 291-292
Acceleration time scales of solar disappearing filaments
Morita,S., Uchida,Y., and Hirose,S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 225-228
3-D structure of arcade flares deduces from soft X-ray observations of a homologous flare series
Mrozek,T., and Tomczak,M. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 351-354
The impulsive X-ray response in flare footpoints
Nagata,S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 91-92
Multi-temperature structure of the solar corona observed by Yohkoh and SOHO
Nakagawa,T., Matsuoka,A., and NOZOMI/MGF team 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 307-308
NOZOMI observation of interplanetary transients ejected as limb coronal mass ejections
Narukage,N., Hudson,H.S., Morimoto,T., Akiyama,S., Kitai,R., Kurokawa,H. and Shibata,K. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 572, L109
Simultaneous observation of a Moreton wave on Nov 3, 1997 in H-alpha and Soft X-rays
Narukage,N., Shibata,K., Hudson,H.S., Eto,S., Isobe,H., Asai,A.,
Morimoto,T., Kozu,H., Ishii,T.T., Skiyama,S., Kitai,R., and Kurokawa,H.
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 295-296
Multi-wavelength observation of a moreton wave on November 3, 1997
Nightingale,R.W., Brown,D.S., Metcalf,T.R., Schrijver,K.J., Shine,R.A.,
Title,A.M. and Wolfson,C.J. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 149-150
Concurrent Rotating Sunspots, Twisted Coronal Fans, Sigmoid Structures, and Coronal Mass Ejections
Nitta,N.V. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 309-310
On the relation between flares and CMEs
Ohyama,M., and Shibata,K. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 297-298
Timing and occurrence rate of X-ray plasma ejections
Parnell,C.E. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 47-56
X-ray bright points and other quiet Sun transient phenomena
Petrosian,V. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 361-366
Looptop and footpoint impulsive hard X-rays and stochastic electron acceleration in flares
Pevtsov,A.A. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 125-134
Sinuous Coronal loops at the Sun
Pevtsov,A.A. 2002,
Solar Physics, 207, 111-123
Active-Region Filaments and X-ray Sigmoids
Pevtsov,A.A., Fisher,G.H., Acton,L.W., Longcope,D.W., Johns-Krull,C.M., Kankelborg,C.C. and Metcalf,T.R. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, ... (subm June 2002)
The relationship between X-ray radiance and magnetic flux
Phillips,K.J.H., Rainnie,J.A., Harra,L.K., Dubau,J., and Keenan,F.P.
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 293-294
Flare temperatures from Fe XXV and Ca XIX : Improved atomic data
Pres,P., Falewicz,R., Jakimiec,J., and Phillips,K,J.H. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 725-728
Energetic balance of the X-ray network flares
Qiu,J., Lee,J.W., Gary,D.E., and Wang,H. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 565, 1335-1347
Motion of flare footpoint emission and inferred electric field in reconnecting current sheets
Reale,F. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 580, 566-573
More on the determination of the coronal heating function from Yohkoh data
Reeves,K.K. and Warren,H. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 578, 590-597
Modeling the cooling of post flare loops
Reeves,K.K., and Warren,H.P. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 275-278
Early results from a multi-thermal model for the cooling of post-flare loops
Romashets,E.P. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 311-312
The force free magnetic structure inside a toroid
Rosa,R.R., Ramos,F.M., Sawant,H.S., Fernandes,F.C.R., Vijaykumar,N.L.,
Zanandrea,A., and Karlicky,M. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 737-740
Radio signature of multi-scaling flare loop interactions
Rudawy,P., Rompost,B., Falewicz,R., Daborwski,B., Siarkowski,M. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 741-744
Solar flares in active region NOAA 9042 on 21 June 2000
Ryan,J.M., Arndt,M., Bennett,K., Connors,A., Debrunner,H., Lockwood,J.,
McConnell,M., Rank,G., Schoenfelder,V., Suleiman,R., WIlliams,O.,
WInkler,C., and Young,C.A. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 397-400
High-energy measurements of the November 15, 1991 solar flare
Saba,J.L.R., Gaeng,T., and Tarbell,T.D. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 175-176
A study of magnetic reconnection using simulaneous SoHO/MDI and TRACE data
Sato,J. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 407-408
Hard X-ray observations of high coronal regions in solar flares
Sattarov,I., Pevtsov, A. A., Hojaev, A. S., Sherdonov, Ch. T. 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 564, 1042-1047
X-ray Bright Points and Photospheric Bipoles During Cycle 22 and 23
Sattarov,I., Pevtsov,A.A., Hojaev,A.S., and Sherdonov,C.T. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 97-98
Solar cycle dependency of X-ray bright points and photospheric bipoles
Sawant,H.S., Kalicky,M., Fernandes,F.C.R., and Cecatto,J.R. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 315-316
The 1.0-4.5 GHz zebras in the June 6, 2000 flare
Schmieder,B., Aulanier,G., Pariat,E., Georgoulis,M.K., Rust,D.M., and
Bernasconi,P.N. 2002,
"Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. Euroconference and
IAU Colloquium 188, 11-15 June 2002, Santorini, Greece, European Space
Agency Special Publication Vol. 505, ESA SP-505, (ed. Huguette
Sawaya-Lacoste), ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 575-578
Vector magnetic field observations of flux tube emergence
Sersen,M. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 235-236
Flaring in multipolar regions on the Sun: The July 19, 1999 flare
Shibata,K., Eto,S., Narukage,N., Isobe,H., Morimoto,T., Kozu,H.,
Asai,A., Ishii,T., Akiyama,S., Ueno,S., Kitai,R., Kurokawa,H.,
Yashiro,S., Thompson,B.J., Wang,T., and Hudson,H.S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 279-282
Observations of Moreton waves and EIT waves
Shimizu,T. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 29-38
Connection between photospheric magnetic fields and coronal structure/dynamics
Shimojo,M., Hara,H., and Kano,R. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 419-420
The temperature analysis of Yohkoh/SXT data using the CHIANTI spectral database
Shimojo,M., Kurokawa, H., & Yoshimura, K. 2002,
Solar Physics, 206, 133-142
Dynamical Features and Evolutional Characteristics of Brightening Coronal Loops
Shin,J. and Sakurai,T. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 421-422
The point spread function of the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope
Slater,G.L. and Bartus,J. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 423-424
An efficient and versatile video server system for studying the Yohkoh mission archive
Somov,B.V. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 491-499
On reconnection as an energy release mechanism in the solar atmosphere
Sterling,A.C., Moore,R.L., and Thmopson,B.J. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 165-168
SXT and EIT observations of a quiet region large-scale eruption: implications for eruption theories
Sturrock,P.A. and Weber,M.A. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 323-328
Comparative analysis of solar neutrino data and SXT X-ray data
Sylwester,B. and Sylwester,J. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 773-776
Comparison of TRACE and deconvolution SXT images for solar flares
Sylwester,B. and Sylwester,J. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 769-772
Multitemperature analysis of selected limb-occulted flares
Sylwester,J. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 209-220
High resolution observations of solar flares
Sylwester,J. and Sylwester,B. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 409-410
Modeling of X-ray source occultation by the solar disk
Takeda,A. and Kubo,S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 343-344
Evolution of the "gorgeous" coronal hole
Takeuchi,A. and Shibata,K. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 205-206
Properties of magnetic reconnection in a stratified atmosphere
Tanuma,S., Yokoyama,T., Kudoh,T., and Shibata,K. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 177-178
3D structure of a magnetic reconnection jet: application to looptop hard X-ray emission
Tokhomolov,E. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 345-346
Formation of the complexes of activity
Tomczak,M. 2002,
"Solar Variability: From Core to outer Frontiers", Proc. 10th European
Solar Physics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2002,
European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 506, (ed. Wilson,A.),
ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 213-216
A relationship between the flare-associated X-ray ejection and the coronal mass ejection
Trimble,V. and Aschwanden,M.J. 2002,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 114, 475-528
Astrophysics in 2001 (Invited Review)
Uchida,Y., Kuwabara,J., Cameron,R., Suzuki,I., Tanaka,T., and Kouduma,K.
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 199-202
Loop-type CME produced by magnetic reconnection of two large loops at the associated arcade flare
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Demoulin,P., Mandrini,C.H., Plunkett,S.,
Thompson,B., Kovari,Zs., Aulanier,G., Young,A., Lopez-Fuentes,M., and
Poedts,S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 143-146
Helicity loading and dissipation: the helicity budget of AR 7978 from the cradle to the grave
Vats,H.O., Jadhav,R.M., Iyer,K.N., and Sawant,H.S. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 317-318
Coronal mass ejections and interplanetary scintillation
Verma,V.K. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 319-320
Coronal mass ejections: relationship with solar flares and coronal holes
Virany,S.N., Cameron,R.A., Pluchinsky,P.P., Mueller-Mellin,R., and
O'Dell,S.L. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 411-412
Monitoring the Chandra X-ray observatory radiation environment:
corrleations between GOES-8 and Chandra/EPHIN, during DOY 89-106, 2001
Warren,H.P. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 239-248
Observations of preflare activity with TRACE and Yohkoh
Weber,M.A., and Sturrock,P.A. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 347-348
Differential rotation of the soft X-ray corona over a solar cycle
Wills-Davey,M.J. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 299-300
Intensity dynamics of an "EIT wave" observed by TRACE
Winter,H.D.III., and Cirtain,J.W. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 93-94
Combining SXT and CDS observations to investigate coronal abundances
Yaji,K. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 121-122
Solar public observations in Japan
Yashiro,S., and Shibata,K. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 43-46
Heating rate of coronal active regions
Yokoyama,T. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 191-194
Numerical simulation of a flare
Yoshimori,M., Ogawa,H., Hirayama,H., Share,G., and Murphy,R.J. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 393-396
The intense gamma-ray flare on November 6, 1997
Yoshimura,K., Kurokawa,H., Shimojo,M., and Shine,R. 2002,
"Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics", Proc.
Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2002 Jan
20-24, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 13, (eds. Martens,P.C.H. and
Cauffman,D.), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 99-100
Surges, magnetic flux cancellations, and UV brightenings around an emerging flux region
Alexander,D. and Acton,L.W. 2001,
"The Century of Space Science", (eds. Bleeker,J.A.M., Geiss,J., and
Huber,M.C.E.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands,
The active Sun
Alexander,D. and Simnett,G.M. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, ... (subm, Apr 1999)
The role of the large-scale corona in the production of solar flares
Aschwanden,M.J. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 560, 1035-1044
An Evaluation of Coronal Heating Models for Active Regions based on Yohkoh, SoHO, and TRACE Observations
Aschwanden,M.J. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 559, L171-L174
Revisiting the Determination of the Coronal Heating Function from Yohkoh Data
Aschwanden,M.J. and Alexander,D. 2001,
Solar Physics, 204, 91-121
Flare Plasma Cooling from 30 MK down to 1 MK modeled from Yohkoh, GOES,
and TRACE observations during the Bastille-Day Event (2000 July 14)
Aschwanden,M.J. and Acton,L.W. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 550, 475-492
Temperature tomography of the soft X-ray corona: measurements of
electron densities, temperatures, and differential emission measure
distributions above the limb
Aschwanden,M.J., Poland,A.I., and Rabin,D. 2001,
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 39, 175-210.
The New Solar Corona
Berghmans,D., McKenzie,D., and Clette,F. 2001,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 369, 291-304
Active region transient brightenings. A simultaneous view by SXT, EIT and TRACE
Canfield,R.C. 2001,
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, ...
Coronal structures as tracers of sub-surface processes
Canfield,R.C. and Pevtsov,A.A. 2001,
EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, ... (subm.1999)
Magnetic helicity in space and laboratory plasmas
Canfield,R.C., Hudson,H.S., and Pevtsov,A.A. 2001,
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 28, 1780
Sigmoids as precursors of solar eruptions
Chertok,I.M. 2001,
Solar Physics, 198, 367-383
Solar Large-Scale Emitting Chains: Evidence of Reality and Some Properties
Fletcher,L. and Hudson,H.S. 2001,
Solar Physics, 204, 71-91
The Magnetic Structure and Generation of EUV Flare Ribbons
Garcia,H.A. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 557, 897-905
Polytropic Indices of Solar Flares
Harra,L.K. & Culhane, J. L. 2001,
The Observatory, 121, 217-220
Coronal heating in the Sun and late-type stars
Harra,L.K., Matthews, S. A., & Culhane, J. L. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 549, L245-L248
Nonthermal Velocity Evolution in the Precursor Phase of a Solar Flare
Hudson,H.S. and McKenzie,D.E. 2001,
Proc. The Universe of Tokyo Symposium in 2000 on "Magnetic Reconnection
in Space and Laboratory Plasmas", (M.Hoshino, R.L.Stenzel, Shibata,K.,
eds.), Earth Planets and Space, Vol. 53, 581
Hard X-rays from Slow Flares
Hudson,H.S., Kosugi, T., Nitta, N. V., and Shimojo, M. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 561, L211-L214
Hard X-radiation from a fast coronal ejection
Hudson,H.S., and Cliver,E.W. 2001,
Journal of Geophysics Research, 26, 25199
Observing CMEs without coronagraphs
Innes,D.E., Curdt, W., Schwenn, R., Solanki, S., Stenborg, G., & McKenzie, D. E. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 549, L249-L252
Large Doppler Shifts in X-Ray Plasma: An Explosive Start to Coronal Mass Ejection
Kim,Y.H., Kim,K.S., and Jang,M. 2001,
Solar Physics, 203, 371-379
High-speed X-ray jets associated with the 18 June 1999 limb flares
Lang,K.R. 2001,
Cambridge University Press
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Sun
Li,J., LaBonte,G., Acton,L. and Slater,G. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 565, 1289-1297
Persistent Coronal Streamers and the Identification of Sunspot Clusters
Longcope,D.W., Kankelborg,C.C., Nelson,J. and Pevtsov,A.A. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 553, 429-439
Evidence of Separator Reconnection in a Survey of X-ray Bright Points
Magara,T. & Longcope, D. W. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 559, L55-L59
Sigmoid Structure of an Emerging Flux Tube
Maksimov,V.P., Prosovetskii, D. V., & Krissinel, B. B. 2001,
Astronomy Letters, 27, 181-185
Observations of Bright Coronal Points at Wavelengths of 5.2 and 1.76 cm
Martens,P.C.H. and Zwaan,C. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 558, 872-887
Origin and Evolution of Filament-Prominence Systems
Masuda,S., Kosugi,T., and Hudson,H.S. 2001,
Solar Physics, 204, 57-69
Hard X-ray Two-Ribbon Flare Observed with Yohkoh/HXT
Matthews,S.A., Klimchuk, J. A., & Harra, L. K. 2001,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 365, 186-197
Properties of EUV and X-ray emission in solar active regions
McKenzie,D.E. and Hudson,H.S. 2001,
Proc. The Universe of Tokyo Symposium in 2000 on "Magnetic Reconnection
in Space and Laboratory Plasmas", (M.Hoshino, R.L.Stenzel, Shibata,K.,
eds.), Earth Planets and Space, Vol. 53, 577-580
Downflows and structure above LDE arcades: possible signatures of reconnection?
Moore,R.L., Sterling,A.C., Hudson,H.S., Lemen,J.R. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 552, 833-848
Onset of the magnetic explosion in solar flares and coronal mass ejections
Nitta,N.V., Hudson, H.S. 2001,
Geophysics Research Letters, 28/19, 3801-3804
Recurrent flare/CME events from an emerging flux region
Nitta,N.V., Sato,J., and Hudson,H.S. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 552, 821-832
The physical nature of the loop-top X-ray sources in the gradual phase of solar flares
Orlando,S., Peres, G., & Reale, F. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 560, 499-513.
The Sun as an X-Ray Star. IV. The Contribution of Different Regions of the Corona to Its X-Ray Spectrum
Pevtsov,A.A. & Acton, L. W. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 554, 416-423
Soft X-Ray Luminosity and Photospheric Magnetic Field in Quiet Sun
Pevtsov,A.A., Canfield,R.C., Latushko,M.L. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 549, L261-L263
Hemispheric Helicity Trend for Solar Cycle 23
Pohjolainen,S., Maia, D., Pick, M., Vilmer, N., Khan, J. I., Otruba, W.,
Warmuth, A., Benz, A., Alissandrakis, C., & Thompson, B. J. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 556, 421-431
On-the-Disk Development of the Halo Coronal Mass Ejection on 1998 May 2
Schmelz,J.T., Scopes,R.T., Cirtain,J.W., Winter,H.D., and Allen,J.D. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 556, 896-904
Observational constraints on coronal heating models using coronal diagnostics spectrometer and soft X-ray telescope data
Sekii,T., Shibahashi,H., Kosovichev,A.G., Duvall,T.L.Jr., Berger,T.E.,
Bush,R., and Scherrer,P.H. 2001,
SOHO10/GONG Workshop, "Helio- and Asteroseismology at the Dawn of the
Millenium", 2-6 October 2000, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain,
(eds. P.Palle and A.Wilson), ESA Publication Division, Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, ESA SP-464, ...
Local-area helioseismology by SOT on-board Solar-B
Shibata,K. and Tanuma.S. 2001,
Earth, Planets, and Space, 53, 473-482
Plasmoid-Induced-Reconnection and Fractal Reconnection
Shimojo,M., Shibata,K., Yokoyama,T., and Hori,K. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 550, 1051-1063
One-dimensional and pseudo two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of solar x-ray jets
Sterling,A.C. and Moore,R.L. 2001,
Journal of Geophysics Research, ... (in press, accepted Jul 17, 2000)
Internal and external reconnection in a series of homologous solar flares
Sterling,A.C., Moore,R.L., and Thompson,B.J. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 561, L219-L222
EIT and SXT observations of an quiet region filament ejection: first eruption, then reconnection
Swaminathan,P.K., Strobel,D.F., Acton,L. and Paxton,L.J. 2001,
Physics and Chemistry of Earth, Part C, 26/7, 535-539
Model update for mesospheric/thermospheric nitric oxide
Swaminathan,P.K., Strobel,D.F., Acton,R., Paxton,L.J. 2001,
Physics and Chemistry of Earth, ... (in press, Nov 2000)
Closure on mesospheric/thermospheric nitric oxide abundance
Trimble,V. and Aschwanden,M.J. 2001,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 113, 1025-1114
Astrophysics in 2000 (Invited Review)
Uchida,Y., Wheatland, M. S., Haga, R., Yoshitake, I., & Melrose, D. 2001,
Solar Physics, 202, 117-130
YOHKOH/HXT Evidence for a Hyperhot Loop-Top Source in The Pre-Impulsive Phase of a Loop Flare
Watanabe,T., Sterling,A.C., Hudson,H.S., and Harra,L.K. 2001,
Solar Physics, 201, 71-91
Energetics of an Active Region Observed from Helium-Like Sulphur Ions
Yashiro,S., Shibata, K. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 550, L113-L116
Relation between Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Active Regions as a Probe of Coronal Heating Mechanisms
Yokoyama,T. and Shibata,K. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 549, 1160-1174
Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a solar flare with chromospheric evaporation effect based on magnetic reconnection model
Yokoyama,T., Akita,K., Morimoto,T., Inoue,K., Newmark,J. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 546, L69-L72
Clear evidence of reconnection inflow of a solar flare
Yurchyshyn,V.B., Wang,H., Goode,P.R., Deng,Y.Y. 2001,
The Astrophysical Journal, 563, 381-388
Orientation of the magnetic fields in interplanetary flux ropes and solar filaments
Zhang,Jun, Wang, J., & Nitta, N. 2001,
Chinese Journal of Astronony and Astrophysics,, 1, 85-98
A Filament-Associated Halo Coronal Mass Ejection
Akiyama,S. & Hara, H. 2000,
"Last Total Solar Eclipse of the Millennium", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 205, Proc. conference, Istanbul,
Turkey, 13-15 August 1999, (eds. W.Livingston and A.Ozguc), ASP, San
Francisco, California, 137
The Occurrence Probability of X-rays Plasma Ejections by Solar Flares
Aschwanden,M.J. 2000,
"Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emission from
Astrophysical Plasmas", IAU Colloquium 195, Proc. Conference, held at
Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 1999 July 6-10, (eds.
P.C.H.Martens, S.Tsuruta, and M.A.Weber), Astronomical Society of the
Pacific, 447-448
Summary of posters on solar physics
Aschwanden,M.J. 2000,
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, (ed. P.Murdin), Institute of
Physics Publishing, Grove's Dictionaries, Inc., New York, Vol.3,
Solar Flares: Nonthermal Electrons
Aschwanden,M.J. and Nitta,N. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 535, L59-L62.
The Effect of Hydrostatic Weighting on the Vertical Temperature Structure of the Solar Corona
Aschwanden,M.J., Fletcher,L., Sakao,T., Kosugi,T., and Hudson,H. 2000,
"Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emission from
Astrophysical Plasmas", IAU Colloquium 195, Proc. Conference, held at
Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 1999 July 6-10, (eds.
P.C.H.Martens, S.Tsuruta, and M.A.Weber), Astronomical Society of the
Pacific, 375-376
Electron Trapping and Precipitation in Asymmetric Solar Flare Loops
Aschwanden,M.J., Tarbell,T., Nightingale,R., Schrijver,C.J., Title,A., Kankelborg,C.C., Martens,P.C.H., and Warren,H.P. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 535, 1047-1065
Time variability of the quiet Sun observed with TRACE. II. Physical
parameters, temperature evolution, and energetics of EUV nanoflares
Bastian,T.S. 2000,
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, (ed. P.Murdin), Institute of
Physics Publishing, Grove's Dictionaries, Inc., New York, Vol.3,
Solar Flares: Radio Bursts
Bentley,R.D., Klein,K.L., VanDriel-Gestelyi,L., Demoulin,P., Trottet,G., Tassetto,P., and Marty,G. 2000,
Solar Physics, 193, 227-245
Magnetic activity associated with radio noise storm
Canfield,R.C. 2000,
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, (ed. P.Murdin), Institute of
Physics Publishing, Grove's Dictionaries, Inc., New York, p.2457-62
Solar active regions
Chae,J., Wang,H., Qiu,J., Goode,P.R. and Wilhelm,K. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 533, 535-545
Active region loops observed with SUMER on board SOHO
Conway,A.J., and Willes,A.J. 2000,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 355, 751-758
Electron cyclotron maser emission from double footpoints in solar flares
Drake,J.J., Peres,G., Orlando,S., Laming,J.M., and Maggio,A. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 545, 1074-1083
On stellar coronae and solar active regions
Falconer,D.A., Gary,G.A., Moore,R.L. and Porter,J.G. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 528, 1004-1014
An Assessment of Magnetic Conditions for Strong Coronal Heating in Solar
Active Regions by Comparing Observed Loops with Computed Potential
Field Lines
Forbes,T.G. 2000,
Journal of Geophysics Research, 105/A10, 23153-23166
A review on the genesis of coronal mass ejections
Forbes,T.G. 2000,
Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series A, 358, 711-727
Solar and stellar flares
Garcia,H.A. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 127, 189-210
Thermal-spatial analysis of medium and large solar flares, 1976 to 1996
Gopalswamy,N., Hanaoka,Y., and Hudson,H.S. 2000,
Advances in Space Research, 25(9), 1851
Structure and Dynamics of the Corona Surrounding an Eruptive Prominence
Griffiths,N.W., Fisher,G.H., Woods,D.T., Acton,L.W., and Siegmund,O.H.W. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 537, 481-494
Simultaneous SOHO and Yohkoh observations of a small solar active region
Hanaoka,Y. 2000,
"High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 206, Proc. HESSI Conference, held
in College Park, Maryland, 1999 Oct 18-20, (eds. R.Ramaty and
N.Mandhzhavidze), ASP, San Francisco, California, 329-334
Radio and X-ray observations of the flares caused by emerging flux activity
Harra,L.K. 2000,
Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series A, 858, 641-655
Solar activity studies through coronal X-ray observations
Harvey,K.L. 2000,
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, (ed. P.Murdin), Institute of
Physics Publishing, Grove's Dictionaries, Inc., New York, p.486-90
Coronal cavities
Harvey,K.L. and Hudson,H.S. 2000,
Advances in Space Research, 25(9), 1735
Solar Activity and the Formation of Coronal Holes
Hori,K., Kosugi,T., Fujiki,K., Koshiishi,H., and Shibaskai,K. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 533, 557-567
Microwave observation of eruptive solar events with and without flare activity
Hudson,H.S. 2000,
"High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 206, Proc. HESSI Conference, held
in College Park, Maryland, 1999 Oct 18-20, (eds. R.Ramaty and
N.Mandhzhavidze), ASP, San Francisco, California, 268-271
Global coronal waves: implications for HESSI
Hudson,H.S. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 531, L75-L77
Implosions in coronal transients
Hudson,H.S. 2000,
Proc. Yohkoh 7th anniversary symposium, ..., (ed. ...), ..., ...
Yohkoh and non-thermality in flares
Hudson,H.S. and McKenzie,D.E. 2000,
Earth, Planets, and Space, 52, 581-584
Hard X-rays from Slow Flares
Hudson,H.S. and McKenzie,D.E. 2000,
"High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 206, Proc. HESSI Conference, held
in College Park, Maryland, 1999 Oct 18-20, (eds. R.Ramaty and
N.Mandhzhavidze), ASP, San Francisco, California, 221-226
Hard X-rays from "slow LDEs"
Hudson,H.S. and Schwenn,R. 2000,
Advances in Space Research, 25(9), 1859
Hot Cores in Coronal Filament Cavities
Kahler,S.W., McAllister,A.H. and Cane,H.V. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 533, 1063
A Search for Interplanetary Energetic Particle Events from Solar Posteruptive Arcades
Khan,J.I. and Hudson,H.S. 2000,
Geophysics Research Letters, 27/8, 1083-1086
Homologous sudden disappearances of transequatorial interconnecting X-ray loops on the sun
Kliem,B., Karlicky,M., and Benz,A.O. 2000,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 360, 715-728
Solar flare radio pulsations as a signature of dynamic magnetic reconnection
Klimchuk,J.A. 2000,
Solar Physics, 193, 53-75
Cross-sectional properties of coronal loops
Kurokawa,H. and Yoshimura,K. 2000,
Advances in Space Research, 25/9, 1825-1828
Relationship between H-alpha AFS loops and soft X-ray brightening loops in emerging flux regions
Lang,K.R. 2000,
Astrophysics and Space Science, 273, 1-6
The Sun from Space
Lang,K.R. 2000,
The Sun from Space
Lee,J.W., Gary,D.E., and Shibasaki,K. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 531, 1109-1120
Magnetic trapping and electron injection in two contrasing solar microwave bursts
Li,J., Jewitt,D., and LaBonte,B. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 539, L67-L70
The nature of solar polar rays
Li,J., Kuhn,J., LaBonte,B., Raymond,J.C., and Acton,L.W. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 538, 415-423
Global solar corona revealed by time series observations
Lin,J., and Forbes,T.G. 2000,
Journal of Geophysics Research, 105/A2, 2375-2392
Effects of reconnection on the coronal mass ejection process
Livingston,W.C, Koutchmy,S. 2000,
"Last Total Solar Eclipse of the Millennium", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 205, Proc. conference, Istanbul,
Turkey, 13-15 August 1999, (eds. W.Livingston and A.Ozguc), ASP, San
Francisco, California, 3
Eclipse Science Results: Past and Present (Invited review)
Martens,P.C.H. 2000,
"Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emission from
Astrophysical Plasmas", IAU Colloquium 195, Proc. Conference, held at
Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 1999 July 6-10, (eds.
P.C.H.Martens, S.Tsuruta, and M.A.Weber), Astronomical Society of the
Pacific, 133-134
The Scaling of Solar Flare Hard X-ray Emission to Other Flaring Objects in the Universe
Martens,P.C.H. 2000,
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, (ed. P.Murdin), Institute of
Physics Publishing, Grove's Dictionaries, Inc., New York, Vol.3,
The preflare phase
Masuda,S. 2000,
"Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emission from
Astrophysical Plasmas", IAU Colloquium 195, Proc. Conference, held at
Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 1999 July 6-10, (eds.
P.C.H.Martens, S.Tsuruta, and M.A.Weber), Astronomical Society of the
Pacific, 413
Hard X-ray Spectrum of the Above-the-Looptop Source in Impulsive Solar Flares
Matthews,S.A., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Hudson,H., and Nitta,N. 2000,
"High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 206, Proc. HESSI Conference, held
in College Park, Maryland, 1999 Oct 18-20, (eds. R.Ramaty and
N.Mandhzhavidze), ASP, San Francisco, California, 239-244
Yohkoh observations of white-light flares
McDonald,L., Culhane,J.L., Harra,L.K., and Matthews,S.A. 2000,
Solar Physics, 196, 137-156
The energy supply to X-ray bright points
McKenzie,D.E. 2000,
Solar Physics, 195, 381-399
Supra-arcade downflows in long-duration solar flare events
McKenzie,D.E. and Hudson,H.S. 2000,
Earth, Planets, and Space, 52, 577-580
Downflows and structures above LDE Arcades: Possible Signatures of reconnection?
Metcalf,T.R. and Alexander,D. 2000,
"High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 206, Proc. HESSI Conference, held
in College Park, Maryland, 1999 Oct 18-20, (eds. R.Ramaty and
N.Mandhzhavidze), ASP, San Francisco, California, 233-238
Coronal trapping of energetic flare particles: Yohkoh/HXT observations
Moore,R.L., Falconer,D., and Porter,J. 2000,
Proc. Yohkoh 8th Anniversary Symposium, "Explosive Phenomena in Solar
and Space Plasma", Sagamihara, Japan, 6-8 Dec, 1999, (ed. ...), ..., ...
Subresolution fibrillation in X-ray microflares observed by Yohkoh SXT
Murphy,R.J. and Share,G.H. 2000,
"High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 206, Proc. HESSI Conference, held
in College Park, Maryland, 1999 Oct 18-20, (eds. R.Ramaty and
N.Mandhzhavidze), ASP, San Francisco, California, 387-392
Simultaneous observations of solar flares with CGRO/OSSE and Yohkoh/WBS
Nakakubo,K. and Hara,H. 2000,
Advances in Space Research, 25/9, 1905-1908
Variation of X-Ray Bright Point Number Over the Solar Activity Cycle
Nindos,A., Kundu,M.R., White,S.M., Shibasaki,K., Gopalswamy,N. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 130, 485-499
Soft X-ray and gyroresonance emission above sunspots
Nitta,N. 2000,
Solar Physics, 195, 123-133
The relation between hot and cool loops
Nitta,N. 2000,
"High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 206, Proc. HESSI Conference, held
in College Park, Maryland, 1999 Oct 18-20, (eds. R.Ramaty and
N.Mandhzhavidze), ASP, San Francisco, California, 258-263
Flare loop geometry
Orlando,S., Khan, J. I., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Thompson, B. J., Fludra, A., Foing, B. H. 2000,
Advances in Space Research, 25, 1913-1916
Large-scale evolution of the active region NOAA 7978, 7981, 7986 observed by GOES, SOHO, and Yohkoh
Orlando,S., Peres,G., and Reale,F. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 528, 524-536
The sun as an x-ray star. I. Deriving the emission measure distribution
versus temperature of the whole solar corona from the Yohkoh/soft X-ray
telescope (SXT) data
Peres,G. 2000,
Solar Physics, 193, 33-52
Models of dynamic coronal loops
Peres,G., Orlando,S., Reale,F., Rosner,R., and Hudson,H. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 528, 537-551
The sun as an x-ray star. II. using the Yohkoh/soft X-ray telescope-
derived solar emission measure versus temperature to interpret stellar
X-ray observations
Petrosian,V. and Donaghy,T.Q. 2000,
"High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 206, Proc. HESSI Conference, held
in College Park, Maryland, 1999 Oct 18-20, (eds. R.Ramaty and
N.Mandhzhavidze), ASP, San Francisco, California, 215-220
Spatial and spectral structure of hard X-rays and electron acceleration
Pevtsov,A.A. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 531, 553-560
Transequatorial loops in the solar corona
Pohjolainen,S., Portier-Fozzani,F., and Ragaigne,D. 2000,
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 143, 227-263
Comparison of 87 GHz solar polar structures with EUV and soft X-ray emission
Priest,E.R., Foley,C.R., Heyvaerts,J., Arber,T.D., Mackay,D., Culhane,J.L., and Acton,L.W. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 539, 1002-1022
A method to determine the heating mechanisms of the solar corona
Ranns,N.D.R., Harra,L.K., Matthews,S.A. and Culhane,J.L. 2000,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 360, 1163
Emerging flux as a driver for homologous flare
Ranns,N.D.R., Matthews, S. A., Harra, L. K., & Culhane, J. L. 2000,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 364, 859-872
Location of the source of soft X-ray non-thermal line broadenings in a solar flare
Raulin,J.P., Vilmer,N., Trottet,G., Nitta,N., and Magun,A. 2000,
"High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 206, Proc. HESSI Conference, held
in College Park, Maryland, 1999 Oct 18-20, (eds. R.Ramaty and
N.Mandhzhavidze), ASP, San Francisco, California, 245-251
Small and large scale magnetic structures involved in the development of the 1992 October 28 solar flare
Raulin,J.P., Vilmer,N., Trottet,G., Nitta,N., Silva,A.V.R., Kaufmann,P., Correia,E., and Magun,A. 2000,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 355, 355-364
Small and large scale magnetic structures involved in the development of the 1992 October 28 solar flare
Schmieder,B., Deng Y., Rudawy P., Nitta N., Mandrini C., Fletcher L., Martens P., Mason H. 2000,
Advances in Space Research, 25/9, 1879-1882 (COSPAR, Nagoya 1998)
Dynamics in restructuring active regions observed during SOHO/Yohkoh campaigns
Schmieder,B., van Driel, Aulanier G., Demoulin P., Mein P., Thompson B., DeForest C., Wiik J.E., Simnett G. 2000,
Advances in Space Research, ..., ... (COSPAR, Nagoya 1998)
CMEs and prominences observed in Halpha and with SOHO and Yohkoh
Shimojo,M., Shibata,K. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 542, 1100-1108
Physical parameters of solar x-ray jets
Singh,J., Sakurai,T., Ichimoto,K. and Hiei,E. 2000,
Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 28, 33
On the formation of a helmet streamer on January 24, 1992 at the south-west limb
Sterling,A.C. 2000,
Solar Physics, 196, 79-111
Solar spicules: a review of recent models and targets for future observations
Sterling,A.C. 2000,
Jorunal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial physics, 62, 1427-1435
Sigmoid CME source regions at the Sun: some recent results
Sterling,A.C., Hudson,H.S., Thompson,B.J. and Zarro,D.M. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 532, 628-647
Yohkoh SXT and SOHO EIT Observations of Sigmoid-to-Arcade Evolution of Structures Associated with Halo Coronal Mass Ejections
Sylwester,B. and Sylwester,J. 2000,
Solar Physics, 194, 305-325
Evolution of White-Light Flares Observed by YOHKOH
Sylwester,J., Farnik, F., Likin, O., Kordylewski, Z., Siarkowski, M., Nowak, S., Plocieniak, S., & Trzebinski, W. 2000,
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Solar Soft/Hard X-ray Photometer-Imager Aboard the Interball-Tail Probe
Terasawa,T, Shibata,K., Scholer,M. 2000,
Advances in Space Research, 26, No.3, 573-583
Comparative study of flares and substorms
Thompson,B.J., Cliver,E.W., Nitta,N., Delannee,C., Delaboudiniere,J.P. 2000,
Geophysics Research Letters, 27/10, 1431-1434
Coronal Dimmings and Energetic CMEs in April-May 1998
Trimble,V. and Aschwanden,M.J. 2000,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 112, 434-503
Astrophysics in 1999 (Invited Review)
Uralov,A.M., Nakajima,H., Zandanov,V.G., Grechnev,V.V. 2000,
Solar Physics, 197, 275-312
Current-sheet-associated radio sources and development of the magnetosphere of an active region revealed from 17 GHz
Varady,M., Fludra,A., and Heinzel,P. 2000,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 355, 769-780
Decaying post-flare loops system observed by SOHO/CDS and Yohkoh/SXT
Wang,H., Goode,P.R., Denker,C., Yang,G., Yurchishin,V., Nitta,N., Gurman,J.B., St.Cyr,C., and Kosovichev,A.G. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 536, 971-981
Comparison of the 1998 April 29 M6.8 and 1998 November 5 M8.4 Flares
Wang,Huaning, Yan,Y., Sakurai,T., Zhang,M. 2000,
Solar Physics, 197, 263-273
Topology of magnetic field and coronal heating in solar active regions - II. The role of quasi-separatrix layers
Warren,H.P. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 536, L105-L108
Fine structure in solar flares
Wolfson,R., Roald,C.B., Sturrock,P.A. and Weber,M.A. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 539, 995
Coronal X-Ray Brightness and Photospheric Magnetic Field: A Study in Correlations
Wolfson,R., Roald,C.B., Sturrock,P.A., Lemen,J.R., and Shirts,P. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 529, 570
Temperature structure of the quiet corona: an SXT-SUMER discrepancy
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Yohkoh 7th anniversary Symposium
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the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 205, Proc. conference, Istanbul,
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Francisco, California, 133
An emerging flux region observed with TRACE
Yokoyama,T. and Shibata,K. 2000,
"Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emission from
Astrophysical Plasmas", IAU Colloquium 195, Proc. Conference, held at
Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 1999 July 6-10, (eds.
P.C.H.Martens, S.Tsuruta, and M.A.Weber), Astronomical Society of the
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Numerical Simulations of Solar Flares
Yoshimori,M., Suga,K., Shiozawa,A., Nakayama,S., and Takeda,H. 2000,
"High Energy Solar Physics - Anticipating HESSI", Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 206, Proc. HESSI Conference, held
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High energy particles of the 1997 November 6 solar event
Yurchyshyn,V.B., Wang,H., Qiu,J., Goode,P.R., and Abramenko,V.I. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 540, 1143-1149
Magnetic topology in November 5, 1998 two-ribbon flare as inferred from
ground-based observations and linear force-free field modeling
Zhang,H.Q., Sakurai,T., Shibata,K., Shimojo,M., and Kurokawa,H. 2000,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 357, 725-734
Soft X-ray flares and magnetic configuration in a solar active region in February 1992
Zhao,X.P., Hoeksema,J.T. and Scherrer,P.H. 2000,
The Astrophysical Journal, 538, 932
Modeling the 1994 April 14 Polar Crown SXR Arcade Using Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrostatic Equilibrium Solutions
Acton,L.W., Weston,D.C. and Bruner,M.E. 1999,
Journal of Geophysics Research, 104, 14827-14832
Deriving solar X ray irradiance from Yohkoh observations
Alexander,D. and Fletcher,L. 1999,
Solar Physics, 190, 167-184
High-resolution observations of plasma jets in the solar corona
Aschwanden,M.J. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 307-319
Radio and Hard X-Ray Observations of Flares and their Physical Interpretation (Invited Review)
Aschwanden,M.J. 1999,
Solar Physics, 190, 233-247
Do EUV Nanoflares Account for Coronal Heating?
Aschwanden,M.J., Fletcher,L., Sakao,T., Kosugi, Hudson,H. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 517, 977-989
Deconvolution of directly-precipitating and trapped-precipitating
electrons in solar flare hard X-rays. III. Yohkoh HXT Data Analysis
Aschwanden,M.J., Kosugi,T., Hanaoka,Y., Nishio,M., and Melrose,D.B. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 526, 1026-1045
Quadrupolar Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares: I.3D Geometry inferred from Yohkoh Observations
Aurass,H. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 293-305
On some new results of broadband meter/decimeter observations
Aurass,H., Vrsnak,B., Hofmann,A., and Rudzjak,V. 1999,
Solar Physics, 190, 267-293
Flares in sigmoidal coronal structures - a case study
Bastian,T.S., Gopalswamy,N. and Shibasaki,K. (eds.) 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan
Solar Physics with Radio Observations
Batchelor,D.A. 1999,
Solar Physics, 184, 149-152
X-ray observations of recurrence of eruptive flares and active regions
Belien,A.J.C., Martens,P.C.H., Keppens,R., Toth,G. 1999,
"Magnetic Fields and Oscillations", Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Conference Series Vol. 184, Proc. 3rd Conference Advances in Solar
Physics Euroconference, (eds. B.Schmieder, A.Hofmann, and J.Staude),
ASP, San Francisco, California, 248-252
Nonlinear dynamics and wave heating in solar coronal loops
Belien,A.J.C., Martens,P.C.H., and Keppens,R. 1999,
"Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes", Proc. of the 9th European Meeting
on SP Florence, Italy, 12-18 Sept 1999, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space
Agency Special Publication Vol. 448, ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, 43
Transition region and chromospheric coupling effects on resonant absorption of Alfven waves in coronal loops
Belien,A.J.C., Martens,P.C.H., and Keppens,R. 1999,
"Plasma Dynamics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona", Proc. 8th
SoHO Workshop, held in Paris, France, 22-25 June 1999, (eds. J.C.Vial
and B.Kaldeich-Schuermann), European Space Agency Special Publication
Vol. 446, ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 167-172
The dynamical influence of the transition region and chromosphere on the
heating of coronal loops by resonant absorption of Alfven waves
Belien,A.J.C., Martens,P.C.H., and Keppens,R. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 526, 478-493
Coronal heating by resonant absorption: the effects of chromospheric coupling
Berger,T.E., De Pontieu,B., Schrijver,C.J. and Title,A.M. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 519, L97-L100
High-resolution imaging of the solar chromosphere/corona transition region
Berghmans,D. and Clette,F. 1999,
Solar Physics, 186, 207-229
Active region EUV transient brightenings - First Results by EIT of SOHO JOP80
Berghmans,D., Clette,F., Robbrecht,E., and McKenzie,D. 1999,
"Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes", Proc. of the 9th European Meeting
on SP Florence, Italy, 12-18 Sept 1999, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space
Agency Special Publication Vol. 448, ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, 575-580
Multi-imager study of transients and propagating disturbances in active region loops
Berghmans,D., McKenzie,D., and Clette,F. 1999,
"Plasma Dynamics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona", Proc. 8th
SoHO Workshop, held in Paris, France, 22-25 June 1999, (eds. J.C.Vial
and B.Kaldeich-Schuermann), European Space Agency Special Publication
Vol. 446, ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 173-178
Active region transient brightenings: EIT versus SXT
Canfield,R.C. and Pevtsov,A.A. 1999,
"Magnetic Helicity in Space and Laboratory Plasmas", Proc. Coll. IAU
179, AGU Geophysics Monograph Series 111, (eds. Brown,M.R.,
Canfield,R.C. and Pevtsov,A.A.), AGU, Washington DC, ...
Helicity and reconnection in the solar corona
Canfield,R.C., Hudson,H.S., and McKenzie,D.E. 1999,
Geophysics Research Letters, 26/6, 627
Sigmoidal morphology and eruptive solar activity
Chae,J., Giu,J., Wang,H., and Goode,P.R. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 513, L75-L78
Extreme-ultraviolet jets and H-alpha surges in solar microflares
Chertok,I.M. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 181-185
Large-scale shining chains on the solar disk: Yohkoh/SXT, SOHO/EIT and TRACE data
Chertok,I.M., Fomichev,V.V., Gorgutsa,R.V., Hildenbrandt,J., Krueger,A.,
and Shibaskai,K. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 203-206
Nobeyama radioheliograph data on dynamics of microwave counterparts of giant post-eruptive soft X-ray arches
Demoulin,P., Aulanier,G., and Schmieder,B. 1999,
"Magnetic Fields and Oscillations", Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Conference Series Vol. 184, Proc. 3rd Conference Advances in Solar
Physics Euroconference, (eds. B.Schmieder, A.Hofmann, and J.Staude),
ASP, San Francisco, California, 65-69
Some advances in 3D-magnetic field topology: an observed case of a "bald patch" flare
Deng,Y.Y., Schmieder,B., Mandrini,C.H., Khan,J.I., Demoulin,P., and Rudaway,P. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 349, 927-940
The evolution from birth to decay of a short-lived active region
DiMatteo,A., Reale,F., Peres,G., and Golub,L. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 342, 563-574
Analysis and comparison of loop structures imaged with NIXT and Yohkoh/SXT
Doschek,G.A. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 527, 426-434
The electron temperature and fine structure of soft X-ray solar flares
Falewicz,R. and Rudaway,P. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 344, 981-990
X-type interactions of loops in the flare of 25 September 1997
Farnik,F., Karlicky,M., and Svestka,Z. 1999,
Solar Physics, 187, 33-44
Long transequatiorial interconnecting loops of the new solar cycle
Filippov,B.P. 1999,
Astronomy Reports, 43/8, 549-555
Zero points of the magnetic field in the solar atmosphere
Fisher,G.H., Longcope,D.W., Linton,M.G., Fan,Y., and Pevtsov,A.A. 1999,
"Stellar Dynamos: Nonlinearity and Chaotic Flows", (ed. M.Nunez, A.Ferriz-Mas), PASP Conference Series, Vol. 178, 35-42
The origin and role of twist in active regions
Fludra,A., and Schmelz,J.T. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 348, 286-294
The absolutie coronal abundances of sulfur, calcium, and iron from Yohkoh-BCS flare spectra
Gary,A. and Alexander,D. 1999,
Solar Physics, 186, 123-139
Constructing the coronal magnetic field by correlating parametrized fieldlines with observed coronal plasma structures
Gary,D.E. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 129-134
Radio counterparts to SXR transients
Getman,K.V. and Livshitz,M.A. 1999,
Astronomy Reports, 43/9, 615-621
Energy balance in sources of long-term soft solar X-ray emission: formation of streamers
Gopalswamy,N. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 141-152
X-ray and microwave signatures of coronal mass ejections
Gopalswamy,N., Nitta,N., Manoharan,P.K., Raoult,A., and Pick,M. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 347, 648-695
X-ray and radio manifestations of a solar eruptive event
Gopalswamy,N., Yashiro,S., Kaiser,M.L., Thompson,B.J., and Plunkett,S.
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 207-210
Multi-wavelength signatures of a coronal mass ejection
Hanaoka,Y. 1999,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 51, 483-496
High-energy electrons in the double-loop flares
Hanaoka,Y. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 229-234
Radio and X-ray observations of the flares caused by interacting loops
Hanaoka,Y. and Shinkawa,T. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 510, 466-473
Heating of erupting prominences observed at 17 GHz
Harra-Murnion,L.K., Matthew,S.A., Hara,H., Ichimoto,K. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 345, 1011-1018
Dynamics of solar active region loops
Hori,K. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 267-271
Study of solar decimetric bursts with a pair of cutoff frequencies
Hudson,H.S. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 159-170
Coronal mass ejections at high temperatures
Hudson,H.S. 1999,
Solar Physics, 190, 91-106
The global dynamics of the high-temperature corona
Hudson,H.S. and Kosugi,T. 1999,
Science, nce 285, 894
How the sun's corona get really hot
Hudson,H.S., Acton,L.W., Harvey,K.L., and McKenzie,D.E. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 513, L83-L86
A stable filament cavity with a hot core
Innes,D.E., Inhester B., Srivastava N., Brekke P., Harrison R., Matthews,S. Noens J.C., Schmieder B., Thompson B. 1999,
Solar Physics, 186, 337-361
Multi-wavelength observations of the onset phase of a coronal mass ejection
Jakimiec,M., Antalova,A. and Storini,M. 1999,
Solar Physics, 189, 373
Cosmic-ray intensity versus solar soft X-ray background in cross-correlation analysis
Kankelborg,C.C. and Longcope,D. 1999,
Solar Physics, 190, 59-77
Forward modeling of the coronal response to reconnection in an X-ray bright point
Klassen,A., Karlicky,M., Aurass,H., and Jiricka,K. 1999,
Solar Physics, 188, 141-154
On two distinct shocks during the flare of 9 July 1996
Klein,K.L., Khan,J.I., Vilmer,N., Delouis,J.M., and Aurass,H. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 346, L53-L56
X-ray and radio evidence on the origin of a coronal shock wave
Kosugi,T. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 453-458
Solar Max 2000: scientific objectives and coordinated observations
Koutchmy,S. 1999,
Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, 28/3, 173-186
Eclipse 99 -- High Resolution Imaging: Why and how?
Krucker,S. and Benz,A.O. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 25-30
Heating events in the quiet solar corona
Kundu,M.R. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 111-112
Radio observations of weak coronal transients
Kundu,M.R., Nindos, Raulin,J.P., Shibasaki,K., White,S.M., Nitta,N., Shibata,K., and Shimojo,M. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 520, 391-398
A microwave study of coronal ejecta
Kundu,M.R., Raulin,J.P., Nitta,N., and Raoult,A. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 522, 1100-1107
Radio and X-ray imaging observations of a continuum burst
Lee,J.W., White,S.M., Kundu,M.R., Mikic,Z. and McClymont,A.N. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 510, 413-421
A test for coronal magnetic field extrapolations
Magara,T., and Shibata,K. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 514, 456-471
Evolution of eruptive flares. II. The occurrence of locally enhanced resistivity
Mandrini,C.H., Deng,Y.Y., Schmieder,B., Demoulin,P., Rudawy,P.,
Nitta,N., Newmark,J. and DeForest,C. 1999,
"Magnetic Fields and Oscillations", Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Conference Series Vol. 184, Proc. 3rd Conference Advances in Solar
Physics Euroconference, (eds. B.Schmieder, A.Hofmann, and J.Staude),
ASP, San Francisco, California, 276-280
Magnetic field evolution and topology of an AR
Mariska,J.T. and McTiernan,J.M. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 514, 484-492
Hard and soft X-ray observations of occulted and nonocculted solar limb flares
Martens,P.C.H. and Muglach,K. 1999,
"Solar Polarization" Proc. 2nd Solar Polarization Workshop, (eds.
K.N.Nagendra and J.O.Stenflo), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
The Netherlands, 325-335
Scientific highlights from the solar and heliospheric observatory
Matthews,S.A., Klimchuk,J.A., and Harra-Murnion,L.K. 1999,
"Plasma Dynamics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona", Proc. 8th
SoHO Workshop, held in Paris, France, 22-25 June 1999, (eds. J.C.Vial
and B.Kaldeich-Schuermann), European Space Agency Special Publication
Vol. 446, ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 489
Properties of transition region and coronal loops
McKenzie,D.E. and Hudson,H.S. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 519, L93-L96
X-ray observations of motions and structure above a solar flare arcade
McTiernan,J.M., Fisher,G.H., and Li,P. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 514, 472-483
The solar flare soft X-ray differential emission measure and the Neupert effect at different temperatures
Melendez,J.L., Sawant,H.S., Fernandes,F.C.R., and Benz,A.O. 1999,
Solar Physics, 187, 77-88
Statistical analysis of high-frequency decimetric type III bursts
Melrose,D.B. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 371-380
Flare models and radio emission
Metcalf,T.R. and Alexander,D. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 522, 1108-1116
Coronal trapping of energetic flare particles: Yohkoh/HXT observations
Miyagoshi,T.M., Yabiku,T., Uchida,Y., and Hirose,S. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 407-411
Current-injection model for loop flares and active region transient loop brightenings
Moon,Y.J., Yun,H.S., Lee,S.W., Kim,J.H., Choe,G.S., Park,Y.D., Ai,G., Zhang,H.Q., and Fang,C. 1999,
Solar Physics, 184, 323-338
A measure of magnetic field discontinuity
Moore,R.L., Falconer,D.A., Porter,J.G., and Suess,S.T. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 526, 505-522
On heating the sun's corona by magnetic explosions: feasibility in
active regions and prospects for quiet regions and coronal holes
Morita,S., Uchida,Y., Hirose,S., Uemura,S., and Yamaguchi,T. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 413-417
Derivation of the 3D structure of flares in the homologous flare series of 1992 February
Nakajima,H., Sato,J. and Fujiki,K.I. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 243-248
Thermal and nonthermal components in an X-class long duration flare
Nindos,A., Kundu,M.R., Raulin,J.P., Shibasaki,K., White,S.M., Nitta,N.,
Shibata,K., and Shimojo,M. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 135-140
A microwave study of coronal and chromospheric ejecta
Nindos,A., Kundu,M.R., and White,S.M. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 513, 983-989
A study of microwave-selected coronal transient brightenings
Nishio,M., Kosugi,T., Yaji,K., and Nakajima,H. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 235-242
Nobeyama/HXT observations of impulsive flares
Nitta,N. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 343-347
Flare loop geometry
Nitta,N. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 103-106
Temperature structure of non-flaring loops
Nitta,N., VanDriel-Gestelyi,L., and Harra-Murnion,L,K. 1999,
Solar Physics, 189, 181-198
Flare loop geometry
Nitta,N., and Akiyama,S. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 525, L57-L60
Relation between flare-associated X-ray ejections and coronal mass ejections
Ohyama,M. 1999,
PhD Thesis, University of Nagoya, Japan, NAO
X-ray plasma ejections associated with impulsive solar flares
Ohyama,M. and Shibata,K. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 367-370
X-ray plasma ejection associated with H-alpha filament eruption
Olah,K., Van Driel-Gesztelyi,L., Khovari,Z. and Bartus,J. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 344, 163-171
Modelling the Sun as an Active Star. I. A Diagnosis of photometric starspot models
Orlando,S. Bocchino,F. and Peres,G. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 346, 1003-1008
Non-equilibrium ionization and the interpretation of Yohkoh/SXT data during solar dynamic events
Petrosian,V. and Donaghy,T.Q. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 527, 945-957
On the spatial distribution of hard X-rays from solar flares
Pevtsov,A.A. and Canfield,R.C. 1999,
"Magnetic Helicity in Space and Laboratory Plasmas", Proc. Coll. IAU
179, AGU Geophysics Monograph Series 111, (eds. Brown,M.R.,
Canfield,R.C. and Pevtsov,A.A.), AGU, Washington DC, 103
Helicity of the photospheric magnetic field
Pevtsov,A.A., and Latushko S.M. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 528, 999-1003
Current helicity of large-scale photospheric magnetic field
Pick,M. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 187-198
Radio and coronagraph observations: shocks, coronal mass ejections and particle acceleration
Rudawy,P., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Cader-Sroka,B., Mein,P., Mein,N., Schmieder,B., Malherbe,J.-M., and Rompolt,B. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 139, 89-96
Analysis of evolution of NOAA 7912 active region on 19 October 1995
Saba,J.L.R., Schmelz,J.T., Bhatia,A.K., and Stong,K.T. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 510, 1064-1077
Fe XVII soft X-ray lines: theory and data comparisons
Sakao,T. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 231-333
HXT observations of solar flares - a review and perspective -
Sato,J. and Hanaoka,Y. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 349-352
Observation of the loop-top source of the 1998 April 23 flare
Sato,J., Kosugi,T., Makishima,K. 1999,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 51, 127-150
Improvement of Yohkoh hard X-ray imaging
Schmelz,J.T., Saba,J.L.R., Strong,K.T., Winter,H.D., Brosius,J.W. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 523, 432-443
Emission measure distribution for an active region using coordinated SERTS and Yohkoh/SXT observations
Shibasaki,K. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 1-9
Microwave observations of the quiet Sun
Shibata,K. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 381-389
Reconnection models of flares
Shibata,K. 1999,
Astrophysics and Space Science, 264, 129-144
Evidence of magnetic reconnection in solar flares and a unified model of flares
Shibata,K. 1999,
"Magnetic Helicity in Space and Laboratory Plasmas", Proc. Coll. IAU
179, AGU Geophysics Monograph Series 111, (eds. Brown,M.R.,
Canfield,R.C. and Pevtsov,A.A.), AGU, Washington DC, ...
Solar Flares, Jets, and Helicity
Shibata,K. and Yokoyama,T. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 526, L49-L52
Origin of the universal correlation between the flare temperature and the emission measure for solar and stellar flares
Shibata,K. and Yokoyama,T. 1999,
"Numerical Astrophysics", Proc. Internat. Conf. (NAP98), held at the
National Olympic Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo, Japan, March 10-13, 1998,
(eds. S.M.Miyama, K.Tomisaka, and T.Hanawa), Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Boston, Mass., Astrophysics and Space Science Library Vol.
240, 303-310
MHD simulations of magnetic reconnection and solar flares
Shimizu,T. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 123-128
Weak transient activities in the corona
Shimizu,T. and Solar-B Working Group 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 459-469
Solar-B - The next Japanese solar mission -
Shimojo,M. 1999,
PhD Thesis, Natl.Astron.Obs. Japan
Studies of solar coronal X-ray jets
Shimojo,M. and Shibata,K. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 516, 934-938
Occurrence rate of microflares in an X-ray bright point within an active region
Siarkowski,M., Sylwester,J., Gburek,S. and Kordylewski,Z. 1999,
"Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes", Proc. of the 9th European Meeting
on SP Florence, Italy, 12-18 Sept 1999, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space
Agency Special Publication Vol. 448, ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, ...
Review of RF15-I X-ray photometer observations
Somov,B.V., Kosugi,T., Sakao,T., Masuda,S., Bogachev,S.A. 1999,
"Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes", Proc. of the 9th European Meeting
on SP Florence, Italy, 12-18 Sept 1999, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space
Agency Special Publication Vol. 448, ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, 701-708
Coronal hard X-rays in solar flares: Yohkoh observations and interpretation
Somov,B.V., Merenkova,E.Y., Kosugi,T., Sakao,T., Masuda,S.,
Oreshina,A.V. 1999,
"Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes", Proc. of the 9th European Meeting
on SP Florence, Italy, 12-18 Sept 1999, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space
Agency Special Publication Vol. 448, ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, 883-888
Three-dimensional reconnection in the solar corona related to Yohkoh observations
Sterling,A.C. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 346, 995-1002
Electron temperatures of a late-phase solar active region from Yohkoh BCS and SXT observations
Sterling,A.C. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 346, 995
Electron temperatures of a late-phase solar active region from it Yohkoh BCS and SXT observations
Sterling,A.C., Pike,C.D., Mason,H.E., Watanabe,T., and Antiochos,S.K. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 524, 1096-1104
Variation of thermal structure with height of a solar active region derived from Soho CDS and Yohkoh BCS observations
Sturrock,P.A. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 521, 451-459
Chromospheric magnetic reconnection and it possible relationship to coronal heating
Sturrock,P.A., Roald,C.B., and Wolfson,R. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 524, L75-L78
Chromospheric magnetic reconnection and its implication for corona heating
Sylwester,B. and Sylwester,J. 1999,
Acta Astronomica, 85-102
Flaring structures observed in deconvolved SXT images
Sylwester,J. and Sylwester,B. 1999,
Acta Astronomica, 49, 189-199
Reconstruction of images with Poisson noise
Tang,Y.H., Mouradian,Z., Schmieder,B., Fang,C., and Sakurai,T. 1999,
Solar Physics, 185, 143-155
Analysis of the disappearing filament and flare of 7 May 1992
Thompson,B.J., St.Cyr,O.C., Plunkett,S.P., Gurman,J.B., Gopalswamy,N.,
Hudson,H.S., Howard,R.A., Michels,D.J., Delaboudiniere,J.P. 1999,
, "Sun-Earth Plasma Connections", AGU Geophysical Monograpn Series,
(eds. Burch,J.L., Carovillano,R.L., and Antiochos,S.K.), American
Geophysical Union (AGU), Washington, DC, Vol. 109, ...
The corresponance of EUV and white light observations of coronal mass ejections with SOHO EIT and LASCO
Tian,D., Gao,Z., & Fu,Q. 1999,
Chinese Astronony and Astrophysics,, 23/2, 208-220
An analysis of fine structures in a solar radio burst at 10 cm and a coexisting hard X-ray flare
Tomczak,M. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 342, 583-591
Yohkoh observations of the Neupert effect
TongJiang,W., Huaning,W., and Jiong,Q. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 342, 854-862
Two-dimensional singular points in an observed transverse field in solar active region NOAA 7321
Trimble,V. and Aschwanden,M.J. 1999,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 111, 385-437
Astrophysics in 1998 (Invited Review)
Uchida,Y., Fujisaki,K., Morita,S., Torii,M., Hirose,S., Cable,S. 1999,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 51, 53-61
Soft X-Ray coronal structure surrounding high-latitude dark filaments observed by Yohkoh
Uchida,Y., Hirose,S., Cable,S., Morita,S., Torii,M., Uemura,S., and Yamaguchi,T. 1999,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 51, 553-563
A quadruple magnetic source model for arcade flares and X-Ray arcade
formations outside active regions. I. Dark filament suspension and the
magnetic structure in the pre-event regions
Uchida,Y., Morita,S., Torii,M. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 397-402
Evidence supporting quadruple magnetic source model of arcade flarings, and implications
Uralov,A.M., Nakajima,H., Zadanov,V.G., and Grechnev,V.V. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 93-97
Magnetic neutral line-associated radio sources and evolution of the active region NOAA 7321
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Mandrini,C.H., Thompson,B., Plunkett,S.,
Aulanier,G., Demoulin,P., Schmieder,B., and DeForest,C. 1999,
"Magnetic Fields and Oscillations", Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Conference Series Vol. 184, Proc. 3rd Conference Advances in Solar
Physics Euroconference, (eds. B.Schmieder, A.Hofmann, and J.Staude),
ASP, San Francisco, California, 302-306
Long-term magnetic evolution of an AR and its CME activity
Wang,T., Wang,H., and Qiu,J. 1999,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 342, 854-862
Two-dimensional singular points in an observed transverse field in solar active region NOAA 7321
Warren,H.P., Bookbinder,J.A., Forbes,T.G., Golub,L., Hudson,H.S., Reeves,K., and Warshall,A. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 527, L121-L124
TRACE and Yohkoh observations of high-temperature plasma in a two-ribbon limb flare
Watanabe,Ta., Ashizawa,K., Nakagawa,Y., Miyazaki,H., Irie,M.,
Ichimoto,K., Kurokawa,H., Hudson,H., and Yatagai,H. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 171-174
Multi-wavelength observations of a large-scale jet and an eruptive- prominence on 28 August 1992
Weber,M. 1999,
PhD Thesis, Montanan State Univ. Bozeman
Rotation Patterns in the Large-Scale Solar Corona
Weber,M., Acton,L.W., Alexander,D., Kubo,S., and Hara,H. 1999,
Solar Physics, 189, 271-288
A method for characterizing rotation rates in the Soft X-Ray Corona
White,S.M. 1999,
Solar Physics, 190, 309-330
Radio versus EUV/X-ray observations of the solar atmosphere
Woo,R., Habbal,S.R., Howard,R.A. and Korendyke,C.M. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 513, 961-968
Extension of the polar coronal hole boundary into interplanetary space
Woo,R., and Habbal,S.R. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 510, L69-L72
Imprint of the sun on the solar wind
Yaji,K. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 361-365
Nonthermal electrons accelerated in solar flare loops
Yashiro,S., Shibata,K., and Shimojo,M. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 99-102
Thermal evolution of coronal active regions
Yokoyama,T. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 391-396
MHD simulations of flares
Yoshimori,M., Shiozawa,A., and Suga,K. 1999,
"Solar Physics with Radio Observations", Proc. Nobeyama Symposium, held
in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, (eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy
and K.Shibasaki), NRO Report No. 479., Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NOAJ,
Tokyo, Japan, 353-356
Two types of gamma-ray flares
Yoshimura,K. and Kurokawa,H. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 517, 964-976
Causal relations between ha loop emergences and soft X-ray brightenings
Zarro,D.M., Sterling,A.C., Thompson,B.J., Hudson,H.S., and Nitta,N. 1999,
The Astrophysical Journal, 520, L139-L142
SOHO EIT observations of extreme-ultraviolet "dimming" associated with a halo coronal mass ejection
Zhang,H., Sokolov, I., & Sakai, J. 1999,
Solar Physics, 188, 125-140
Shock wave phenomena in collisions between a current loop and a plasmoid
Zhang,H.M., Sokolov,I., and Sakai,J.I. 1999,
Solar Physics, 188, 125-140
Shock wave phenomena in collisions between a current loop and a plasmoid
Acton,L.W. and Lemen,J. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 15-17
Studies of coronal temperature
Alexander,D., Harra-Murnion,L.K., Khan,J.I., and Matthews,S.A. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 494, L235-L238
Relative timing of soft X-ray nonthermal line broadening and hard X-ray emission in solar flares
Altyntsev,A.T., Grechnev,V.V., and Hanaoka,Y. 1998,
Solar Physics, 178, 575-589
On the microwave spike emission of the September 6, 1992 flare
Aschwanden,M.J. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 502, 455-467
Deconvolution of directly-precipitating and trapped-precipitating electrons in solar flare hard X-rays. I. method and tests
Aschwanden,M.J. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 285-294
What did Yohkoh and Comtpon change in our perception of particle acceleration in solar flares?
Aschwanden,M.J., Bastian,T.S., Nitta,N., Newmark,J., Thompson,B.J. and
Harrison,R.A. 1998,
"Three-Dimensional Structure of Solar Active Regions", Proc. 2nd
Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference, held in Preveza, Greece, 1997
Oct 7-11, (eds. C.Alissandrakis and B.Schmieder), Astronomical Society
of the Pacific (ASP), San Francisco, ASP Conference Series Vol. 155,
Coordinated Observations with SOHO, Yohkoh, and VLA
Aschwanden,M.J., Kliem,B., Schwarz,U., Kurths,J., Dennis,B.R., and Schwartz,R.A. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 505, 941-956
Wavelet analysis of solar flare hard X-rays
Aschwanden,M.J., Neupert,W.N., Newmark,J., Thompson,B.J., Brosius,J.W.,
Holman,G.D., Harrison,R.A., Bastian,T.S., Nitta,N., Hudson,H.S., and
Zucker,A. 1998,
"Three-Dimensional Structure of Solar Active Regions", Proc. 2nd
Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference, held in Preveza, Greece, 1997
Oct 7-11, (eds. C.Alissandrakis and B.Schmieder), Astronomical Society
of the Pacific (ASP), San Francisco, ASP Conference Series Vol. 155,
3-Dimensional Models of Active Region Loops
Aschwanden,M.J., Schwartz,R.A., and Dennis,B.R. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 502, 468-480
Deconvolution of directly-precipitating and trapped-precipitating
electrons in solar flare hard X-rays. II. Compton GRO data analysis
Aulanier,G., Demoulin P., Schmieder B., Fang C. and Tang Y.H. 1998,
Solar Physics, 183, 369-388
Magnetohydrostatic model of a bald patch flare
Bentley,R.D. 1998,
"Three-Dimensional Structure of Solar Active Regions", Proc. 2nd
Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference, held in Preveza, Greece, 1997
Oct 7-11, (eds. C.Alissandrakis and B.Schmieder), Astronomical Society
of the Pacific (ASP), San Francisco, ASP Conference Series Vol. 155,
What Yohkoh has discovered about active regions
Berghmans,D., Clette,F., Moses,D. 1998,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 336, 1039-1055
Quiet Sun EUV transient brightenings and turbulence. A panoramic view by EIT on board SOHO
Canfield,R.C. and Reardon,K.P. 1998,
Solar Physics, 182, 145-157
The eruptive flare of 15 November 1991: preflare phenomena
Chiuderi-Drago,F., ALissandrakis,C.E., Bentley,R.D., and Philips,A.T. 1998,
Solar Physics, 182, 459-476
Microwave, soft and hard X-ray observations of solar flares
Chou,W. 1998,
PhD Thesis, 132p., University of Texas at Austin, Texas
Magnetohydrodynamics of Plasmas in the Solar, Stellar and Black Hole Atmospheres
Falconer,D.A., Jordan,S.D., Brosius,J.W., Davila,J.M., Thomas,R.J., Andreatta,V., and Hara,H. 1998,
Solar Physics, 180, 179-191
Using strong solar coronal emission lines as coronal flux proxies
Fang,C., Tang,Y.H., Henoux,J.C., Huang,Y.R., Ding,M.D., and Sakurai,T. 1998,
Solar Physics, 182, 163-177
Multi-wavelength analysis of the flare on 2 October 1993
Farnik,F., and Savy,S.K. 1998,
Solar Physics, 183, 339-357
Soft X-ray pre-flare emission studied in Yohkoh-SXT images
Fisher,G.H., Longcope,D.W., Metcalf,T.R., Pevtsov,A.A. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 508, 885-898
Coronal heating in active regions as a function of global magnetic variables
Fletcher,L., and Martens,P.C.H. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 505, 418-431
A model for hard X-ray emission from the top of flaring loops
Freeland,S.L. and Handy,B.N. 1998,
Solar Physics, 182, 497-500
Data analysis with the solarsoft system (SSW)
Gan,W.Q. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 508, 418-422
Redshift of the Ca XIX resonance line in solar flares observed with Yohkoh Bragg Crystal spectrometer
Garcia,H.A. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 504, 1051-1066
Reconstructing the thermal and spatial form of a solar flare from scaling laws and soft X-ray measurements
Gopalswamy,N. and Hanaoka,Y. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 498, L179-L182
Coronal dimming associated with a giant prominence eruption
Gopalswamy,N., Hanaoka,Y., Kosugi,T., Lepping,R.P., Steinberg,J.T.,
Plunkett,S. Howard,A., Thompson,B.J., Gurman,J., Ho,G., Nitta,N., and
Hudson,H.S. 1998,
Geophysics Research Letters, 25/14, 2485-2488
On the relationship between coronal mass ejections and magnetic clouds
Hanaoka,Y. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 197-206
Activity caused by interacting loops and evolution of magnetic field
Hara,H. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 3-12
Evolution of the solar corona from the maximum to minimum
Hardy,S.J., Melrose,D.B., and Hudson,H.S. 1998,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 15, 318
Observational tests of a double loop model for solar flares
Harra-Murnion,L.K., Schmieder,B., Van Driel-Gesztelyi,L., Sato,J.,
Plunkett,S.P., Rudawy,P., Rompolt,B., Akioka,M., Sakao,T., Ichimoto,K.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 337, 911
Multi-wavelength observations of post flare loops in two long duration solar flares
Harvey,K.L. and Gaizauskas,V. 1998,
"New Perspectives on Solar Prominences", Astronomical Society of the
Pacific Conference Series Vol. 150, Proc. Coll. IAU 167, (eds. D.Webb,
B.Schmieder, and D.Rust), ASP, San Francisco, California, 269
Filament channels: contrasting their structure in H-alpha and He I 1083 nm
Harvey,K.L. and Hudson,H.S. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 315-318
The formation and evolution of the coronal holes associated with NOAA region 7978
Hiei,E. 1998,
"New Perspectives on Solar Prominences", Astronomical Society of the
Pacific Conference Series Vol. 150, Proc. Coll. IAU 167, (eds. D.Webb,
B.Schmieder, and D.Rust), ASP, San Francisco, California, 380
Prominence disappearance related to CMEs
Hori,K., Yokoyama,T., Kosugi,T., Shibata,K. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 500, 492-506
Single/Multiple solar flare loops: hydrodynamics and Ca XIX resonance line emission
Hudson,H.S. 1998,
Geophysics Research Letters, 25/14, 2481-2484
X-ray coronal changes during halo CMEs
Hudson,H.S., LaBonte,B.J., Sterling,A.C., and Watanabe,T. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 237-244
NOAA 7978: The last best old-cyle region?
Hudson,H.S., Lemen,J.R., St.Cyr,O.C., Sterling,A.C. and Webb,D.F. 1998,
Geophysics Research Letters, 25, 2481-2485
X-ray coronal changes during halo CMEs
Jakimiec,J. Tomczak,M., Falewicz,R., Phillips,K.J.H., and Fludra,A. 1998,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 334, 1112-1122
The bright loop-top kernels in Yohkoh X-ray flares
Kahler,S.W., Cane,H.V., Hudson,H.S., Kurt,V.G., Gotselyuk,Y.V., MacDowall,R.J. and Bothmer,V. 1998,
Journal of Geophysics Research, 103, 12069
The solar energetic particle event of April 14, 1994, as a probe of shock formation and particle acceleration
Kane,S.R., Hurley,K., McTiernan,J.M., Boer,M., Niel,M., Kosugi,T. and Yoshimori,M. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 500, 1003-1008
Stereoscopic observations of solar hard X-ray flares made by Ulysses and Yohkoh
Kato,T., Fujiwara,T., Hanaoka,Y. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 492, 822-832
X-ray spectral analysis of Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) data
on a 1992 September 6 flare: the blueshift component and ion abundances
Khan,J.I., Uchida,Y., McAllister,A.H., Mouradian,Z., Soru-Escaut,I, Hiei,E. 1998,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 336, 753
A flare-associated filment eruption observed in soft X-rays by Yohkoh on 1992 May 7
Kosugi,T. and Somov,B.V. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 297-306
Magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration in solar flares
Kotrc,P., Karlicky,M., Simberova,S., Knizek,M. and Varady,M. 1998,
Solar Physics, 182, 393-409
Evidence of Magnetic Field Reconnection in the H-alpha Eruptive Prominence on 18 September 1995
Koutchmy,S., Hara,H., Shibata,K., Suematsu,Y., and Reardon,K. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 87-94
SXR coronal polar jets and recurrent flashes
Kundu,M.R. 1998,
"Solar Jets and Coronal Plumes", Proc. Internat. meeting, Guadeloupe,
France, 23-26 February 1998, European Space Agency Special Publication
Vol. 421, (ed. Guyenne,T.D.) , European Space Agency (ESA), Paris, ...
Metric type III and microwave burst observations of coronal X-ray jets
Kundu,M.R., Raulin,J.P., Nitta,N., Shibata,K., and Shimojo,M. 1998,
Solar Physics, 178, 173-178
Two-sided-loop type X-ray jets and metric radio bursts
Lara,A., Gopalswamy,N., Kundu,M.R., Perez-Enriquez,R., Koshiishi,H., and Enome,S. 1998,
Solar Physics, 178, 353-378
Microwave and soft X-ray study of solar active region evolution
Lee,J.W., McClymont,A.N., Mikic,Z., White,S.M., and Kundu,M.R. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 501, 853-865
Coronal currents, magnetic fields, and heating in a solar active region
Li,J., Raymond,J.C., Acton,L.W., Kohl,J.L., Romoli,M., Noci,G., and Naletto,G. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 506, 431-438
Physical structure of a coronal streamer in the closed-field regionas observed from UVCS/SOHO and SXT/YOHKOH
Litwin,C. and Rosner,R. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 506, L143-L146
Coronal scale-height enhancement by magnetohydrodynamic waves
Liu,Y., Akioka,M., Yan,Y., and Sato,J. 1998,
Solar Physics, 180, 377-392
A flare due to the interaction of a small loop and a large loop
Luhmann,J.G., Gosling,J.T., Hoeksema,J.T., Zhao,X. 1998,
Journal of Geophysics Research, 103, p. 6585
Relationship between large-scale solar magnetic field evolution and coronal mass ejections
Malherbe,J.M., Schmieder,B., Mein,P., Mein,N., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Von Uexkuell,M. 1998,
Solar Physics, 180, 265-284
Arch filament systems associated with X-ray loops
Martens,P.C.H. 1998,
"New Perspectives on Solar Prominences", Astronomical Society of the
Pacific Conference Series Vol. 150, Proc. Coll. IAU 167, (eds. D.Webb,
B.Schmieder, and D.Rust), ASP, San Francisco, California, 294-301
MHD and Plasma Interpretation of a Prominence Eruption Observed by SOHO (Invited Review)
Martens,P.C.H. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 217-225
SOHO - Yohkoh science collaboration
Martens,P.C.H. and Fletcher,L. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 269-272
Hard X-ray emission from a mirror trap at the top of reconnecting loops
Masuda,S., Kosugi,T., Sakao,T. and Sato,J. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 259-267
Coronal hard X-ray sources in solar flares observed with Yohkoh/HXT
Matsumoto,R., Tajima, T., Chou, W., Okubo, A., & Shibata, K. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 493, L43
Formation of a Kinked Alignment of Solar Active Regions
Matthews,S.A., Brown,J.C., and VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L. 1998,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 340, 277-286
On the role of beam driven return current instabilities in white-light flares
Matthews,S.A., and Harra-Murnion,L.K. 1998,
"Three-Dimensional Structure of Solar Active Regions", Proc. 2nd
Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference, held in Preveza, Greece, 1997
Oct 7-11, (eds. C.Alissandrakis and B.Schmieder), Astronomical Society
of the Pacific (ASP), San Francisco, ASP Conference Series Vol. 155,
The relationship between hot and cold active region structures
McAllister,A.H., Hundhausen,A.J., MacKay,D., and Priest,E. 1998,
"New Perspectives on Solar Prominences", Astronomical Society of the
Pacific Conference Series Vol. 150, Proc. Coll. IAU 167, (eds. D.Webb,
B.Schmieder, and D.Rust), ASP, San Francisco, California, 430
The skew of polar crown X-ray arcades
Mouradian,Z., Soru-Escaut,I., Hiei,E., McAllister,A.H., Shibasaki,K., Ohyama,M., Khan,J.I., and Uchida,Y. 1998,
Solar Physics, 180, 313-329
The filament disappearance of 7 May 1992 (the EBI)
Nishio,M., Yaji,K., Kosugi,T., Nakajima,H., and Sakurai,T. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 207-209
Loop-loop interaction in impulsive solar flares inferred from microwave and X-ray images
Ohyama,M. and Shibata,K. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 499, 934-944
X-ray plasma ejection associated with an impulsive flare on 1992 October 5: Physical conditions of X-ray plasma ejection
Ohyama,M., Shibata,K., Yokoyama,T., and Shimojo,M. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 333
X-ray plasma ejections and jets from solar compact flares observed with the Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope
Peres,G., Orlando,S., Reale,F., Rosner,R. and Hudson,H. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 29-37
The sun as an X-ray star: overview of the method
Pevtsov,A.A. and Longcope,D.W. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 508, 908-915
NOAA 7926: A kinked omega-loop?
Pevtsov,A.A. and R.C. Canfield 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 85
On the origin of helicity in active region magnetic fields
Rolli,E., Wuelser,J.P., and Magun,A. 1998,
Solar Physics, 180, 361-375
Temporal evolution of the 20 August 1992 flare
Rolli,E., Wuelser,J.P., and Magun,A. 1998,
Solar Physics, 180, 343-359
Multiwavelength observations of the 5 January 1992 flare
Sakao,T., Kosugi,T., and Masuda,S. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 273-284
Energy release and particle acceleration in solar flares with respect to flaring magnetic loops
Sato,J., Sawa,M., Masuda,S., Sakao,T., Kosugi,T., and Sekiguchi,H. 1998,
Nobeyama Radio Observatory/NAO, Japan
The Yohkoh HXT image catalogue, october 1991 - august 1998
Schmieder,B., Fang C., Harra-Murnion L.K. 1998,
Solar Physics, 182, 447-457
Spectral Analysis of a thermal flare on October 27, 1993
Schmieder,B., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Wiik J.E., Thompson B., de Forest
C., Saint Cyr C., Vial J.C., Nitta N. and Simnett G. 1998,
IAU JD 19, Kyoto, ..., (ed. ...), ..., ...
Solar Magnetic Field Events related to CMEs observed with SOHO MDI, EIT, SUMER, LASCO
Shibasaki,K. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 175-178
Plasma motion in solar flares observed by the Nobeyama radioheliograph
Shibasaki,K. 1998,
"Synoptic Solar Physics", Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference
Series Vol. 140, Proc. 18th NSO/Sacramento Peak Summer Workshop held at
Sunspot, New Mexico, 1997 Sept 8-12, (ed. K.S.Balasubramaniam,
J.Harvey, and D.Rabin), ASP,San Francisco, California, 373-385
Radio synoptic maps and polar cap brightening
Shibata,K. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 187-196
A unified model of solar flares
Shibata,K. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 187-196
A unified model of solar flares
Shimojo,M., Shibata,K., and Harvey,K.L. 1998,
Solar Physics, 178, 379-392
Magnetic field properties of solar X-ray jets
Silva,A.V.R., Lin,R.P., DePater,I., White,S.M., Shibasaki,K., and Nakajima,H. 1998,
Solar Physics, 183, 389-405
Images of gradual millimeter emission and multi-wavelength observations of the 17 Aug 1994 solar flare
Simnett,G.M. and Hudson,H.S. 1998,
"Correlated Phenomena at the Sun, in the Heliosphere and in Geospace",
Proc. 31st ESLAB Symposium, held 22-25 September 1997, at ESTEC,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, (ed. A. Wilson), European Space Agency, ESA
SP-415, 437-442
The evolution of the coronal mass ejection on February 23, 1997
Solberg,F.C.R. and McAllister,A. 1998,
"New Perspectives on Solar Prominences", Astronomical Society of the
Pacific Conference Series Vol. 150, Proc. Coll. IAU 167, (eds. D.Webb,
B.Schmieder, and D.Rust), ASP, San Francisco, California, 171
Axial soft X-ray brightening associated with H-alpha filaments
Somov,B.V., Kosugi,T. and Sakao,T. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 497, 943-956
Collisionless 3D reconnection in impulsive solar flares
Srivastava,N., Gonzalez,W.D., Gonzalez,A.L.C., and Masuda,S. 1998,
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On the solar origins of intense geomagnetic storms observed during 6-11 March 1993
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of the Pacific (ASP), San Francisco, Conference Series ASP CS-154, 223
Long term X-ray variability in cool stars
Svestka,Z., Farnik,F., and Hudson,H.S. 1998,
"Correlated Phenomena at the Sun, in the Heliosphere and in Geospace",
Proc. 31st ESLAB Symposium, held 22-25 September 1997, at ESTEC,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, (ed. A. Wilson), European Space Agency, ESA
SP-415, 139-144
Post-flare loops embedded in a hot coronal fan-like structure
Svestka,Z., Farnik,F., Hudson,H.S., and Hick,P. 1998,
Solar Physics, 182, 179-193
Large-scale active coronal phenomena in Yohkoh SXT images
Swaminathan,P.K., Strobel,D.F., Kupperman,D.G., Krishna Kumar C.,L.
Acton,R. DeMajistre,J.-H. Yee,L. Paxton, D. E. Anderson and D. J.
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Nitric oxide abundance in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere region:
roles of solar soft X rays, suprathermal N(4S) atoms, and vertical
Sylwester,J. and Sylwester,B. 1998,
Acta Astronomica, 48, 519-545
ANDRIL - maximum likelihood algorithm for deconvolution of SXT images
Sylwester,J., Lemen,J.R., Bentley,R.D., Fludra,A., Zolcinski,M.C. 1998,
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Detailed evidence for flare-to-flare variations of the coronal calcium abundance
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Evolution of flaring structures
Tsuneta,S. and Makishima,K. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
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(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 121-130
Magnetic loops in the hot universe
Tsuneta,S. and Naito,T. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 495, L67-L70
Fermi acceleration at fast shock in a solar flare and impulsive loop-top hard X-ray source
Tziotziou,K., Martens,P.C.M., and Hearn,A.G. 1998,
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Energy and momentum deposition in coronal holes - Solar coronal hole
observations compared with interpretations of Yohkoh SXT observations
Uchida,Y., Hirose,S., Morita,S., Fujisaki,K., Torii,M., Tanaka,T., Yabiku,T. Miyagoshi,S., Uemura,S., and Yamaguchi,T. 1998,
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Observations of flares and active regions from Yohkoh, and magnetodyamic models explaining them
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Schmieder B., Aulanier G., Demoulin P.,
Martens,P.C.H., Zarro,D., DeForest,C., Thmopson,B., StCyr,T., Kucera,T.,
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Filament Disparition Brusque and CME
Wang,H. and Sakurai,T. 1998,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 50, 111-123
Cross-section variations of coronal magnetic loops
Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. and Sterling,A.C. (eds.) 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Nov 6-8,
(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond
Watari,S. and Watanabe,T. 1998,
Geophysics Research Letters, 25, 2489
The solar drivers of geomagnetic disturbances during solar minimum
Watari,S. and Watanabe,T. 1998,
Solar Physics, 180, 427-438
Soft X-ray and white-light coronal observations of the post-flare arch on 2 Nov 1991
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The solar origin of the January 1997 coronal mass ejection, magnetic cloud and geomagnetic storm
Wheatland,M.S. and Glukhov,S. 1998,
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Flare frequency distributions based on a master equation
Wheatland,M.S., Sturrock,P.A., and McTiernan,J.M. 1998,
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The waiting-time distribution of solar flare hard X-rays
Wuelser,J.P., Hudson,H.S., Nishio,M., Kosugi,T., Masuda,S., and Morrison,M. 1998,
Solar Physics, 180, 131-156
Precise Determination of the coordinate systems for the Yohkoh telescopes and the application of a transit of mercury
Yashiro,S., Shibata,K., and Shimojo,M. 1998,
The Astrophysical Journal, 493, 970-977
Early evolution of coronal active regions observed with the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray telescope I. expansion velocity
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Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 161-170
MHD simulations of magnetic reconnection in the solar corona and flares
Yokoyama,T. and Shibata,K. 1998,
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A two-dimensional MHD simulation of chromospheric evaporation in a solar flare based on a magnetic reconnection model
Yoshida,T., Kano,R., Nagata,S., Hara,H., Sakao,T., Shimizu,T. and
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(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 383-390
XUV Doppler telescope aboard sounding rocket
Zhang,H.Q., Sakurai,T., Shibata,K., Shimojo,H., Kurokawa,H., Morita,S.
and Uchida,Y. 1998,
"Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond",
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(eds. Watanabe,T., Kosugi,T. \& Sterling,A.C.), Astrophysics and
Space Science Library Vol. 229 (398 pages), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 391-396
Magnetic reconnection in the active region inferred by homologous soft X-ray flares in February 1992
Zhang,Jie, Gopalswamy,N., Kundu,M.R., Schmahl,E.J. and Lemen,J.R. 1998,
Solar Physics, 180, 285-298
Spatial structure of solar coronal magnetic loops revealed by transient microwave brightenings
Alexander,D. and Metcalf,T. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 489, 442-455
A spectral analysis of the Masuda flare using Yohkoh hard X-ray telescope pixon reconstruction
Aschwanden,M.J., Bynum,R.M., Kosugi,T., Hudson,H.S., and Schwartz,R.A. 1997,
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Electron trapping times and trap densities in solar flare loops measured with Compton and Yohkoh
Aschwanden,M.J., and Benz,A.O. 1997,
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Electron densities in solar flare loops, chromospheric evaporation upflows, and acceleration sites
Aurass,H., and Klein,K.L. 1997,
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 123, 279-304
Spectrographic and imaging observations of solar type U radio bursts
Baker,D.N., Spence, H. E., & Blake, J. B. 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 20/4-5, 1075-1080
ISTP: relativistic particle acceleration and global energy transport
Bentley,R.D., Sylwester,J., and Lemen,J.R. 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 20, 2275
Calcium abundance measurements using the Yohkoh BCS
Benz,A.O., Krucker,S., Acton,L.W., and Bastian,T.S. 1997,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 320, 993
Fine structure of the X-ray and radio emissions of the quiet solar corona
Bothmer,V., Posner,A., Kunow,H., Mueller-Mellin,R.,J.-P.
Delaboudiniere,B. Thompson,G.E. Brueckner,R. A. Howard, D. J. Michels,
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Proc. 31st ESLAB Symposium, held 22-25 September 1997, at ESTEC,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, (ed. A. Wilson), European Space Agency, ESA
SP-415, 207-216
Solar energetic particle events and coronal mass ejections: new insights from SOHO
Brosius,J.W., Davila,J.M., Thomas,R.J., Saba,J.R., Hara,H., and Monsignori -Fossi,B.C. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 477, 969-981
The structure and properties of solar active regions and quiet-sun areas
observed in soft X-rays with Yohkoh/SXT and in the extreme-ultraviolet
with SERTS
Cargill,P.J., and Klimchuk,J.A. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 478, 799-806
A nanoflare explanation for the heating of coronal loops observed by Yohkoh
Culhane,J.L. 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 19, 1839
YOHKOH observations of the solar corona
Falchi,A., Qiu,J., and Cauzzi,G. 1997,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 328, 371-380
Chromospheric evidence for magnetic reconnection
Falconer,D.A. 1997,
Solar Physics, 176, 123-126
A correlation between length of strong-shear neutral lines and total X-ray brightness in active regions
Fang,C., Tang,Y.H., Ding,M.D., Zhao,J., Sakurai,T., and Hiei,E. 1997,
Solar Physics, 176, 267-277
Coronal loops above a sunspot region
Farnik,F., Hudson,H., and Watanabe,T. 1997,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 320, 620-630
Yohkoh observations of flares with flat hard X-ray spectra
Fernandes,F.C.R. 1997,
PhD Thesis, INPE-6396-TDI/612
Wide Band Decimetric Digital Spectroscope and Investigations of Solar Flares in Decimetric Band and X-Rays
Foley,C.R., Culhane,J.L., and Acton,L.W. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 491, 933-938
Yohkoh soft X-ray determination of plasma parameters in a polar coronal hole
Galvin,A.B. and H.S. Hudson 1997,
"Correlated Phenomena at the Sun, in the Heliosphere and in Geospace",
Proc. 31st ESLAB Symposium, held 22-25 September 1997, at ESTEC,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, (ed. A. Wilson), European Space Agency, ESA
SP-415, 38-46
An overview of IACG Campaign 4: solar sources of heliospheric structure observed out of the ecliptic
Gan,W.Q. and Watanabe,T. 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 20, 2319
Line shifts observed by BCS/Yohkoh
Gan,W.Q., and Watanabe,T. 1997,
Solar Physics, 174, 403-412
A statistical study of the resonance line of Ca XIX observed with Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS)
Gary,D.E., Hartl,M.D., and Shimizu,T. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 477, 958-968
Nonthermal radio emission from solar soft X-ray transient brightenings
Glukhov,V.S. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 476, 385-391
Thermodynamics and morphology of a helmet streamer observed by the Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope
Golub,L. 1997,
Solar Physics, 174, 99-114
Difficulties in observing coronal structures
Gopalswamy,N., Hanaoka,Y., Kundu,M.R., Enome,S., Lemen,J.R., Akioka,M., and Lara,A. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 475, 348-360
Radio and X-ray studies of a coronal mass ejection associated with a very slow prominence eruption
Gopalswamy,N., Kundu,M.R., Manoharan,P.K., Raoult,A., Nitta,N., Zarka,P. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 486, 1036-1044
X-ray and radio studies of a coronal eruption: shock waves, plasmoid and coronal mass ejection
Gopalswamy,N., Kundu,M.R., Hanaoka,Y., Enome,S., Lemen,J.R., and Akioka,M. 1997,
New Astronomy, 1, 207
A great prominence eruption observed by Nobeyama radioheliograph and Yohkoh spacecraft
Gopalswamy,N., Zhang,J., Kundu,M.R., Schmahl,E.J., and Lemen,J.R. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 491, L115-L119
Fast time structure during transient microwave brightenings: evidence for nonthermal processes
Hanaoka,Y. 1997,
Solar Physics, 173, 319-346
Double-loop configuration of solar flares
Hanaoka,Y. 1997,
Proc. or the Workshop on Solar Flares and Related Disturbances, (eds.
Sakurai,T., Sagawa,E., and Akioka,M.) Communications Research
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Characteristics of double-loop flares
Hara,H. 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 20, 2279-2288
Evolution of the solar corona from solar maximum to minimum
Hara,H. 1997,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 49, 413
A high-temperature component in coronal holes as confirmed by a partial-eclipse observation (erratum: PASJ 49, 523)
Harra-Murnion,L.K., Akita,K., and Watanabe,T. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 479, 464-469
Investigating the non-thermal velocity of small GOES class flares observed by Yohkoh
Harra-Murnion,L.K., Plunkett,S.P., Helsdon,S.F., Phillips,K.J.H., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., and Schmieder,B. 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 20, 2333
Analysis of long duration flares?
Harra-Murnion,L.K., Culhane,J.L., Hudson,H.S., Fujiwara,T., Kato,T., Sterling,A.C. 1997,
Solar Physics, 171, 103-122
Isolating the footpoint characteristics of a solar flare loop
Hori,K., Yokoyama,T., Kosugi,T., Shibata,K. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 489, 426-441
Pseudo-two-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of solar flare loops
Hudson,H.S. 1997,
"Magnetic Storms", American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph
Series, Vol. 98, Proc. Chapman Conference, held at JPL, Pasadena,
California, 1996, Feb 12-16, (eds. Tsurutani,B.T., Gonzalez,W.D.,
Kamide,Y., and Arballo,J.K.), AGU, Washington DC, 35
The solar antecedents of geomagnetic storms
Hudson,H.S. and Galvin,A.B. 1997,
"Correlated Phenomena at the Sun, in the Heliosphere and in Geospace",
Proc. 31st ESLAB Symposium, held 22-25 September 1997, at ESTEC,
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, (ed. A. Wilson), European Space Agency, ESA
SP-415, 275-282
Correlated studies at activity maximum: the sun and the solar wind
Hudson,H.S. and Webb,D.F. 1997,
"Coronal Mass Ejections", American Geophysical Union, Geophysical
Monograph Series Vol. 99, Proc. Chapman Conference, held in Bozeman,
Montana, (eds. N.Crooker, J.Joselyn, and J.Feynman), AGU, Washington DC,
X-ray coronal ejections
Jackson,B.V. 1997,
Technical Report, AD-A340351; AFRL-SR-BL-TR-98-0279
The Physics of Remotely-Sensed Heliospheric Plasmas
Kamide,Y., McPherron,R.L., Gonzalez,W.D., Hamilton,D.C., Hudson,H.S.,
Joselyn,J.A., Kahler,S.W., Lyons,L.R., Lundstedt,H., and Szuszczewicz,E.
"Magnetic Storms", American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph
Series, Vol. 98, Proc. Chapman Conference, held at JPL, Pasadena,
California, 1996, Feb 12-16, (eds. Tsurutani,B.T., Gonzalez,W.D.,
Kamide,Y., and Arballo,J.K.), AGU, Washington DC, 1
Magnetic storms: current understanding and outstanding problems":
Kano,R. 1997,
"The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity", Proc. 5th SoHO
Workshop, held at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics. University of
Oslo, Norway, 17-20 June, 1997, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space Agency,
ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 445-450
Temperature structure of quasi-steady coronal loops revealed with Yohkoh
Kitai,R. 1997,
Proc. or the Workshop on Solar Flares and Related Disturbances, (eds.
Sakurai,T., Sagawa,E., and Akioka,M.) Communications Research
Laboratory, Hiraiso/CRL, Japan, ...
Optical observations at Hide observatory during the Yohkoh-Meudon campaign observation in October 1995
Kosugi,T. and Shibata,K. 1997,
"Magnetic Storms", American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph
Series, Vol. 98, Proc. Chapman Conference, held at JPL, Pasadena,
California, 1996, Feb 12-16, (eds. Tsurutani,B.T., Gonzalez,W.D.,
Kamide,Y., and Arballo,J.K.), AGU, Washington DC, ...
Solar coronal dynamics and flares as a cause of interplanetary disturbance
Koutchmy,S., Hara,H., Suematsu,Y., and Reardon,K. 1997,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 320, L33-L36
SXR coronal flashes
Krucker,S., Benz,A.O., Bastian,T.S., and Acton,L.W. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 488, 499-505
X-ray network flares of the quiet sun
Krucker,S., Benz,A.O., and Aschwanden,M.J. 1997,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 317, 569-579
YOHKOH observation of the source regions of solar narrowband, millisecond spike events
Kudoh,T., Shibata,K. 1997,
"The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity", Proc. 5th SoHO
Workshop, held at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics. University of
Oslo, Norway, 17-20 June, 1997, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space Agency,
ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 477-480
Propagation of nonlinear Alfven waves in the solar atmosphere: production of spicules and coronal heating
Kundu,M.R., Shibasaki,K. and Nitta,N. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 491, L121
Detection of nonthermal radio emission from coronal X-ray jets
LaBonte,B.J., and Reardon,K. 1997,
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, SPD #28, #01.40
X-ray photon spectroscopy with the YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope
Li,J., Metcalf,T.R., Canfield,R.C., Wuelser,J.P., Kosugi,T. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 482, 490-497
What is the spatial relationship between hard X-ray footpoints and vertical electric currents in solar flares?
Longcope,D.W. and Silva,A.V.R. 1997,
Solar Physics, 179, 349-377
A current ribbon model for energy storage and release with application to the flare 1992 Jan 7
Magara,T., Shibata,K., and Yokoyama,T. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 487, 437-446
Evolution of eruptive flares: I. Plasmoid dynamics in eruptive flares
Magara,T., and Shibata,K. 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 19, 1903
Plasmoid formation in eruptive flares
Mandrini,C.H., Demoulin,P., Bagala,L.G., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Henoux,J.C., Schmieder,B., and Rovira,M.G. 1997,
Solar Physics, 174, 229-240
Evidence of magnetic reconnection from Ha, soft X-rays and photospheric magnetic field observations
Mariska,J.T., Bentley, R. D., & Pike, C. D. 1997,
NRL MR/7673-97-8127, Solarvariability Section 98, 338248, Technical Report AD-A336976
YOHKOH Bragg Crystal Spectrometer Light Curves for S XV (5.0163 - 5.1143 Angstroms)
Mariska,J.T., and Doschek,G.A. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 485, 904-910
Observations of thermal plasma in a solar limb flare
Masuda,S. and Sato,J. 1997,
Proc. or the Workshop on Solar Flares and Related Disturbances, (eds.
Sakurai,T., Sagawa,E., and Akioka,M.) Communications Research
Laboratory, Hiraiso/CRL, Japan, ...
Impulsive flares, long duration events, and arcade formations
Matsumoto,R., Tajima,T., Chou,W., Okubo,A. and Shibata,K. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 493, L43-L46
Formation of a kinked alignment of solar active regions
Matthews,S.A. and Harra-Murnion,L.K. 1997,
Solar Physics, 175, 541-551
The relationship between UV and X-ray active region structures
McDonald,L., Harra-Murnion,L.E., Culhane,L.K., and Schwartz,R.A. 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 20, 2327
An investigation of small GOES flares with intense hard X-ray bursts
McKenzie,D.E. 1997,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 109, 739
Search for periodicity in image sequences from Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope
McKenzie,D.E. 1997,
PhD Thesis, University of Delaware, 730p.
Search for Periodicity in Image Sequences from YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope
McKenzie,D.E. and Mullan,D.J. 1997,
Solar Physics, 176, 127-145
Periodic modulation of X-ray intensity from coronal loops: heating by resonant absorption?
Neidig,D.F., Svestka,Z., Cliver,E.W., Airapetian,V., and Henry,T.W. 1997,
Solar Physics, 170, 321-339
Observations of faint, outlying loop systems in large flares
Newton,E.K. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 484, 455-462
Investigating "precursor flows" in solar flares
Nishio,M., Yaji,K., Kosugi,T., Nakajima,H., Sakurai,T. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 489, 976-991
Magnetic field configuration in impulsive solar flares inferred from coaligned microwave/X-ray images
Nitta,N. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 491, 402-408
Hard X-ray emission from active region transient brightenings
Nitta,N., and Yaji,K. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 484, 927-936
A super-hot flare observed by Yohkoh
Ohyama,M. and Shibata,K. 1997,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 49, 249-261
Preflare heating and mass motion in a solar flare associated with a hot plasma ejection - 1993 November 11 C9.7 flare -
Ohyama,M., Shibata, K., Yokoyama, T., & Shimojo, M. 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 19, 1849
X-ray plasma ejections and jets from solar compact flares observed with the YOHKOH soft X-ray telescope
Peres,G., Orlando,S., Reale,F., Rosner,R. and Hudson,H. 1997,
Solar Physics, 172, 239
The sun as an X-ray star: overview of the method
Peres,G., Reale,F., Orlando,S., Rosner,R. and Hudson,H. 1997,
"Solar and Heliospheric Plasma Physics", Proceedings of the 8th European
Meeting on Solar Physics Held at Halkidiki, near Thessaloniki, Greece,
13 - 18 May, 1996, VIII, 278 pp.. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New
York. Also Lecture Notes in Physics, volume 489, ...
Yohkoh data for comparison with stellar X-ray observations
Peres,G., Reale,F., Orlando,S., Rosner,R. and Hudson,H. 1997,
"Solar and Heliospheric Plasma Physics", Proceedings of the 8th European
Meeting on Solar Physics Held at Halkidiki, near Thessaloniki, Greece,
13 - 18 May, 1996, VIII, 278 pp.. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New
York. Also Lecture Notes in Physics, volume 489, ...
The sun as an X-ray star: overview of the method
Pevtsov,A.A., Canfield,R.C., and McClymont,A.N. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 481, 973-977
On the subphotospheric origin of coronal electric currents
Phillips,K.J.H., and Feldman,U. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 477, 502-508
Yohkoh observations as a means of checking S, Ca, and Fe coronal abundances and He-like ionization fractions
Qiu,J., Falchi,A., Falciani,R., Cauzzi,G., and Smaldone,L.A. 1997,
Solar Physics, 172, 171-179
Multi-spectral observations of an eruptive flare
Reale,F., Betta,R., Peres,G., Serio,S., and McTiernan,J. 1997,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 325, 782-790
Determination of the length of coronal loops from the decay of X-ray flares
Savy,S.K. 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 19, 1899
Asymmetric X-ray line broadening in solar flares
Schmieder,B., Aulanier G., Demoulin P., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Roudier T., Nitta N. and Cauzzi G. 1997,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 325, 1213
Magnetic Reconnection driven by emergence of sheared magnetic field
Schmieder,B., Demoulin P. , Aulanier G., van Driel-Gesztelyi L. Kucera T., Poland A. 1997,
"...", Proc. Conf. IAGA, Upsala, ..., (ed. ...), ..., ...
CMEs and Prominences with SOHO and YOHKOH
Schmieder,B., Demoulin,P., Malherbe,J.M., Roudier,T., Nitta,N., and Harra-Murnion,L.K. 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 18/12, 1871
3D reconnection related to new emerging flux
Schmieder,B., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Wiik J.E., Kucera T. Thompson B.,
De Forest C., Saint Cyr C. and Simnett G. 1997,
"The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity", Proc. 5th SoHO
Workshop, held at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics. University of
Oslo, Norway, 17-20 June, 1997, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space Agency,
ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 663
Prominence activity related to CME observed by SOHO, Yohkoh and Meudon
Shibata,K. 1997,
Proc. or the Workshop on Solar Flares and Related Disturbances, (eds.
Sakurai,T., Sagawa,E., and Akioka,M.) Communications Research
Laboratory, Hiraiso/CRL, Japan, ...
Role of plasmoid ejections in solar flare energy release
Shibata,K. 1997,
"The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity", Proc. 5th SoHO
Workshop, held at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics. University of
Oslo, Norway, 17-20 June, 1997, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space Agency,
ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 103-112
Rapidly time variable phenomena: jets, explosive events, and flares
Shimizu,T. 1997,
PhD Thesis, School of Science, Univ.Tokyo
Studies of transient brightenings (microflares) discovered in solar active regions
Shimizu,T. and Tsuneta,S. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 486, 1045-1057
Deep survey of solar nano-flares with Yohkoh
Silva,A.V.R., Gary,D.E., White,S.M., Lin,R.P., and DePater,I. 1997,
Solar Physics, 175, 157-173
First images of impulsive millimeter emission and spectral analysis of the 1994 August 18 solar flare
Silva,A.V.R., Wang,H., Gary,D.E., Nitta,N., and Zirin,H. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 481, 978-987
Imaging the chromospheric evaporation of the 1994 June 30 solar flare
Smith,Z., Watari,S., Dryer,M., Mandharan,P.K., and McIntosh,P.S. 1997,
Solar Physics, 171, 177-190
Identification of the solar source for the 18 October 1995 magnetic cloud
Somov,B.V. and Kosugi,T. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 485, 859-868
Collisionless reconnection and high-energy particle acceleration in solar flares
Sterling,A.C. 1997,
Geophysics Research Letters, 24/18, 2263-2266
X-ray spectral observations of a solar active region corona
Sterling,A.C. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 478, 807-813
S XV spectral properties of an active region from the Yohkoh Bragg Crystal spectrometer
Sterling,A.C. and Hudson,H.S. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 491, L55-L58
Yohkoh observations of X-ray dimming associated with a halo coronal mass ejection
Sterling,A.C., Hudson,H.S., and Watanabe,T. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 479, L149-L152
Electron temperatures of the corona above a solar active region determined from S XV spectra
Sterling,A.C., Hudson,H.S., Lemen,J.R., and Zarro,D.A. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 110, 115-156
Temporal variations of solar flare spectral properties: Hard X-ray
fluxes and Fe XXV, Ca XIX, and wideband soft X-ray fluxes, temperatures,
and emission measures
Svestka,Z., Farnik,F., Hick,P., Hudson,H.S., and Uchida,Y. 1997,
Solar Physics, 176, 355-371
Large-scale active coronal phenomena in Yohkoh SXT images
Sylwester,J., Sylwester,B. 1997,
"The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity", Proc. 5th SoHO
Workshop, held at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics. University of
Oslo, Norway, 17-20 June, 1997, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space Agency,
ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 697-700
Footpoint structures of flare loops
Tomczak,M. 1997,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 317, 223
The impulsive phase of the arcade flare of 28 June 1992, 14:24 UT
Tsuneta,S. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 483, 507-514
Moving plasmoid and formation of neutral sheet in a solar flare
Tsuneta,S. 1997,
"High Resolution Solar Atmospheric Dynamics Workshop", ..., (eds. J.Bookbinder and E.Deluca), PASP Conf.Ser. ..., ...
Coronal structure and temperature
Tsuneta,S., Masuda,S., Kosugi,T., and Sato,J. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 478, 787-798
Hot and super-hot plasmas above the impulsive flare loop
Tsvetkov,L.I., Baranov, N. V., Granat, A. D., & Khanejchuk, V. I. 1997,
Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, 13, 12
Observations and analysis of the radio emission pulsations of coronal holes at wavelengths of 2.2, 2.8, and 3.5 CM
Ueno,S., Minishige,S., Negoro,H., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 484, 920-926
Statistics of fluctuations in the solar soft X-ray emission
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Cspura,G., Schmieder,B., Malherbe,J.-M., Metcalf,T. 1997,
Solar Physics, 172, 151-160
Evolution of a delta group in the photosphere and corona
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Wiik,J.E., Schmieder,B., Tarbell,T., Kitai,R., Funakoshi,Y., Anwar,B. 1997,
Solar Physics, 174, 151-162
Post-flare loops of 26 June 1992, IV. formation and expansion of hot and cool loops
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L. Schmieder,P. Martens,D. Zarro,C. DeForest,B.
Thompson,G. Aulanier,P. Demoulin,C. StCyr, J. Burkepile, O.R. White, T.
Kucera, N. Nitta, Y. Hanaoka, P. Mein, J.-M. Malherbe 1997,
Annales Geophysicae Supplement, Part III, Space and Planetary Sciences,
Supplement III to Volume 16, C 918
Ground-based and space-based multi-instrument observations of the disparition brusque and CME activity of 25/26 September 1996
Vourlidas,A., Bastian,T.S., and Aschwanden,M.J. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 489, 403-425
The structure of the solar corona above sunspots as inferred from radio, X-ray, and magnetic field observations
Wang,J., Shibata,K., Nitta,N., Slater,G.L., Savy,S.K., and Ogarawa,Y. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 478, L41-44
Shrinkage of coronal X-ray loops
Watari,S., Watanabe,T., Acton,L.W. and Hudson,H.S. 1997,
"The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity", Proc. 5th SoHO
Workshop, held at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics. University of
Oslo, Norway, 17-20 June, 1997, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space Agency,
ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 725
Limb events observed by Yohkoh and coronal mass ejections: a filamentary soft X-ray structure on 5 October 1996
Webb,D.F. & Kahler, S. W. 1997,
Technical Report, NASA-CR-205215; NAS 1.26:205215 Inst. for Scientific Research
Study of the Source Regions of Coronal Mass Ejections Using YOHKOH SXT Data
Webb,D.F., Kahler,S.W., McIntosh,P.S., Klimchuk,J. 1997,
Journal of Geophysics Research, 102/A11, 24161-24174
Large-scale structures and multiple neutral lines associated with coronal mass ejections
Wheatland,M.S., Sturrock,P.A., and Acton,L.W. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 482, 510-518
Coronal heating and the vertical temperature structure of the quiet corona
Wiik,J.E., van Driel L., Schmieder B., Heinzel P.: 1997,
Advances in Space Research, 20/12, 2345
Evolution of the altitude of hot and cool post-flare loops
Yan,Y. and Sakurai,T. 1997,
Solar Physics, 174, 65-71
Analysis of Yohkoh SXT coronal loops and calculated force-free magnetic field lines from vector magnetographs
Yokoyama,T. and Shibata,K. 1997,
"The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity", Proc. 5th SoHO
Workshop, held at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics. University of
Oslo, Norway, 17-20 June, 1997, (ed. Wilson,A.), European Space Agency,
ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 745-750
Two-dimensional MHD simulation of chromospheric evaporation driven by magnetic reconnection in solar flares
Yokoyama,T. and Shibata,K. 1997,
The Astrophysical Journal, 474, L61-L64
Magnetic reconnection coupled with heat conduction
Yuda,S., Hiei,E., Takahashi,M., Watanabe,Te. 1997,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 49, 115
Electron temperature of solar flares deduced from Helium-Like sulphur lines
Zarro,D.M. 1997,
Technical Report, Applied Research Corp. Landover, Maryland
Correlative Analysis of Hard and Soft X-ray Emissions in Solar Flares
Zarro,D.M. 1997,
Technical Report, NASA/CR-97-203898; NAS 1.26:203898; R97-257
Correlative Analysis of Hard and Soft X-Ray Emissions in Solar Flares
Zharkova,V.V. and Syniavskii,D.V. 1997,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 32, 13
Return current effects on hard X-ray and microwave emission produced by electron beams in solar flares
Acton,L.W. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 3-11
Coronal structures, local and global
Acton,L.W. 1996,
"Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, 9th Workshop", Proc, held in
Florence, Italy, Oct 3-6, 1995, (eds. R.Pallavicini and A.K.Dupree),
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, ASP CS-..., 45
Comparison of Yohkoh X-ray and other solar activity parameters for November 1991 to November 1995
Akioka,M. 1996,
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 48(1), 5-10
Ha solar telescope at Hiraiso and its initial observations
Akioka,M., and Cauzzi,G. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 451-452
Simultaneous, observation of solar surges in H-alpha and X-ray
Alexander,D. and Katsev,S. 1996,
Solar Physics, 167, 153-166
Geometrical considerations in imaging the solar corona
Alexander,D., Harvey,K.L., Hudson,H.S., Hoeksema,J.T., Zhao,X. 1996,
"Solar Wind Eight", Internat. Solar Wind Conference, held in Dana Point,
California, June 1995, (eds. D.Winterhalter, J.T.Gosling, S.R.Habbal,
W.S.Kurth, and M.Neugebauer), AIP Press, New York, American Institute of
Physics Conference Proceedings AIP CP-382, 80-83
The solar/interplanetary event of 14 April 1994 observed by Yohkoh/SXT
Alexander,D., Metcalf,T., and Hudson,H.S. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 253-258
Pixon reconstruction and the Masuda event of 1992 January 13
Antonucci,E., Benna,C., and Somov,B.V. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 456, 833-839
Interpretation of the observed plasma turbulent velocities as a result of magnetic reconnection in solar flares
Aschwanden,M.J. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 209-210
Electron time-of-flight measurements
Aschwanden,M.J. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 216-221
Do Electron Time-of-Flight Measurements Support Magnetic Reconnection Models ?
Aschwanden,M.J., Hudson,H.S., Kosugi,T., and Schwartz,R.A. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 464, 985-998
Electron time-of-flight measurements during the Masuda flare 1992 Jan 13
Aschwanden,M.J., Kosugi,T., Hudson,H.S., Wills,M.J., and Schwartz,R.A. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 470, 1198-1217
The scaling law between electron time-of-flight distances and loop lengths in solar flares
Aschwanden,M.J., Wills,M.J., Hudson,H.S., Kosugi,T., and Schwartz,R.A. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 468, 398-417
Electron time-of-flight distances and flare loop geometries compared from CGRO and YOHKOH observations
Aurass,H., and Klein,K.L. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 269-272
Observations of electron beam propagation in closed magnetic structures in the solar corona
Bastian,T.S., Gary,D.E., Hurford,G.J., Hudson,H.S., Klimchuk,J.A.,
Petrosian,V., and White,S.M. 1996,
"Radio Emission from the Stars and the Sun", Astronomical Society of the
Pacific Conference Series Vol. 93, Proc. Conference, held at the
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 3-7 July 1995, San Francisco:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), (eds. A.R.Taylor and
J.M.Paredes)., 430
Broadband imaging spectroscopy with the solar radio telescope
Bentley,R.D. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 177-174
Mass motions in flares
Bentley,R.D., Doschek,G.A., and Mariska,J.T. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 55-58
Timing of the soft X-ray blue-wing and the hard X-ray burst from observations by Yohkoh
Bothmer,V., Sanderson, T. R., Marsden, R. G., Wenzel, K., Goldstein, B.
E., Balogh, A., Forsyth, R. J., & Uchida, Y. 1996,
"Solar Wind Eight", Internat. Solar Wind Conference, held in Dana Point,
California, June 1995, (eds. D.Winterhalter, J.T.Gosling, S.R.Habbal,
W.S.Kurth, and M.Neugebauer), AIP Press, New York, American Institute of
Physics Conference Proceedings AIP CP-382, 445-448
Energetic particles and coronal mass ejections in the high latitude heliosphere: Ulysses-LET observations
Brajsa,R., Pohjolainen,S., Ruzdjak,V., Sakurai,T., Urpo,S., Vrsnak,B., and Woehl,H. 1996,
Solar Physics, 163, 79-91
Helium 10830 Angstrom measurements of the sun
Canfield,R.C. , Pevtsov,A.A., and McClymont,A.N. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 341-346
Magnetic chirality and coronal reconnection
Canfield,R.C., Reardon,K.P., Leka,K.D., Shibata,K., Yokoyama,T., and Shimojo,M. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 464, 1016-1029
H-alpha surges and X-ray jets in AR 7260
Canfield,R.C., Reardon,K.P., Leka,K.D., Shibata,K., Yokoyama,T., and
Shimojo,M. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 49-50
H-alpha surges and X-ray jets in AR 7260
Cauzzi,G., Falchi,A., Falciani,R., Hiei,E., and Smaldone,L.A. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 433-434
Minor photospheric and chromospheric magnetic activity and related coronal signatures
Cheng,C.C., Dere,K.P., Wu,S.T., Hagyard,M.J., and Hiei,E. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 205-208
Coronal structure and heating
Chertok,I.M. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 369-374
Yohkoh data on CME-flare relationships and post-eruption magnetic reconnection in the corona
Culhane,J.L. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 3-5
Meeting overview
Culhane,J.L. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17/4, 29-38
Yohkoh observations of high temperature plasma in solar flares
Dame,L., Martic,M., Brown,W., Brunder,M., Shine,R., Tarbell,T., Strong,K., Suematsu,Y., Tsuneta,S., and Schmieder,B. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 189-192
Coordinated SPDE, Yohkoh, and Ground-based observations of an emerging flux region
DeJager,C. 1996,
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 48(3), 259-272
Solar flares: ignition and particle acceleration
Ding,M.D., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., Sakurai,T., Kosugi,T., and Fang,C. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 458, 391-396
Chromospheric evaporation in four solar flares observed by YOHKOH
Doschek,G.A. 1996,
"High Energy Solar Physics", American Institute of Physics Conference
Proceedings 374, Proc. Conference, held in Greenbelt, Maryland, 1995 Aug
16-18, (eds. R.Ramaty, N.Mandzhavidze, and X.-M.Hua), AIP Press, New
York, 353-358
Solar flare dynamics as revealed by Yohkoh observations
Doschek,G.A., Feldman,U., and Dubau,J. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 122-124
Ultra low temperature sulfur X-ray spectra
Doschek,G.A., Mariska,J.T., and Sakao,T. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 459, 823-835
Soft X-ray flare dynamics
Doschek,G.A., and Feldman,U. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 459, 773-778
The temperature of the bright knots at the tops of solar flare loops
Dubau,J. 1996,
Proc. 11th Coll. on "UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and
Laboratory Plasmas", Nagoya, Japan, May 29-June 2, 1995, (eds.
K.Yamashita and T.Watanabe), Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, p.69-74,
Atomic data for Yohkoh and ASCA
Enome,S. 1996,
"Solar Drivers of the Interplanetary and Terrestrial Disturbances",
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 95, Proc.
16th internationnal workshop National Solar Observatory, Sacramento
Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA, 16-20 October 1995, San Francisco:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), (eds. Balasubramaniam,K.S.,
Keil,S.L., and Smartt,R.N.), 405-408
Recent results from the Nobeyama radioheliograph in collaboration with YOHKOH
Falconer,D.A., Moore,R.L., Porter,J.G., Gary,G.A., Shimizu,T. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 482, 519-534
Neutral-line magnetic shear and enhanced coronal heating in solar active region
Farnik,F., Hudson,H., Watanbe,T. 1996,
Solar Physics, 165, 169-179
Spatial relations between preflares and flares
Farnik,F., Svestka,Z., Hudson,H., Uchida,Y. 1996,
Solar Physics, 168, 331-343
Large-scale active coronal phenomena in Yohkoh SXT images II. Stationary post-flare giant arches
Feldman,U. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 145-154
Properties of thermal flares (4-30 MK) derived from observations: does a reconnection mechanism have a role in the flare process
Feldman,U. 1996,
Physics of Plasmas, 3, 3203-3241
Properties of thermal flare plasmas (3x10^5-3x10^7): observational results
Feldman,U., Doschek,G.A., Behring,W.E., and Phillips,K.J.H. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 460, 1034-1041
Electron temperature, emission measure, and X-ray flux in A2 to X2 X-ray class solar flares
Feldman,U., Doschek,G.A., and Behring,W.E. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 461, 465-471
Electron temperature and emission measure determinations of very faint solar flares
Fletcher,L. 1996,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 310, 661-671
The height distribution of non-thermal X-ray sources in impulsive solar flares
Forbes,T.G. and Acton,L.W. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 459, 330-341
Reconnection and field line shrinkage in solar flares
Fowley,C.R., Culhane,J.L., Acton,L.W., and Lemen,J.R. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 419-420
Temperature structure of the diffuse corona
Fu,Q.J., Liu, Y., & Li, C. 1996,
Chinese Astronony and Astrophysics,, 20/4, 487-491
Correlation between solar microwave bursts and hard X-ray flares
Fujiki,K.I., Nakajima,H., Hanaoka,Y., Yaji,K., and Kitai,R. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 547-548
Electron acceleration site of the 1992 Sep. 6 flare
Fujisaki,K., Okubo,H., Uchida,Y., Hirose,S., Cable,S., and Tsuneta,S.
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 495-496
Polar X-ray arcade formation and giant cusp
Gary,D.E., Wang,H., Nitta,N., and Kosugi,T. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 464, 965-973
Microwave and soft X-ray emission from a flare-activated coronal loop
Gopalswamy,N., Kundu,M.R., Hanaoka,Y., Enome,S., and Lemen,J.R. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 457, L117-L120
Detection of large-scale radio structure and plasma flow during a solar bright point flare
Gopalswamy,N., Kundu,M.R., Hanaoka,Y., Enome,S., Lemen,J.R., and Akioka,M. 1996,
New Astronomy, 1, 207-213
Yohkoh/SXT observations of a coronal mass ejection near the solar surface
Grall,R.R., Coles,W.A., Klinglesmith,M.T., Breen,A.R., WIlliams,P.J.S., and Esser,R. 1996,
Nature, 379, 429-432
Measurements of the solar wind speed in the south polar stream near the Sun
Greer,C.J., Phillips,K.J.H., Bhatia,A.K. and Keenan,F.P. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 125-128
Fe XVII X-ray lines in solar coronal plasmas
Guhathakurta,M., Fisher,R., and Strong,K. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 471, L69-L71
Temperature structure of the high latitude corona
Habbal,S.R., Mossman,A., Gonzalez,R., and Esser,R. 1996,
Journal of Geophysics Research, 101(A9), 19943-19955
Radio, visible, and X-ray emission preceding and following a coronal mass ejection
Hanaoka,Y. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 207-208
Flares and plasma flow caused by interacting loops
Hanaoka,Y. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 200-205
Double-loop configuration and its related activities
Hanaoka,Y. 1996,
Solar Physics, 165, 275-301
Flares and plasma flow caused by interacting coronal loops
Hara,H. 1996,
PhD Thesis, School of Science, Univ. Tokyo
Structures and heating mechanisms of the solar corona
Hara,H. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 321-328
Magnetic activity cycle in the X-ray coronal structures
Hara,H. and Ichimoto,K. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 183-186
A coronal velocity field around a long-duration event: search for reconnection inflow
Hara,H., Tsuneta,S., Acton,L.W., Bruner,M.E., Lemen,J.R., and Ogawara,Y. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17/4-5, 231-234
A high-temperature component in coronal holes observed with Yohkoh SXT
Harra-Murnion,L.K., Culhane,J.L., Fujiwara,T., Hudson,H.S., Kato,T., and
Sterling,A.C. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 527-529
Isolating the footpoint characteristics of a solar flare loop
Harra-Murnion,L.K., Akita,K., and Watanabe,T. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 236-239
Investigating the non-thermal velocity of small GOES class flares observed by Yohkoh
Harra-Murnion,L.K., Phillips,K.J.H., Lemen,J.R., Zarro,D.M., Greer,C.J.,
Foster,V.J., Barnsley,R., Coffey,I.H., Dubau,J., Keenan,F.P.,
Fludra,A., Rachlew-Kallne,E., Watanabe,T., and Wilson,M. 1996,
Proc. 11th Coll. on "UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and
Laboratory Plasmas", Nagoya, Japan, May 29-June 2, 1995, (eds.
K.Yamashita and T.Watanabe), Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, p.69-74,
Helium-like sulphur X-ray emission in solar flares and laboratory plasmas
Harra-Murnion,L.K., Phillips,K.J.H., Lemen,J.R., Zarro,D.M., Greer,C.J.,
Foster,V.J., Barnsley,R., Coffey,I.H., Dubau,J., Keenan,F.P.,
Fludra,A., Rachlew-Kallne,E., Watanabe,T., and Wilson,M. 1996,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 308, 670-684
Helium-like sulphur X-ray emission in solar flares and laboratory plasmas
Harvey,K.L. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 9-18
Observations of X-ray bright points
Harvey,K.L. 1996,
"Solar Wind Eight", Internat. Solar Wind Conference, held in Dana Point,
California, June 1995, (eds. D.Winterhalter, J.T.Gosling, S.R.Habbal,
W.S.Kurth, and M.Neugebauer), AIP Press, New York, American Institute of
Physics Conference Proceedings AIP CP-382, 9-13
Coronal structures deduced from photospheric magnetic field and He I lambda 10830 observations
Hick,P., Jackson,B., Woan,G., and Slater,G. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 311-314
IPS observations of heliospheric density structures associated with active regions
Hiei,E. and Hundhausen,A.J. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 125-126
Development of a coronal helmet streamer of 24 January 1992
Hori,K., Yokoyama,T., Kosugi,T., and Shibata,K. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 519-520
Pseudo-two dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of flare loops
Hudson,H.S. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 89-96
Yohkoh observations of coronal mass ejections
Hudson,H.S. and Nitta,N. 1996,
"High Energy Solar Physics", American Institute of Physics Conference
Proceedings 374, Proc. Conference, held in Greenbelt, Maryland, 1995 Aug
16-18, (eds. R.Ramaty, N.Mandzhavidze, and X.-M.Hua), AIP Press, New
York, 285-293
YOHKOH observations of flares with superhot properties
Hudson,H.S., Acton,L.W., Alexander,D., Harvey,K.L., Kurokawa,H.,
Kahler,S., Lemen,J.R. 1996,
"Solar Wind Eight", Internat. Solar Wind Conference, held in Dana Point,
California, June 1995, (eds. D.Winterhalter, J.T.Gosling, S.R.Habbal,
W.S.Kurth, and M.Neugebauer), AIP Press, New York, American Institute of
Physics Conference Proceedings AIP CP-382, 84-87
The solar origins of two high-latitude interplanetary disturbances
Hudson,H.S., Acton,L.W., and Freeland,S.L. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 470, 629-635
A long-duration solar flare with mass ejection and global consequences
Hudson,H.S., Khan,J.I. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 135-144
Observational problems for flare models based on large-scale magnetic reconnection
Hudson,H.S., Lemen,J.R., and Webb,D.F. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 379-382
Coronal X-ray dimming in two limb flares
Johannesson,A. and Zirin,H. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 471, 510-520
The pole-equator variation of solar chromospheric height
Kano,R. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 112-115
The observed properties of coronal loops
Kano,R., and Tsuneta,S. 1996,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 48, 535-543
Temperature distributions and energy scaling law of solar coronal loops obtained with Yohkoh
Kano,R., and Tsuneta,S. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 43-44
Temperature and heating distributions along the steady coronal loop
Kato,T., Fujiwara,T., Hanaoka,Y. and BCS Group 1996,
Proc. 11th Coll. on "UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and
Laboratory Plasmas", Nagoya, Japan, May 29-June 2, 1995, (eds.
K.Yamashita and T.Watanabe), Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, p.69-74,
X-ray spectral analysis of Yohkoh BCS data on Sep 6, 1992 flares
Khan,J.I., Hudson,H.S., Sterling,A.C., and Lemen,J.R. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 162-165
A loop flare observed by Yohkoh on 1992 July 11
Klimchuk,J.A. and Porter,L.J. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 39-40
The heating of soft X-ray coronal loops
Kosugi,T. 1996,
"High Energy Solar Physics", American Institute of Physics Conference
Proceedings 374, Proc. Conference, held in Greenbelt, Maryland, 1995 Aug
16-18, (eds. R.Ramaty, N.Mandzhavidze, and X.-M.Hua), AIP Press, New
York, 267-274
Solar flare energy release and particle acceleration as revealed by YOHKOH HXT
Kotov,Y.D., Bogovalov,S.V., and Endalova,O.V. and Yoshimori,M. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 473, 514-518
7Li production in solar flares
Krucker,S., Benz,A.O., and Aschwanden,M.J. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 129-134
Soft X-ray (Yohkoh) and radio (VLA) observations of solar narrowband, millisecond spike events
Krucker,S., Benz,A.O., Aschwanden,M.J., and Bastian,T.S. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 441-442
Location of type I radio continuum and bursts on Yohkoh soft X-ray maps
Kucera,T.A. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 563-564
A study of the thermal/nonthermal electric field model using spectral and spatial X-ray data from CGRO and Yohkoh
Kucera,T.A., Love,P.J., Dennis,B.R., Holman,G.D., Schwartz,R.A., Zarro,D.M. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 466, 1067-1077
A study of the thermal/nonthermal electric field model using spectral and spatial X-ray data from CGRO and YOHKOH
Kundu,M.R. Raulin,J.P., and Nitta,N. 1996,
"High Energy Solar Physics", American Institute of Physics Conference
Proceedings 374, Proc. Conference, held in Greenbelt, Maryland, 1995 Aug
16-18, (eds. R.Ramaty, N.Mandzhavidze, and X.-M.Hua), AIP Press, New
York, 402-407
Nonthermal radio emission from coronal X-ray structures
Kundu,M.R., Raulin,J.P., Nitta,N., Hudson,H.S., Raoult,A., Shibata,K.,
and Shimojo,M. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 443-444
Detection of nonthermal radio emission from coronal X-ray jets
Kundu,M.R., Raulin,J.P., Nitta,N., Hudson,H.S., and Raoult,A. 1996,
"Solar Drivers of the Interplanetary and Terrestrial Disturbances",
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 95, Proc.
16th internationnal workshop National Solar Observatory, Sacramento
Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA, 16-20 October 1995, San Francisco:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), (eds. Balasubramaniam,K.S.,
Keil,S.L., and Smartt,R.N.), 375-377
Nonthermal radio emission from coronal X-ray jets
Lantos,P., Alissandrakis,C.E., and Yohkoh team 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 261-264
Large scale structure of the solar corona observed at meter and decimeter wavelengths and in X-ray
Leka,K.D., Canfield,R.C., McClymont,A.N., and VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 462, 547-560
Evidence for current-carrying emerging flux
Lemen,J.R., Acton,L.W., Alexander,D., Galvin,A.B., Harvey,K.L,
Hoeksema,J.T., Zhao,X., and Hudson,H.S. 1996,
"Solar Wind Eight", Internat. Solar Wind Conference, held in Dana Point,
California, June 1995, (eds. D.Winterhalter, J.T.Gosling, S.R.Habbal,
W.S.Kurth, and M.Neugebauer), AIP Press, New York, American Institute of
Physics Conference Proceedings AIP CP-382, 92-94
Comparison of YOHKOH x-ray coronal events with ULYSSES interplanetary events
Magara,T., Mineshige,S., Yokoyama,T., and Shibata,K. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 466, 1054-1066
Numerical simulation of magnetic reconnection in eruptive flares
Mandrini,C.H., Demoulin,P., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Schmieder,B., Cauzzi,G., Hofmann,A. 1996,
Solar Physics, 168, 115-133
3D magnetic reconnection at an X-ray bright point
Manoharan,P.K., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Pick,M., and Demoulin,P. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 468, L73-L76
Evidence for large-scale solar magnetic reconnection from radio and X-ray measurements
Mariska,J.T., Bentley,R.D., and Pike,C.D. 1996,
NRL MR/7673-96-7817
Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer Light Curves for Ca XIX (3.1633-3.1933 A) - 1 October 1994 - 30 September 1995
Mariska,J.T., Bentley, R. D., & Pike, C. D. 1996,
NRL PU/7673-96-7906, Solarvariability Section 98, 338204, Technical Report AD-A336978
YOHKOH Bragg Crystal Spectrometer Light Curves for S XV (5.0163 - 5.1143 A)
Mariska,J.T., Bently, R. D., & Pike, C. D. 1996,
NRL ...
YOHKOH Bragg Crystal Spectrometer Light Curves for S XV (5.0163 - 5.1143 A)
Mariska,J.T., Sakao,T., and Bentley,R.D. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 459, 815-822
Hard and soft X-ray observations of solar limb flares
Mariska,J.T., Sakao,T., and Bentley,R.D. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 523-524
Hard and soft X-ray observations of solar limb flares
Martens,P.C.H. 1996,
EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 77(46), F601
SOHO/Yohkoh Correlations
Martens,P.C.H., Hurlburt,N.E., Title,A.M., and Acton,L.W. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 463, 372-381
An analytical model for fluted sunspots and a new interpretation of Evershed flow and X-ray anemones
Martin,S.F. and McAllister,A.H. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 497-498
The skew of X-ray coronal loops overlying H-alpha filaments
Masuda,S. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 166-170
Loop-top impulsive source and footpoint sources
Masuda,S., Kosugi,T., Tsuneta,S., and Hara,H. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17/4-5, 63-66
Discovery of a loop-top hard X-ray source in impulsive solar flares
Masuda,S., Kosugi,T., Shibata,K., Hara,H., and Sakao,T. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 203-204
Loop-top hard X-ray source in solar flares
Matsumoto,R., Tajima,T., Chou,W., and Shibata,K. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 355-357
Formation of a kinked alignment of solar active region
McAllister,A.H., Dryer,M., McIntosh,P., and Singer,H. 1996,
Journal of Geophysics Research, 101, 13497-13515
A large polar crown coronal mass ejection and a "problem" geomagnetic storm: April 14-23, 1994
McAllister,A.H., Hundhausen,A.J., Burkepile,J.T., McIntosh,P., and
Hiei,E. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 123-124
Declining phase coronal evolution: the statistics of X-ray arcades
McAllister,A.H., Kurokawa,H., Shibata,K., and Nitta,N. 1996,
Solar Physics, 169, 123-149
A filament eruption and accompanying coronal field changes on November 5, 1992
McTiernan,J.M. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 228-231
The variation of emission measure versus temperature during solar flares observed by the Yohkoh SXT and GOES
Metcalf,T.R., Fisher,G.H. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 462, 977-981
A test of a new flare loop scaling law using YOHKOH SXT and GOES observations
Metcalf,T.R., Hudson,H.S., Kosugi,T., Puetter,R.C., Pina,R.K. 1996,
"Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods", Proc. Workshop held in Santa Fe,
New Mecico, 1995, (eds. K.M.Hansen and R.N.Silver), Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 361-365
Pixon-based multiresolution image reconstruction for YOHKOH's hard X-ray telescope
Metcalf,T.R., Hudson,H.S., Kosugi,T., Puetter,R.C., Pina,R.K. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 466, 585-594
Pixon-based multiresolution image reconstruction for YOHKOH's hard X-ray telescope
Morimoto,K. 1996,
PhD Thesis, Graduate School of Science, Rikkyo Univ.
Gamma-ray observations with the Yohkoh satellite
Morimoto,K., Yoshimori,M., Suga,K., Masuda,T., and Kawabata,K. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 571-572
Gamma-ray spectral characteristics of solar flares
Nakagawa,T. & Uchida, Y. 1996,
"Solar Wind Eight", Internat. Solar Wind Conference, held in Dana Point,
California, June 1995, (eds. D.Winterhalter, J.T.Gosling, S.R.Habbal,
W.S.Kurth, and M.Neugebauer), AIP Press, New York, American Institute of
Physics Conference Proceedings AIP CP-382, 465-468
Interplanetary planar magnetic structures associated with expanding active regions
Nakagawa,T., and Uchida,Y. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 503-504
Detection of active region expansion in interplanetary space by Sakigake spacecraft at 1 AU
Nakagawa,Y., Watanabe,T., Hudson,H., and Kojima,M. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 489-490
Large-scale arcade formation on may 15, 1992 and its inter-planetary consequence
Nakajima,H. and Metcalf,T.R. 1996,
"High Energy Solar Physics", American Institute of Physics Conference
Proceedings 374, Proc. Conference, held in Greenbelt, Maryland, 1995 Aug
16-18, (eds. R.Ramaty, N.Mandzhavidze, and X.-M.Hua), AIP Press, New
York, 393-401
Microwave and hard X-ray sources in two X-class limb flares
Nakajima,H., and Schwartz,R.A. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 537-538
Magnetic field structure and accelerated electrons in a gradual microwave/ hard X-ray flare
Newton,E.K., Emslie, A. G., & Mariska, J. T. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 459, 804
Testing the Impulsiveness of Solar Flare Heating through Analysis of Dynamic Atmospheric Response
Nishio,M., Yaji,K., and Kosugi,T. 1996,
"Solar Drivers of the Interplanetary and Terrestrial Disturbances",
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 95, Proc.
16th internationnal workshop National Solar Observatory, Sacramento
Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA, 16-20 October 1995, San Francisco:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), (eds. Balasubramaniam,K.S.,
Keil,S.L., and Smartt,R.N.), 378-380
Loop configuration of solar flares revealed by microwave and hard X-ray images
Nishio,M., Yaji,K., and Kosugi,T. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 539-540
Hard X-ray and microwave observations of an impulsive burst on 1994 January 6
Nitta,N. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 156-161
A study of major flares observed by Yohkoh
Nitta,N. 1996,
"High Energy Solar Physics", American Institute of Physics Conference
Proceedings 374, Proc. Conference, held in Greenbelt, Maryland, 1995 Aug
16-18, (eds. R.Ramaty, N.Mandzhavidze, and X.-M.Hua), AIP Press, New
York, 294-299
Conditions for energetic flares
Nitta,N., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Leka,K.D., and Hudson,H.S. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 515-516
Active region evolution and flare activity
Nitta,N., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Leka,K.D., and Shibata,K. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 201-204
Emerging flux and flares in NOAA 7260
Ofman,L., Davila,J.M., and Shimizu,T. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 459, L39-L42
Signatures of global mode Alfven resonance heating in coronal loops
Ohki,K. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 575-576
High energy limit of particle acceleration in solar flares
Ohyama,M. and Shibata,K. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 525-526
X-ray plasma ejection in an eruptive flare
Okubo,A., Matsumoto,R., Miyaji,S., Akioka,M., Shibata,K. and Yokoyama.T.
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 39-42
Observations and numerical studies of coronal X-ray jets and Ha surges associated with emerging magnetic fields
Okubo,A., Matsumoto,R., Miyaji,S., Akioka,M., Zhang,H., Shimojo,M.,
Nishino,Y. Ichimoto,K., Shibata,K., and Sakurai,T. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 437-438
X-ray and magnetic features of H alpha surges
Phillips,K.J.H., Bhatia,A.K., Mason,H.E., and Zarro,D.M. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 466, 549-560
High coronal electron densities in a solar flare from Fe XXI and Fe XXII X-ray line measurements
Pike,C.D., Phillips,K.J.H., Lang,J., Sterling,A., Watanabe,T., Hiei,E., and Culhane,J.L. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 51-55
Fe XXVI line emission from solar flares observed by Yohkoh
Pike,C.D., Phillips,K.J.H., Lang,J., Sterling,A., Watanabe,T., Hiei,E., Culhane,J.L., Cornhille,M., and Dubau,J. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 464, 487-497
Yohkoh observations of Fe XXVI X-ray line emission from solar flares
Pizzo,V.J. 1996,
"Solar Wind Eight", Internat. Solar Wind Conference, held in Dana Point,
California, June 1995, (eds. D.Winterhalter, J.T.Gosling, S.R.Habbal,
W.S.Kurth, and M.Neugebauer), AIP Press, New York, American Institute of
Physics Conference Proceedings AIP CP-382, 488-488
A conjecture on global flow dynamics
Porter,J.G., Falconer,D.A., Moore,R.L., Harvey,K.L., Rabin,D.M., and
Shimizu,T. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 429-430
Magnetic roots of enhanced high coronal loops
Raulin,J.P., Kundu,M.R., Hudson,H.S., Nitta,N., and Raoult,A. 1996,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 306, 299-304
Metric type III bursts associated with soft X-ray jets
Raulin,J.P., Kundu,M.R., and Nitta,N. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 472, 874-881
Radio continuum and type III bursts associated with coronal X-ray structures
Reale,F., Peres,G., and Hudson,H.S. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 313-315
Hydrodynamic modeling of flares well-observed by Yohkoh/SXT
Rompolt,B. and Svestka,Z. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 115-124
Flare-like dynamic phenomena
Rosa,R.R., Sawant,H.S., Valdivia,J.A., and Sharma,A.S. 1996,
Proc. 4th Brazilian Meeting on Plasma Physics and 6th Brazilian Plasma Astrophys. Workshop, (ed. ...), ..., 166
Spatio-temporal dynamics of fine structures in a coronal solar active region
Rust,D.M. and Kumar,A. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 464, L199-L202
Evidence for helically kinked magnetic flux ropes in solar eruptions
Sakai,J.I. and DeJager,C. 1996,
Space Science Reviews, 77, 1-192
Solar flares and collisions between current-carrying loops - types and mechanisms of solar flares and coronal loop heating
Sakao,T. and Kosugi,T. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 169-176
Non-thermal processes and superhot plasma creation in solar flares
Sakao,T., Kosugi,T., Masuda,S., Yaji,K., Inda-Koide,M., and Makishima,K. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 67-70
Characteristics of hard X-ray double sources in impulsive solar flares
Sakao,T., Tsuneta,S., Hara,H., Kano,R., Yoshida,T., Nagata,S.,
Shimizu,T., Kosugi,T., Mukakami,K., Wasa,W., Inoue,M., Miura,K.,
Taguchi,K., Tanimoto,K. 1996,
, "Missions to the Sun", (ed. D.M.Rust), SPIE 2804, 153-164
Japanese sounding rocket experiment with the solar XUV Doppler telescope
Sakurai,T. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 21-27
Heating mechanisms of the solar corona
Sato,J., Kosugi,T., and Masuda,S. 1996,
Technical Memo
HXT fanbeam observation of the Masuda's 1992 January 13 flare - for stimulating PIXON versus MEM discussions
Sato,J., Kosugi,T., and Sakao,T. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 545-546
Hard and soft X-ray images of an LDE flare
Savy,S.K. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 59-62
Impulsive X-ray brightenings in solar flares
Savy,S.K. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 240-243
Direct observations of chromospheric evaporation in solar flares
Savy,S.K. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 567-568
Observations of the creation of hot plasma in solar flares
Schmieder,B., Heinzel,P., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., and Lemen,J.R. 1996,
Solar Physics, 165, 303-328
Post-flare loops of 26 June 1992
Schmieder,B., Heinzel,P., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Wiik,J.E., and Lemen,J.
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 211-212
Hot and cool post-flare loops: formation and dynamics
Schmieder,B., Heinzel,P., Wiik,J.E., Lemen,J., and Hiei,E. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 111-114
Structure and evolution of post-flare loops: analysis of Yohkoh and MSDP observations
Schmieder,B., Malherbe,J.M., Mein,P., Mein,N., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L.,
Roudier,T., Nitta,N., and Harra-Murnion,L.K. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 43-48
Signatures of new emerging flux in the solar atmosphere
Schmieder,B., Mein,N., Shibata,K., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., and Kurokawa,H. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 193-196
Chromospheric ejections and their signatures in X-ray observed by Yohkoh
Seely,J.F., and Feldman,U. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 517-518
Relationship between cold and hot pot-flare loops and the impact on the reconnection flare model
Shibata,K. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17/4-5, 9-18
New observational facts about solar flares from YOHKOH studies - evidence of magnetic reconnection and a unified model of flares
Shibata,K. 1996,
IAU Reports on Astronomy, Transaction of the International Astronomical Union for 1996, Kluwer Publishing Company
Jets, transient brightenings, and explosive events
Shibata,K. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 13-20
Dynamical processes in the solar corona
Shibata,K. 1996,
"Solar Wind Eight", Internat. Solar Wind Conference, held in Dana Point,
California, June 1995, (eds. D.Winterhalter, J.T.Gosling, S.R.Habbal,
W.S.Kurth, and M.Neugebauer), AIP Press, New York, American Institute of
Physics Conference Proceedings AIP CP-382, 18-23
Coronal x-ray jets: Observation and theory
Shibata,K., Shimojo,M., Yokoyama,T., and Ohyama,M. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 29-38
Theory and observations of X-ray jets
Shibata,K., Yokoyama,T., and Shimojo,M. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17/4-5, 197-200
Coronal X-ray jets observed with YOHKOH/SXT
Shibata,K., Yokoyama,T., and Shimojo,M. 1996,
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 48, 19-28
Coronal X-ray jets observed with the YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope (SXT)
Shimizu,T. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 59-68
Yohkoh observations related to coronal heating
Shimizu,T., Tsuneta,T., Title,A., Tarbell,T., Shine,R., and Frank,Z.
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 37-38
Heating of active region corona by transient brightenings (microflares)
Shimojo,M., Hashimoto,S., Shibata,K., Hirayama,T., Hudson,H.S., and Acton,L.W. 1996,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 48, 123-136
Statistical study of solar X-ray jets observed with the YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope
Shimojo,M., Hashimoto,T., Shibata,K., Hirayama,T. and Harvey,K.L. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 449-454
Statistical study of solar X-ray jets observed with the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope
Shimojo,M., Shibata,K., Hirayama,T., Acton,L., Hudson,H. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17/4-5, 197-200
Coronal X-ray jets observed with Yohkoh/SXT
Siarkowski,M. and Sylwester,J. 1996,
Acta Astronomica, 46, 15-28
Improvement of SXT image alignment in order to obtain high-resolution temperature maps
Silva,A.V.R., White,S.M., Stephen,M., Lin,R.P., DePater,I., Shibasaki,K., Hudson,H.S., and Kundu,M.R. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 458, L49-L52
First images of a solar flare at millimeter wavelengths
Silva,A.V.R., White,S.M., Lin,R.P., DePater,I., Gary,D.E.,
McTiernan,J.M., Hudson,H.S., Doyle,J.G., Hagyard,M.J., Kundu,M.R. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 106, 621-646
Comprehensive multiwavelength observations of the 1992 January 7 solar flare
Silva,A.V.R., White, S. M., Lin, R. P., de Pater, I., Shibasaku, K., Hudson, H. S., & Kundu, M. R. 1996,
NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library 01
First Images of a Solar Flare at Millimeter Wavelengths
Sterling,A.C., Harra,L.K., Hudson,H.S., and Lemen,J.R. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 464, 498-506
Yohkoh observations of an over-the-limb solar flare with large spectral line shifts
Sterling,A.C., Harra-Murnion,L.K., Hudson,H.S., Lemen,J.R., and
Strong,K.T. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 557-558
X-ray observations of an over-the-limb solar flare with large
Sterling,A.C., Hudson,H.S., and Lemen,J.R. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 177-182
Yohkon SXT and BCS observations of the "Reconnection Region" of a solar flare
Sterling,A.C., Hudson,H., Doschek,G., Watanabe,T., and Hurlburt,N. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17, 4/5
Fe XXV and Wide-Band Soaft X-Ray intensities, temperatures, and emission measures of solar flares
Strong,K.T., and Bruner,M. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 179-188
A new perspective on active regions
Sturrock,P.A., Wheatland,M.S., and Acton,L.W. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 417-418
Interpretation of SXT data concerning the diffuse corona
Sturrock,P.A., Wheatland,M.S. and Acton,L.W. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 461, L115-L117
Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope images of the diffuse solar corona
Svestka,Z., Farnik,F., Hudson,H.S., Uchida,Y., and Hick,P. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 388-392
Large-scale active coronal phenomena in Yohkoh SXT images
Svestka,Z., Farnik,F., Hudson,H.S., Uchida,Y., Hick,P., and Lemen,J.R.
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 609-610
Large-scale active coronal phenomena in Yohkoh SXT images
Sylwester,B., Sylwester,J., and Siarkowski,M. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 249-252
Fine structures observed on deconvolved SXT images
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"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 244-248
ANDRIL algorithm for deconvolution of SXT images
Takahashi,M. and Watanabe,T. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 555-556
X-ray line shift and plasma flow in solar flare spectral line shifts
Takahashi,M., Watanabe,T., Sakai,J.I., Sakao,T., Kosugi,T., Sakurai,T., Enome,S., Hudson,H.S., Hashimoto,S., Nitta,N. 1996,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 48, 857-863
The solar flare of 1992 August 17, 23:58 UT
Takahashi,M., Watanabe,T., Sakai,J.I., Tsuneta,S., Sakao,T., Kosugi,T.,
Sakurai,T., Enome,S., Nitta,N., Hudson,H.S., and Hashimoto,S. 1996,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 48, 857-863
The flare of 1992 August 17 23:58 UT
Takakura,T., Kosugi,T., Sakao,T., Makishima,K., Inda-Koide,M. and
Masuda,S. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 541-542
Imaging spectra of hard X-ray from the footpoints of solar impulsive loop flares
Tonooka,H., Matsumoto,R., Miyaji,S., Martin,S.F., Canfield,R.C.,
Reardon,K., McAllister,A., and Shibata,K. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 493-494
Yohkoh SXT observations of prominence eruption and disappearance
Tsuneta,S. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 409-418
Magnetic reconnection: open issues
Tsuneta,S. 1996,
"Solar and Astrophysical Magnetohydrodynamic Flows", NATO ASI Series
C-481, (ed.~K.C.Tsinganos), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
The dynamic solar corona in X-rays with Yohkoh
Tsuneta,S. 1996,
"X-ray imaging and spectroscopy of cosmic hot plasmas", Internat. Symp.
on X-ray Astronomy, (ed. F.Makino), Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, ...
The dynamic solar corona in X-ray with Yohkoh
Tsuneta,S. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 161-168
Evidence of magnetic reconnection in solar flares
Tsuneta,S. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 456, L63-L65
Interacting active regions in the solar corona
Tsuneta,S. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 456, 840-849
Structure and dynamics of magnetic reconnection in a solar flare
Tsuneta,S. 1996,
IAU Reports on Astronomy, Transaction of the International Astronomical Union for 1996, Kluwer Publishing Company
Large-scale evolving structures
Tsuneta,S., Kosugi,T., Sato,J., and Masuda,S. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 155
Hot and super-hot plasmas above an impulsive-flare loop
Uchida,Y. 1996,
"Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe", Proc., (eds. Zimmermann,H.U.,
Truemper,J., and Yorke,H.), Wuerzburg, Sept 25-29, 1995, MPE Report 263,
Results fron the X-ray Solar Physics Satellite YOHKOH
Uchida,Y. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 19-28
New aspects about solar flare revealed by the wide-dynamic range, high-cadence observations from Yohkoh
Uchida,Y. 1996,
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 48(3), 279-290
Coronal activity observed by Yohkoh
Uchida,Y. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 295-302
Problems for arcade and loop flare models revealed by Yohkoh
Uchida,Y., Fujisaki,K., Morita,S., and Hirose,S. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 347-352
Yohkoh evidence against the reclosing opened-up arcade model for arcade flares and arcade formations
Uchida,Y., Kosugi,T., and Hudson,H.S. (eds.) 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht
Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere - prototypes of stellar magnetic activity
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Schmieder,B., Demoulin,P., Mandrini,C.,
Cauzzi,G., Hofmann,A., Nitta,N., Kurokawa,H., Mein,N., and Mein,P. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 459-460
Emerging flux, reconnection, and XBP
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Schmieder,B., Cauzzi,G., Mein,N., Hofmann,A., Nitta,N., Kurokawa,H., Mein,P., Staiger,J. 1996,
Solar Physics, 163, 145-170
X-ray bright point flares due to magnetic reconnection
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Schmieder,B., Demoulin,P., Mandrini,C.,
Cauzzi,G., Hofmann,A., Nitta,N., Kurokawa, H., Mein, N., and Mein, P.
JOSO-95 meeting, Benesov, Czech Republic, 124
Emerging flux as seen by Yohkoh
Venkatakrishnan,P., Sakurai,T., Suematsu,Y., and Ichimoto,K. 1996,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 48, L1-L4
Enhanced He I absorption at the feet of solar X-ray loops
Voitenko,Y.M. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 312-318
A new mechanism for fast flare loop heating, observed by Yohkoh
Vourlidas,A., Bastian,T.S., Nitta,N., and Aschwanden,M.J. 1996,
Solar Physics, 163, 99-120
Joint radio and soft X-ray imaging of an "anemone" active region
Wang,H., Gary,D.E., Zirin,H., Nitta,N., Schwartz,R.A., and Kosugi,T. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 456, 403-411
OVRO, BBSO, BATSE and YOHKOH observations of a twin solar flare
Watanabe,H., Kojima, M., Misawa, H., & Yamauchi, Y. 1996,
"Solar Wind Eight", Internat. Solar Wind Conference, held in Dana Point,
California, June 1995, (eds. D.Winterhalter, J.T.Gosling, S.R.Habbal,
W.S.Kurth, and M.Neugebauer), AIP Press, New York, American Institute of
Physics Conference Proceedings AIP CP-382, 117-120
Source region of low-speed wind
Watanabe,T. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17/4-5, 239-245
Temperature structure of the corona
Watari,S., Detman,T., and Joselyn,J.A. 1996,
Solar Physics, 169, 167-179
A large arcade along the inversion line, observed on May 19, 1992 by
Yohkoh, and enhancement of interplanetary energetic particles
Watari,S., Smith,Z., Garcia,H., Detman,T., and Dryer,M. 1996,
Solar Physics, 167, 357-369
Coronal change at the south-west limb observed by Yohkoh on 9 November
1991 and the subsequent interplanetary shock at Pioneer-Venus-Orbiter
Webb,D.F., Hudson,H.S., and Howard,R. 1996,
EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 77, 563
X-ray Signatures of CMEs Observed in White Light
Weiss,L.A. 1996,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 316, 384-395
A comparison of interplanetary coronal mass ejections at Ulysses with Yohkoh soft X-ray coronal events
Weston,D.C. and Acton,L.W. 1996,
Solar Physics, 168, 215-217
Spectral averaging of the point spread function for Yohkoh's SXT
Wiik,J.E., Schmieder,B., Heinzel,P., and Roudier,T. 1996,
Solar Physics, 166, 89-106
Post-flare loops of June 26, 1992: III. Dynamics and heterogeneities in post-flare loops
Willson,R.F., Kile,J.N., Lang,K.R., Donaldson,S., Bogod,V.M., Gelfreikh,G.B., Ryabov,B.I., and Hafizov,S.R. 1996,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 265-268
Large-scale coronal magnetic fields: noise-storms, soft X-rays and inversion of radio polarization
Yaji,K., Kosugi,T., and Nishio,M. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 543-544
Nonthermal emissions in the hard X-ray and microwave ranges from flaring loops
Yashiro,S., Kohara,N., Uchida,Y., Hirose,S., Cable,S., Watanabe,T., and
Kosugi,T. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 521-522
Initial dynamics in a loop flare of April 22, 1993
Yatini,C.Y., and Suematsu,Y. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 453-454
Statistical studies of solar H-alpha brightening events and their relation to soft X-ray events
Yokoyama,T. and Shibata,K. 1996,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 48, 353-376
Numerical simulation of solar coronal X-ray jets based on the magnetic reconnection model
Yokoyama,T. and Shibata,K. 1996,
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere", Astronomical Society of
the Pacific Conference Series Vol.111, Proc. Yohkoh Conference, held in
Bath, England, 1996 March 20-22, (eds. R.Bentley and J.Mariska), ASP,
San Francisco, California, 274-279
Magnetic reconnection coupled with heat conduction
Yokoyama,T. and Shibata,K. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 315-316
MHD simulation of X-ray jets based on magnetic reconnection model
Yokoyama,T., and Shibata,K. 1996,
Astrophysical Letters Communications, 34, 133-138
MHD Simulation of Solar Coronal X-ray Jets - Emerging Flux Reconnection Model
Yoshida,T. and Tsuneta,S. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 41-42
Temperature structure of solar active regions
Yoshida,T. and Tsuneta,S. 1996,
The Astrophysical Journal, 459, 342-346
Temperature structure of solar active regions
Yoshimori,M., Morimoto,K., Suga,K., Masuda,T., and Kawabata,K. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 573-574
Downward beaming of accelerated particles in the 1991 November 15 flare
Yoshimori,M., Morimoto,K., Suga,K., Matsuda,T., and Saita,N. 1996,
"High Energy Solar Physics", American Institute of Physics Conference
Proceedings 374, Proc. Conference, held in Greenbelt, Maryland, 1995 Aug
16-18, (eds. R.Ramaty, N.Mandzhavidze, and X.-M.Hua), AIP Press, New
York, 210-218
Observations of gamma-ray spectra and X-ray images of solar flares
Yoshimura,K., Kurokawa,H., Sano,S., and Hudson,H.S. 1996,
"Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere", Proc. IAU Coll.
No. 153, Makuhari, Japan, May 22-26, 1995, (eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi,
and H.S.Hudson), 634p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 457-458
Causal relation between H-alpha arch filament loops and soft X-ray coronal loops
Zidowitz,S., Inhester,B., and Epple,A. 1996,
"Solar Wind Eight", Internat. Solar Wind Conference, held in Dana Point,
California, June 1995, (eds. D.Winterhalter, J.T.Gosling, S.R.Habbal,
W.S.Kurth, and M.Neugebauer), AIP Press, New York, American Institute of
Physics Conference Proceedings AIP CP-382, 165-166
Tomographic inversion of coronagraph images
Altrock,R.C., Hick,P., Jackson,B.V., Hoeksema,J.T., Zhao,X.P.,
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"Infrared Tools for Solar Astrophysics: What's next?", 15th NSO Summer
Workshop, (eds. J.R.Kuhn and M.J.Penn), World Scientific, Singapore, 45
Association of solar coronal temperature and structure from ground-based
emission-line data with global magnetic field models and Yohkoh SXT
Altrock,R.C., Hick,P., Jackson,B., Hoeksema,T., Zhoa,X., Slater,G., and Henry,T. 1995,
Advances in Space Research, 17(4/5), 235-238
Solar coronal structure: a comparison of NSO/SP ground-based coronal
emission line intensities and temperatures with Yohkoh SXT and WSO
magnetic data
Aschwanden,M.J., Lim,J., Gary,D.E., and Klimchuk,J.A. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 454, 512-521
Solar rotation stereoscopy in microwaves
Aurass,H., Klein,K.L., Martens,P.C.H. 1995,
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First detection of correlated electron beams and plasma jets in radio and soft X-ray data
Belkora,L. 1995,
PhD Thesis, Univ.Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
A multispectral study of the flare of 1992 July 16, using data from the
Owens Valley Solar Array and instruments from the Yohkoh spacecraft
Bogod,V.M., Garimov,V., Gelfreikh,G.B., Lang,K.R., Willson,R.F., Kile,J.N. 1995,
Solar Physics, 160, 133-149
Noise storms and the structure of microwave emission from solar active regions
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SPDE: Solar Plasma Diagnostic Experiment
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ISIS Fourier telescope concept for imaging the sun and the sky in hard X rays and gamma rays
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Soft and hard X-ray observations of flares from Yohkoh: magnetic structure and energy release
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YOHKOH Results in the Context of the High-Latitude Heliosphere
DeJager,C., Inda-Koide,M., Koide,S. and Sakai,J.I. 1995,
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Ongoing partial reconnection in a limb flare
DeLaBeaujardiere,J.F., Canfield,R.C., Hudson,H.S., Wuelser,J.P., Acton,L., Kosugi,T., and Masuda,S. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 440, 386-393
The 1991 October 24 flare: a challenge for standard models
Doschek,G.A., Strong,K.T., and Tsuneta,S. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 440, 370-385
The bright knots at the tops of soft X-ray flare loops: quantitative results from Yohkoh
Esser,R., Brickhouse,N.S., Habbal,S.R., Altrock,R.C., and Hudson,H.S. 1995,
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Using FeX 6374 A and Fe XVI 5303 A spectral line intensities to study
the effect of line of sight integration on coronal temperature
Feldman,U., Doschek,G.A., Mariska,J.T., and Brown,C.M. 1995,
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Relationship between temperature and emission measure in solar flares
determined from highly ionized iron spectra and from broadband X-ray
Feldman,U., Doschek,G.A., Behring,W.E., and Phillips,K.J.H. 1995,
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Electron temperature, emission measure and X-ray flux in A2 to X2 X-ray class solar flares
Feldman,U., Laming,J.M., Doschek,G.A. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 451, L79-L81
The correlation of solar flare temperature and emission measure extrapolated to the case of stellar flares
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Morphology and physical parameters for two long-duration solar flares: observations from YOHKOH
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Relationship between cold and hot post-solar flare loops and the impact on the reconnection flare model
Fletcher,L. 1995,
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On the generation of loop-top impulsive hard X-ray sources
Fludra,A., Doyle,J.G., Metcalf,T., Lemen,J.R., Phillips,K.J.H., Culhane,J.L., and Kosugi,T. 1995,
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Evolution of two small solar flares
Gopalswamy,N. 1995,
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A Study of Active Region Magnetic Field Structure Using VLA Radio YOHKOH X-Ray and Mess Optical Observations
Gopalswamy,N., Raulin,J.P., Kundu,M.R., Nitta,N., Lemen,J.R., Herrmann,R., Zarro,D., and Kosugi,T. 1995,
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VLA and YOHKOH observations of an M1.5 flare
Gosling,J.T., Bame,S.J., Feldman,W.C., McComas,D.J., Phillips,J.L.,
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The band of solar wind variability at low heliographic latitudes near solar activity minimum
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Coronal mass ejections at high heliographic latitudes: Ulysses
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A search for high densities in solar flares
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Temperature structures of the active-region corona revealed with Norikura coronagraph and Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope
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Synoptic IPS and Yohkoh soft X-ray observations
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Comment on "The solar flare myth" by J.T.Gosling
Hudson,H.S. 1995,
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Solar flares: no "myth"
Hudson,H.S. and Ryan,J. 1995,
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High-energy particles in solar flares
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Yohkoh/SXT soft X-ray observations of sudden mass loss from the solar corona
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Coordinated observations of the solar corona using the Norikura coronagraph and the YOHKOH Soft-X-ray telescope
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An imaging observations of the solar corona in the green line with a Fabry-Pero interferometer on a coronagraph
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Quantitative evaluation of the solar-flare morphology in hard X-rays using the YOHKOH HXT
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Yohkoh SXT/HXT observations of a two-loop interaction solar flare on 1992 December 9
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Scaling law of solar coronal loops obtained with YOHKOH
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Repeated activity of the 0.8-1.2 GHz radio source of March 20, 1993
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The effects of geometry in the solar corona
Khan,J.I., Harra-Murnion,L.K., Hudson,H.S., Lemen,J.R., and Sterling,A.C. 1995,
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YOHKOH soft X-ray spectroscopic observations of the bright loop-top kernels of solar flares
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Scaling of heating rates in solar coronal loops
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A comparison of active region temperatures and emission measures
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Magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration in solar flares as revealed by YOHKOH
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Solar flare observations with the YOHKOH Hard X-Ray Telescope (HXT)
Kosugi,T. 1995,
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Physics of the solar corona and flares revealed by YOHKOH (SXT)
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The Yohkoh HXT databook October 1991 - December 1994
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The dynamical characteristics of a disappearing filament associated interplanetary disturbance observed in 1992 early May
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Location of type I radio continuum and bursts on YOHKOH soft X-ray maps
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Microwave and hard X-ray observations of footpoint emission from solar flares
Kundu,M.R., Raulin,J.P., Nitta,N., Hudson,H.S., Shimojo,M., Shibata,K. and Raoult,A. 1995,
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Detection of nonthermal radio emission from coronal x-ray jets
Kundu,M.R., Raulin,J.P., Pick,M., and Strong,K.T. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 444, 922-928
Metric type III bursts from a flaring X-ray bright point near an active region
Kundu,M.R., White,S.M., Nitta,N., Shibasaki,K., and Enome,S. 1995,
"Coronal Magnetic Energy Releases", Proceedings of the CESRA Workshop
Held in Caputh/Potsdam, Germany, 16-20 May 1994, X, 283 pp..
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. Also Lecture Notes in
Physics, volume 444, 75-82
Characteristics of two simple microwave bursts
Kurokawa,H., Ishiura,K., Kimura,G., Nakai,Y., Kitai,R., Funkoshi,Y., Shinkawa,T. 1995,
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 47(11), 1043-1052
Observations of solar Ha filament disappearances with a new solar flare-monitoring telescope at Hida observatory
Lean,J.L., Mariska,J.T., Strong,K.T., Hudson,H.S., Acton,L.W., Hara,H., Rottman,G.J., Woods,T.N., and Willson,R.C. 1995,
Geophysics Research Letters, 22, 655-658
Coherent brightness variations in solar radiative output from the photosphere
Lites,B.W., Low,B.C., Pillet,V.M., Seagraves,P., Skumanich,A., Frank,Z.A., Shine,R.A., and Tsuneta,S. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 446, 877-894
The possible ascent of a closed magnetic system through the photosphere
Manoharan,P.K., Ananthakrishnan,S., Dryer,M., Detman,T.R., Leinbach,H., Kojima,M., Watanabe,T., and Kahn,J. 1995,
Solar Physics, 156, 377-393
Solar wind velocity and normalized scintillation index from single-station IPS observations
Mariska,J.T. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 444, 478-486
Flare plasma dynamics observed with the YOHKOH Bragg crystal
spectrometer (BCS). III. Spectral signatures of electron-beam-heated
Martens,P.C.H., Acton,L.W., and Lemen,J.R. 1995,
Solar Physics, 157, 141-168
The point spread function of the soft X-ray telescope aboard YOHKOH
Masuda,S., Kosugi,T., Tsuneta,S., and Hara,H. 1995,
"3rd China-Japan Seminar on Solar Physics", Proc. Workshop, Workshop,
Dunhuang, China, Sept 1994, (eds. Wang,J.X., Ai,G.X., Sakurai,T., and
Hirayama,T.), Internat. Academic Publishers, Bejing, 205-211
Loop-top hard X-ray source as evidence for reconnection above a soft X-ray loop in solar flares
Masuda,S., Kosugi.T., Hara,H., Sakao,T., Shibata,K., and Tsuneta,S. 1995,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 47, 677-689
Hard X-ray sources and the primary energy release site in solar flares
Metcalf,T.R., Jiao,L., Uitenbroek,H., McClymont,A.N., and Canfield,R.C. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 439, 474-481
Is the solar chromospheric magnetic field force-free?
Newton,E.K., Emslie,A.G., Mariska,J.T. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 447, 915-922
The velocity differential emission measure: diagnostic of bulk plasma motion in solar flares
Newton,E.K., Emslie,A.G., and Mariska,J.T. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 459, 804-814
Testing the impulsiveness of solar flare heating through analysis of dynamic atmospheric response
Phillips,K.J.H., Pike,C.D., Lang,J., Fludra,A., Watanabe,T., and Takahashi,M. 1995,
Advances in Space Research, 15(7), 33-36
Evidence for the equality of the photospheric and coronal abundance of iron
Phillips,K.J.H., and Feldman,U. 1995,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 304, 563-575
Properties of cool flares with GOES class B5 to C2
Porter,J.G., Fontenla.J.M., and Simnett,G.M. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 438, 472-479
Simultaneous ultraviolet and X-ray observations of solar microflares
Porter,L.J. and Klimchuk,J.A. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 454, 499-511
Soft X-ray loops and coronal heating
Reale,F. and Peres,G. 1995,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 299, 225-237
Solar flare X-ray imaging: coronal loop hydrodynamics and diagnostics of the rising phase
Rolli,E. and Magun,A. 1995,
Solar Physics, 160, 29-40
Temporal evolution of the chromospheric electron density in the flare of January 5, 1992
Roumeliotis,G. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 452, 944-948
A novel maximum likelihood method for image reconstruction with increased sampling
Sakai,J.I., Fushiki,T., and Nishikawa,K.I. 1995,
Solar Physics, 158, 301-316
A model of solar flares triggered by interactions between force-free current loops and plasmoids
Sakurai,T., Ichimoto,K., Nishino,Y., Shinoda,K., Noguchi,M., Hiei,E., Ai,G., Zhao,Z., Kawakami,S., and Chai,J.C. 1995,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 47, 81-92
Solar flare telescope at Mitaka
Sakurai,T., Ichimoto,K., Okamoto,T., Kato,Y., Nishino,Y., Li.T., Mao,W., and Lu,H. 1995,
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 47(11), 1035-1042
A full-disk solar magnetograph at Mitaka
Schmieder,B., Heinzel,P., Wiik,J.E., Lemen,J., Anwar,B., Kotrc,P., and Hiei,E. 1995,
Solar Physics, 156, 337-361
Relationship between cool and hot post-flare loops of 26 June 1992 derived from optical and X-ray (SXT-YOHKOH) observations
Schmieder,B., Shibata,K., Van Driel-Gesztelyi,L. and Freeland,S. 1995,
Solar Physics, 156, 245-264
Ha surges and low X-ray associated loops observed with Yohkoh
Shibata,K. 1995,
Proc. of 2nd SOLTIP Symp., (eds. Watanabe Ta.), STEP GBRSC News (SOLTIP), 85-96
Coronal dynamics and flares: new results from Yohkoh SXT - evidence of magnetic reconnection and a unified model of flares
Shibata,K., Masuda,S., Shimojo,M., Hara,H., Yokoyama,T., Tsuneta,S., Kosugi,T., and Ogawara,Y. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 451, L83-L85
Hot-plasma ejections associated with compact-loop solar flares
Shimizu,T. 1995,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 47, 251-263
Energetics and occurrence rate of active-region transient brightenings
and implications for the heating of the active-region corona
Shimizu,T., Tsuneta,S., Title,A., Tarbell,T., Shine,R., and Frank,Z.
"3rd China-Japan Seminar on Solar Physics", Proc. Workshop, Workshop,
Dunhuang, China, Sept 1994, (eds. Wang,J.X., Ai,G.X., Sakurai,T., and
Hirayama,T.), Internat. Academic Publishers, Bejing, 42-46
Microflares: Detailed comparisons between soft X-ray images and high resolution magnetograms
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"3rd China-Japan Seminar on Solar Physics", Proc. Workshop, Workshop,
Dunhuang, China, Sept 1994, (eds. Wang,J.X., Ai,G.X., Sakurai,T., and
Hirayama,T.), Internat. Academic Publishers, Bejing, 103-107
Three years of science with the Yohkoh BCS experiment
Sturrock,P.A., Antiochos,S.K. and Roumeliotis,G. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 443, 804-809
Asymptotic analysis of force-free magnetic fields of cylindrical symmetry
Svestka,Z., Farnik,F., Hudson,H., Uchida,Y., Hick,P., Lemen,J.R. 1995,
Solar Physics, 161, 331-363
Large-scale active coronal phenomena in YOHKOH SXT images
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Astronomy and Astrophysics, 293, 577-583
Quantitative interpretation of GOES soft X-ray measurements. I. The isothermal approximation: application of various atomic data
Takakura,T., Kosugi,T., Sako,T., Makishima,K., Inda-Koide,M., and Masuda,S. 1995,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 47, 355-364
Imaging spectra of hard X-rays from the foot points of impulsive loop flares
Tsuneta,S. 1995,
"3rd China-Japan Seminar on Solar Physics", Proc. Workshop, Workshop,
Dunhuang, China, Sept 1994, (eds. Wang,J.X., Ai,G.X., Sakurai,T., and
Hirayama,T.), Internat. Academic Publishers, Bejing, 197-204
Structure and dynamics of magnetic reconnection in the solar corona
Tsuneta,S. 1995,
"Elementary Processes in Dense Plasmas", (eds. Ichimaru,S., and Ogata,S.), Addison Wesley Publishers,, 447-460
Dynamics of the solar corona observed with Yohkoh elementary processes in dense plasmas
Tsuneta,S. 1995,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 47, 691-697
Particle acceleration and magnetic reconnection in solar flares
Uchida,Y. 1995,
8th Symposium on "Solar-Terrestrial Physics", Senday, Japan, 1995, (ed. H.Oya), ..., ...
Coronal activity observed by Yohkoh (Invited Review)
Uchida,Y. 1995,
COSPAR Symposium, "Solar Flare, Coronal and Heliospheric Dynamics", (eds. E.Hiei and J.L. Culhane), Elsevier Science, ...
Magnetodynamic phenomena in the corona as revealed by Yohkoh
Uchida,Y. 1995,
"Highlights of Astronomy", 22nd IAU General Assembly Joint Discussion
Meeting, The Hague, The netherlands, (ed. Appenzeller,I.), Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Vol. 10, 299-301
Magnetohydrodynamical phenomena in the solar corona as revealed Yohkoh
Wang,H., Gary,D.E., Zirin,H., Schwartz,R.A., Sakao,T., Kosugi,T., and Shibata,K. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 453, 505-510
Coordinated OVRO, BATSE, YOHKOH and BBSO observations of the 1992 June 25 M1.4 flare
Wang,H., Gary,D.E., Zirin,H., Kosugi,T., Schwartz,R.A. and Linford,G. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 444, L115-L118
The microwave and H-alpha sources of the 1992 January 13 flare
Watanabe,T. 1995,
"3rd China-Japan Seminar on Solar Physics", Proc. Workshop, Workshop,
Dunhuang, China, Sept 1994, (eds. Wang,J.X., Ai,G.X., Sakurai,T., and
Hirayama,T.), Internat. Academic Publishers, Bejing, 89-96
Spectral peculiarities of the 3-October-1993 9:06 UT flare
Watanabe,T., Hara,H., Shimizu,T., Hiei,E., Bentley,R.D., Lang,J.,
Phillips,K,J.H., Pike,C.D., Fludra,A., Bromage,B.J.I., and Mariska,J.T.
Solar Physics, 157, 169-184
Temperature structure of active regions deduced from the helium-like sulphur lines
Watari,S., Kozuka,Y., Ohyama,M., and Watanabe,Ta. 1995,
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 47(11), 1063-1071
Soft X-ray coronal holes observed by the Yohkoh SXT
Wheatland,M.S. and Melrose,D.B. 1995,
Solar Physics, 158, 283-299
Interpreting YOHKOH hard and soft X-ray flare observations
White,S.M., Kundu,M.R., Shimizu,T., Shibasaki,K., Enome,S. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 450, 435-440
The radio properties of solar soft X-ray active region transient brightenings
Yasue,M., Hudson,H.S., Ohgoe,O., Mori,Y., Watanabe,Ta., and Saito,T. 1995,
Proc. of 2nd SOLTIP Symp., (eds. Watanabe Ta.), STEP GBRSC News (SOLTIP), 67
Yohkoh observation on the outer corona - May 1992 SOLTIP event -
Yokoyama,T. 1995,
PhD Thesis, School of Math. Physical Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (NAOJ)
Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of solar coronal X-ray jets based on magnetic reconnection model
Yokoyama,T. and Shibata,K. 1995,
Nature, 375/6526, 42-44
Magnetic reconnection as the origin of X-ray jets and Ha surges on the sun
Yoshida,T., Tsuneta,S., Golub,L., Strong,K., and Ogawara,Y. 1995,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 47, L15-L19
Temperature structure of the solar corona: comparison on the NIXT and Yohkoh X-Ray images
Yoshimori,M., Moromoto,K., Suga,K., Hiraoka,T., Mtsuda,T., Kawabata,K., and Sato,J. 1995,
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 47(11), 1053-1062
Solar energetic particles studied from Yohkoh gamma-ray observations
Zarro,D.M. 1995,
Technical Report, Applied Research Corp. Landover, Maryland
Testing Solar Flare Models with BATSE
Zarro,D.M., Mariska,J.T., Dennis,B.R. 1995,
The Astrophysical Journal, 440, 888-893
Testing the DC-electric field model in a solar flare observed by YOHKOH and the COMPTON Gamma-Ray Observatory
Akioka,M., Acton,L.W., and Hudson,H.S. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 241-245
A loop-loop interaction observed with Yohkoh SXT
Alexander,D. and Matthews,S.A. 1994,
Solar Physics, 154, 157-175
Particle acceleration and the decay of soft X-ray non-thermal line broadening in solar flares
Alexander,D., Dunphy,P.P., and MacKinnon,A.L. 1994,
Solar Physics, 151, 147-167
High-energy gamma-ray emission from solar flares: constraining the accelerated proton spectrum
Alexander,D., Slater,G., Hudson,H., McAllister,A., and Harvey,K. 1994,
"Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences", Proc. 3rd SOHO
Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA, 26-29 September 1994, (eds.
Hunt,J.J. and Domingo,V.), European Space Agency Special Publication ESA
SP-373, ESA Paris, 187-190
The large scale coronal eruptive event of April 14, 1994
Anwar,B., Hiei,E., Hudson,H.S., Acton,L.W., Lemen,J.R., and Metcalf,T.R.
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 137-140
Temperature analysis of the post-flare loops of June 25-26, 1992
Anwar,B., Hiei,E., Hudson,H.S., Acton,L.W., Metcalf,T., and Lemen,J.
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 121
Morphological evolution of the post-flare loops of June 25-26, 1992
Aschwanden,M.J. 1994,
Solar Physics, 152, 53-59
Irradiance Observations of the 1-8 A Solar Soft X-Ray Flux from GOES
Bastian,T.S., Nitta,N., Kiplinger,A.L., and Dulk,G.A. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 199-202
Energy transport during a solar flare: VLA observations of the M1.9 flare of 20 August 1992
Batchelor,D.A. 1994,
Solar Physics, 155, 57-61
Quasi-stereoscopic imaging of the solar X-ray corona
Batchelor,D.A. and Schmahl,E.J. 1994,
"Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences", Proc. 3rd SOHO
Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA, 26-29 September 1994, (eds.
Hunt,J.J. and Domingo,V.), European Space Agency Special Publication ESA
SP-373, ESA Paris, 203-206
X-ray absorbing structures in the YOHKOH images of the corona
Benka,S.G. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 225-230
DC electric fields in solar flares: theory meets observation
Bentley,R.D. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 87-88
The relationship between topology in solar active regions: soft X-ray observation from Yohkoh
Bentley,R.D., Doschek,G.A., Simnett,G.M., Rilee,M.L., Mariska,J.T., Culhane,J.L., Kosugi,T., and Watanabe,T. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 421, L55-L58
The correlation of solar flare hard X-ray bursts with doppler blueshifted soft X-ray flare emission
Benz,A.O., Kosugi,T., Aschwanden,M.J., Benka,S.G., Chupp,E.L., Enome,S.,
Garcia,H., Holman,G.D., Kurt,V., Sakao,T., Stepanov,A.V., Volwerk,M.
Solar Physics, 153, 33-53
Particle acceleration in Flares
Bruner,M.E., Enome,M.E., Gary,D., Strong,K.T., and Tsuneta,S. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, ...
Yohkoh soft X-ray observations of the 1993 June 3-4 flare
Canfield,R.C., Blais,K.A., McClymont,A.N., Metcalf,T.R., Reardon,K.P.,
Wuelser,J.P., Acton,L.W., Kurokawa,H., and Hirayama,T. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 153-156
The X flare of 15 November 1991; preflare flux emergence, heating, and filament eruption
Cheng,C.C. 1994,
Space Science Reviews, 70, 273-278
Soft X-ray observations of helmet structures from SXT/YOHKOH
Cheng,C.C. and Acton,L. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 83-86
Energy release topology in solar active regions: soft X-ray observation from Yohkoh
Cheng,C.C., Rilee,M., and Uchida,Y. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 213-216
Thermal and nonthermal energizations in solar flares: soft X-ray spectroscopic and hard X-ray observations
Chupp,E.L. and Benz,A.O. (eds.) 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 90, 1-501
Particle acceleration phenomena in astrophysical plasmas
Culhane,J.L., Phillips,A.T., Inda-Koide,M., Kosugi,T., Fludra,A.,
Kurokawa,H., Makishima,K., Pike,C.D., Sakao,T., Sakurai,T.,
Doschek,G.A., Bentley,R.D. 1994,
Solar Physics, 153, 307-336
YOHKOH observations of the creation of high-temperature plasma in the flare of 16 December 1991
Culhane,J.L., Phillips,A.T., Kosugi,T., Inda-Koide,M., and Pike,C.D.
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 117-122
Energy transport mechanisms and the event of 16th December 1991
Culhane,J.L., Phillips,A., Pike,D., Inda,M., Kosugi,T., and Sakao,T.
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 95-98
The flare of 16 December 1991
DeLaBeaujardiere,J.F., Canfield,R.C., Metcalf,T.R., Hiei,E., Sakurai,T. and Ichimoto,K. 1994,
Solar Physics, 151, 389-392
Electron precipitation and mass motion in the 1991 June 9 white-light flare
Dennis,B.R., Holman,D., Hudson,H.S., Kosugi,T., Strong,K., and
Zarro,D.M. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 217-220
Evidence for both electron acceleration and direct heating in solar flares
Doschek,G.A., Mariska,J.T., Strong,K.T., Bentley,R.D., Brown,C.M., Culhane,J.L. Lang,J., Sterling,A.C., and Watanabe,T. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 431, 888-900
The 1991 November 9 flare at 03.20 UT: observations from YOHKOH
Dubau,J., Cornille,M., Jacquemot,S., and Bely-Dubau,F. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 135-137
Theoretical spectra of S XV
Enome,S. and Radioheliograph Group 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 109-110
An X9 flare of Nov.2, 1992
Enome,S., Nakajima,H., Shibasaki,K., Nishio,M., Takano,T., Hanaoka,T.
Torii,C. Shiomi,Y., Sekiguchi,H., Bushimata,T., Kawashima,S.,
Shinohara,N., Irimajiri, Y., Koshiishi,H., Choi,Y., Sakai,J.,
Takahashi,M., Takakura,T., Sakao,T. Kosugi,T. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 141-142
Alignment of radio, soft X-ray, hard X-ray images of sources in impulsive and gradual phases of the flare of 1992 August 17-18
Enome,S., Nakajima,H., Shibasaki,K., Nishio,M., Takano,T., Hanaoka,T.
Torii,C. Shiomi,Y., Sekiguchi,H., Bushimata,T., Kawashima,S.,
Shinohara,N., Irimajiri, Y., Koshiishi,H., Choi,Y., Sakai,J.,
Takahashi,M., Takakura,T., Sakao,T. Kosugi,T. 1994,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 46, L27-L31
Alignment of radio, soft X-ray, hard X-ray images of sources in impulsive and gradual phases of the flare of 1992 August 17-18
Feldman,U. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 139-142
What have we learned from Yohkoh about flare and what should be done from Solar-B
Feldman,U., Doschek,G.A., Mariska,J.T., and Brown,C.M. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 450, 441-449
Relationships between temperature and emission measure in solar flares
determined from highly ionized iron spectra and from broadband X-ray
Feldman,U., Hiei,E., Phillips,K.J.H., Brown,C., and Lang,J. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 421, 843-850
Very impulsive solar flares observed with the YOHKOH spacecraft
Feldman,U., Hiei,E., Phillips,K.J.H., Lang,J., and Brown,C.M. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 269
Very impulsive flares observed with Yohkoh
Feldman,U., Seely,J.F., Doschek,G.A., Strong,K.T., Acton,L.W., Uchida,Y. and Tsuneta,S. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 424, 444-458
The morphology of the 10(7) K plasma in solar flares: I. nonimpulsive flares
Fludra,A., Jakimiec,J., Tomczak.M., Culhane,J.L., and Acton,L.W. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 393-396
Long duration events in magnetic arcades and large loops
Fu,Q.J., Liu,Y., and Li,C. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 421-424
Correlation between solar microwave bursts and hard X-ray flares
Gary,D.E., Enome,S., and Bruner,M. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 165-168
OVRO and NRO observations of the solar flare on 1993 June 3
Gopalswamy,N., Payne,T.E.W., Schmahl,E.J., Kundu,M.R., Lemen,J.R., Strong,K.T., Canfield,R.C., and DeLaBeaujardiere,J. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 437, 522-528
Transient microwave brightenings in solar active regions: comparison between VLA and YOHKOH observations
Gopalswamy,N., Schmahl,E.J., Kundu,M.R., Lemen,J.R., Stong,K.T.,
Canfield,R.C., and De La Beaujardiere 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 347-352
Study of active region magnetic field structures using VLA radio, YOHKOH X-ray, and MEES optical observations
Gosling,J.T., Bame,S.J., McComas,D.J., Phillips,J.L., Scime,E.E., Pizzo,V.J., Goldstein,B.E., and Balogh,A. 1994,
Geophysics Research Letters, 21(3), 237-240
A forward-reverse shock pair in the solar wind driven by over-expansion of a coronal mass ejection: Ulysses observations
Hanaoka,Y. 1994,
, Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, (eds. T.Sakurai,
T.Hirayama, and G.Ai), Sagamihara, Japan, 6-8 July 1993, 226-229
Flares in the region NOAA 7270 observed with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph
Hanaoka,Y. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 420, L37-L40
A flare caused by interacting coronal loops
Hanaoka,Y., Kurokawa,H., Enome,S., Nakajima,H., Shibasaki,K., Nishio,M.,
Takano,T., Torii,C., Sekiguchi,H., Kawashima,S., Bushimata,T.,
Shinohara,N., Irimajiri,Y., Koshiishi,H., Shiomi,Y., Nakai,Y.,
Funakoshi,Y., Kitai,R., Ishiura,K., and Kimura,G. 1994,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 46, 205-216
Simultaneous observations of a prominence eruption followed by a coronal arcade formation in radio, soft X-rays, and H-alpha
Hara,H. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 57-60
The X-ray intensity distribution of the solar corona and its variability
Hara,H., Lemen,J.R., and Ogawara,Y. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 217-221
Temperature of coronal holes measured by Yohkoh SXT
Hara,H., Tsuneta,S., Acton,L.W., Bruner,M.E., Lemen,J.R., Ogawara,Y. 1994,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 46, 493-502
Temperatures of coronal holes observed with Yohkoh SXT
Harvey,K.L., Nitta,N., Strong,K.T., and Tsuneta,S. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 21-24
The relationship of X-ray bright points to the photospheric magnetic fields
Harvey,K.L., Strong,K.S, Nitta,N., and Tsuneta,S. 1994,
"Solar Active Region Evolution: Comparing Models with Observations",
14th International Summer Workshop, National Solar Observatory,
Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA, 30 Aug - 3 Sept 1993, (eds,
Balasubramaniam, K.S. and G.W.Simon), Astronomical Society of the
Pacific (ASP), San Francisco, ASP Conference Series Vol. 68, 377-388
Are X-ray bright points the signature of magnetic field reconnection?
Heinzel,P. 1994,
Space Science Reviews, 70, 181-184
Coordinated optical and YOHKOH observations of 26 June 1992 flare loops
Hiei,E. 1994,
Space Science Reviews, 70, 189-192
Structure and development of quiet loops in the solar corona
Hiei,E., Hundhausen,A.J., and Sime,D.G. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 205-206
Reformation of a coronal helmet streamer by magnetic reconnection after a coronal mass ejection
Hudson,H.S. 1994,
"The Sun as a variable star: Solar and stellar irradiance variations",
Proc. IAU Colloqiume 143, held in Boulder, Colorado, June 20-25, 1993,
(eds. Pap,J.M., Froehlich,C., Hudson,H.S., and Solanki,S.K.), Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge; also in Solar Physics 152, Special Issue,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 196-205
Spatial resolution of solar total irradiance variability: The YOHKOH white-light observations
Hudson,H.S. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 143-146
Non-thermal effects in slow solar flares
Hudson,H.S. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 1-10
Thermal plasmas in the solar corona: the YOHKOH soft X-ray observations
Hudson,H.S. 1994,
"High-Energy Solar Phenomena - A New Era of Spacecraft Measurements",
Proc. Conference, held in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, 1993 March,
(eds. J.M.Ryan and W.T.Vestrand), AIP, New York, 151-161
The YOHKOH context for high-energy particles in solar flares
Hudson,H.S., Driel-Gesztelyi,L.v., and Kosugi,T. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 397-400
Analysis of three YOHKOH white-light flares
Hudson,H.S., Strong,K.T., Dennis,B.R., Zarro,D., Inda,M., Kosugi,T., and Sakao.T. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 422, L25-L27
Impulsive behavior in solar soft X-ray radiation
Ichimoto,K., Kumagai,K., Sakurai,T., Hara,H., Takeda,A., and YOHKOH SXT
Team 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 113-116
Spectroscopic observations of coronal emission lines and their relation to soft X-ray images
Ichimoto,K., Sakurai,T., Nishino,Y., Noguchi,M., Shinoda,K.,
Yamaguchi,A., Kumagai,K., Hirayama,T., Tsunewta,S., and Acton,L.W. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 259-260
Optical and SXT observations of the X9 flare of Nov.2, 1992
Inda-Koide,M. 1994,
PhD Thesis, School of Science, Univ.Tokyo
A systematic study of temporal and spectral variations of solar flare hard X-ray morphology
Inda-Koide,M. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 161-164
YOHKOH HXT/SXT observations of a two-loop interaction solar flare on 9 December 1992
Inda-Koide,M., Makishima,K., Kosugi.T., and Sakao,T. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 99-103
Yohkoh HXT observations of a solar flare on 16 December 1991
Kano,T. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 273-276
The time evolution of X-ray structure during filament eruption
Karovska,M., and Hudson,H.S. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 327-330
Determining point spread function of space observations using bid algorithm
Kato,T., Fujiwara, T., & The BCS Group 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 191-194
BCS Spectra from Flares on 6th September 1992
Kato,T., Fujiwara,T., and BCS Group 1994,
, Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, (eds. T.Sakurai,
T.Hirayama, and G.Ai), Sagamihara, Japan, 6-8 July 1993, 236-240
BCS spectra from flares on 6th September 1992
Kawabata,K., Yoshimoro,M., Suga,K., Morimoto,K., Hiraoka,T., Sato,J., and Ohki,K. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 90, 701-705
Positron annihilation radiation from the 1991 November 15 flare
Kawabata,K., Yoshimori,M., Suga,K., Morimoto,K., Hiraoka,T., Sato,J. and
Ohki,K. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 123-126
Positron annihilation line from the 15 November 1991 flare
Kawabata,K., Yoshimori,M., Suga,Kl, Morimoto,K., Hiraoka,T., Sato,J. and
Ohki,K. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 251-254
Positiron annihilation line from the 15 November 1991 flare
Khan,J.I., Uchida,Y., McAllister,A.H., and Watanabe,T. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 201-204
Yohkoh Soft X-ray observations related to a prominence eruption and arcade flare on 7 May, 1992
Kitai,R., Kurokawa,H., Funakoshi,Y., Nakai,Y., Shibata,K., Yaji,K.,
Nitta,N., and YOHKOH Team and NAOJ Flare Telescope Team 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 147-150
Flares on September 6, 1992
Kitai,R., Kurokawa,H., Funakoshi.Y., Nakai,Y., Shibata,K., Yaji,K.,
Nitta,N., Yohkoh Team, and NAOJ Flare Telescope Team 1994,
, Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, (eds. T.Sakurai,
T.Hirayama, and G.Ai), Sagamihara, Japan, 6-8 July 1993, 215-219
Flares on September 6, 1992
Klimchuk,J.A. 1994,
"Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences", Proc. 3rd SOHO
Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA, 26-29 September 1994, (eds.
Hunt,J.J. and Domingo,V.), European Space Agency Special Publication ESA
SP-373, ESA Paris, ...
Yohkoh observations relevant to mass ejection
Klimchuk,J.A., Acton,L.W., Harvey,K.L., Hudson,H.S., Kluge,K.L.,
Sime,D.G., Strong,K.T., Watanabe,Ta. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 181-186
Coronal eruptions observed by Yohkoh
Korendyke,C.M., Dere,K.P., Brueckner,G.E., Waljeeeski,K., and Lemen,J.R.
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 293-296
Combined HRTS-8 sounding rocket observations and YOHKOH soft X-ray observations
Kosugi,T. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 11-18
High-energy solar flare observations by YOHKOH: a review
Kosugi,T., Sakao,T., Masuda,S., Hara,H., Shimizu,T., and Hudson,H.S.
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 127-130
Hard and soft X-ray observations of a super-hot thermal flare of 6 February, 1992
Kosugi,T., Sakao,T., Sakao,T., Makishima,K., Murakami,T., Masuda,S.,
Inda-Koide,M., Yaji,K., Sawa,M., and Ogawara,Y. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 5-8
The initial fifteen months of flare observation with the Yohkoh Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT)
Kozuka,Y., Watanabe,Ta., Kojima,M., Ohyama,M., Tsuneta,T., Saito,T. and
Watari,S. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 301-304
Large-scale coronal and solar-wind structures
Kozuka,Y., Watanabe,T., Kojima,M., Ohyama,M., and Saito,T. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 359-362
Rotation rates of soft X-ray coronal structures
Kundu,M.R., Shibasaki,K., Enome,S., and Nitta,N. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 79-82
Observations of 17 GHz radio emission from X-ray bright points
Kundu,M.R., Shibasaki,K., Enome,S., and Nitta,N. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 431, L155-L158
Detection of 17 GHz radio emission from X-ray-bright points
Kundu,M.R., Shibasaki,K., Enome,S., Nitta,N., Bruner,M. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 353-356
Evolution of an active region and flare productivity
Kundu,M.R., Strong,K.T., Pick,M., Harvey,K., Kane,S.R., White,S.M., and
Hudson,S.M. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, ...
Metric type III bursts from flaring X-ray bright points
Kundu,M.R., Strong,K.T., Pick,M., Harvey,K.T., Kane,S.R., White,S.M.,
and Hudson,H.S. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 343-346
Metric type III bursts from flaring X-ray bright points
Kundu,M.R., Strong,K.T., Pick,M., White,S.M., Hudson,H.S., Harvey,K.L. and Kane,S.R. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 427, L59-L62
Nonthermal processes in flaring X-ray-bright points
Kurokawa,H., Kawai,GH., Tsuneta,S., and Ogawara,Y. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 59-62
Transient brightenings of soft x-ray loops in emerging flux regions
Kurokawa,H., Kitai,R., Kawai,G., Shibata,K., Yaji,K., Ichimoto,K.,
Nitta,N., and Zhang,H. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 283-288
A morphological study of magnetic shear development in a flare-productive region NOAA 7270
Lang,J. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 9-13
The performance of the Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer
Leka,K.D. et al. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 25-28
Diagnostics of twisted flux emergence (NOAA AR 7260)
Leka,K.D., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., and Canfield,R.C. 1994,
"Solar Active Region Evolution: Comparing Models with Observations",
14th International Summer Workshop, National Solar Observatory,
Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA, 30 Aug - 3 Sept 1993, (eds,
Balasubramaniam, K.S. and G.W.Simon), Astronomical Society of the
Pacific (ASP), San Francisco, ASP Conference Series Vol. 68, 145-148
Evidence for twisted emerging flux: NOAA AR 7260
Leka,K.D., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Nitta,N., Canfield,R.C., Mickey,D.L., Sakurai,T., and Ichimoto,K. 1994,
Solar Physics, 155, 301-337
The magnetic evolution of the activity complex AR 7260: A roadmap
Lim,J., Gary,D.E., and Hurford,G.J. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 430, 425-434
Imaging spectroscopy of solar microwave radiation: I. flaring emission
Linford,G.A., Hudson,H., and Sterling,A.S. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 49-50
Yohkoh observations of weak events within AR 7218
Mariska,J.T. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 434, 756-765
Flare plasma dynamics observed with the YOHKOH Bragg Crystal
spectrometer. II. Properties of the Fe XXV, Ca XIX, and S XV resonance
Mariska,J.T., Bentley,R.D., and Pike,C.D. 1994,
NRL MR/7673-94-7642
Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer Light Curves for Ca XIX (3.1633-3.1933 A) - 1 October 1993 - 30 September 1994
Mariska,J.T., Bentley,R.D., and Pike,C.D. 1994,
NRL MR/7670-94-7450
Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer Light Curves for Ca XIX (3.1633-3.1933 A) - 1 October 1992 - 30 September 1993
Martens,P.C.H., Hurlburt,N.E., Title,A.M., and Acton,L.W. 1994,
"Solar Surface Magnetism", NATO Advanced Science Institutes (ASI) Series
C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Volume. 433, Proc. NATO Advanced
Research Workshop, held Soesterberg, the Netherlands, November 1-5,
1993, (eds. Rutten,R.J. and Schrijver,C.J.), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, 237-238
An analytical model for fluted sunspots and a new interpretation of Evershed flow and X-ray anemones
Martens,P.C.H., and Tsuneta,S. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 327
A simple circuit model for the December 2, 1991 flare
Masuda,S. 1994,
PhD Thesis, University of Tokyo
Hard X-ray sources and the primary energy release site in solar flares - Finding of loop-top impulsive sources -
Masuda,S. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 209-212
Vertical structure of hard X-ray sources in solar flares
Masuda,S., Kosugi,T., and Sakao,T. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 123-126
HXT observations of the 24 October, 1991, M9.8 flare
Masuda,S., Kosugi,T., Hara,H., Tsuneta,S., and Ogawara,Y. 1994,
Nature, 371/6497, 495-497
A loop-top hard X-ray source in a compact solar flare as evidence for magnetic reconnection
McAllister,A.H. 1994,
"Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences", Proc. 3rd SOHO
Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA, 26-29 September 1994, (eds.
Hunt,J.J. and Domingo,V.), European Space Agency Special Publication ESA
SP-373, ESA Paris, 315-318
A large polar crown CME and a severe geomagnetic storm: April 14-17, 1994
McClymont,A.N., and Mikic,Z. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 422, 899-905
Thickness variations along coronal loops inferred from vector magnetograph data
McTiernan,J.M., Kane,S.R., Lemen,J.R., Zarro,D.M., and Kosugi,T. 1994,
EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 75, 287
The low energy cutoff of nonthermal electrons in solar flares inferred from Yohkoh/SXT, BCS, and HXT observations
McTiernan,J.M., Kane,S.R., Loran,J., Lemen,J., Acton,L.W., Hara,H.,
Tsuneta,S., and Kosugi,T. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 255-258
Temperature and density structure of a solar flare observed by the Yohkoh SXT and HXT
Metcalf,T.R. 1994,
Solar Physics, 155, 235-242
Resolving the 180 degree ambiguity in vector magnetic field measurements: the minimum energy solution
Metcalf,T.R., Canfield,R.C., Hudson,H.S., Mickey,D.L., Wuelser,J.P. and
Tsuneta,S. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 51-54
Electric currents and coronal structures in NOAA active region 6952
Metcalf,T.R., Canfield,R.C., Hudson,H.S., Mickey,D.L., Wuelser,J.P., Martens,P.C.H., and Tsuneta,S. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 428, 860-866
Electric currents and coronal heating in NOAA active region 6952
Moore,R.L., Porter,J., Roumeliotis,G., Tsuneta,S., Shimizu,T.,
Sturrock,P.A., and Acton,L.W. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 89-92
Observations of enhanced coronal heating in sheared magnetic fields
Morrison,M.D. 1994,
Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA, LMSC-P098510
Yohkoh analysis guide
Nakajima,H., Enome,S., Shibasaki,K., Nishio,M., Takano,T., Hanaoka,Y.,
Torii,C., Shiomi,Y., Sekiguchi,H., Bushimata,T., Kawashima,S.,
Shinohara,N., Irimajiri,Y., Koshiishi,H. and Choi,Y.S. 1994,
, Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, (eds. T.Sakurai,
T.Hirayama, and G.Ai), Sagamihara, Japan, 6-8 July 1993, 40-41
Time development of an X-class flare on 1992 June 28
Nakajima,H., Enome,S., Shibasaki,K., Nishio,M., Takano,T., Hanaoka,Y.,
Torii,C., Shiomi,Y., Sekiguchi,H., Bushimata,T., Kawashima,S.,
Shinohara,N., Irimajiri,Y., and Koshiishi,H. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 63-64
Time development of the 1992 June 28 X-class flare
Nakajima,H., Enome,S., Shibasaki,K., Nishio,M., Takano,T. Hanaoka,Y.,
Torii,C., Shiomi,Y., Sekiguchi,H., Bushimata,T., Kawashima,S.,
Shinohara,N., and Koshiishi,H. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 185-190
Morphological development of gradual nonthermal microwave flares
Nishio,M., Nakajima,H., Enome,S., Shibasaki,K., Takano,T., Hanaoka,Y.,
Torii,C. Sekiguchi,H., Bushimata,T., Kawashima,S., Shinohara,N.,
Irimajiri,Y. Chio,Y., Koshishi,H., Shiomi,Y., Metcalf,T. and
Canfield,R.C. 1994,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 46, L11-L15
Radio imaging observations of the evolution of thermal and nonthermal sources during a gradual solar burst
Nishio,M., Takakura,T., Ikeda,H., Nakajima,H., Enome,S., Shibasaki,K.,
Takano,T., Hanaoka,Y., Choi,Y.-S., and Koshiishi,H. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 151-156
Evolution and radio activity of a flare productive active region NOAA 7321
Nitta,N., Driel-Gesztelyi,L.v., Leka,K.D., Mickey,D.L., Metcalf,T.R.,
Wuelser,J., Ichimoto,K., Sakurai,T., and Shibata,K. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 385-388
Flares in active region NOAA 7260 - role of emerging flux
Nitta,N., VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Leka,K.D., Sakurai,T., Shibata,K.,
Ichimoto,K., Canfield,R.C., Wuelser,J.P., Metcalf,T.R., and Mickey,D.L.
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 111-114
Flares in active region NOAA 7260
Ogawara,Y. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 3
Performance of the spacecraft
Ogawara,Y., Canfield,R., and Strong,K. 1994,
IACG Report on Easton Workshop, Maryland, 27-29 Jan 1994
Principal results from Yohkoh
Pap,J.M., Froehlich,C., Hudson,H.S., and Solanki,S.K. (eds.) 1994,
"The Sun as a variable star: Solar and stellar irradiance variations",
Proc. IAU Colloqiume 143, held in Boulder, Colorado, June 20-25, 1993,
(eds. Pap,J.M., Froehlich,C., Hudson,H.S., and Solanki,S.K.), Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge; also in Solar Physics 152, Special Issue,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht
The sun as a variable star: solar and stellar irradiance variations
Petrosian,V. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 239-242
Impulsive acceleration and bulk heating of flare plasma by plasma turbulence
Pevtsov,A.A., Canfield,R.C., and Metcalf,T.R. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 425, L117-L119
Patterns of helicity in solar active regions
Phillips,K.J.H., Pike,C.D., Lang,J., Watanabe,T., and Zarro,D.M. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 301-304
The photospheric-to-coronal iron abundance from X-ray lines observed by YOHKOH and other satellites
Phillips,K.J.H., Pike,C.D., Lang,J., and Watanabe,T. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 131-134
Iron K-beta line emission in solar flares
Phillips,K.J.H., Pike,C.D., Lang,J., Watanabe,T., and Takahashi,M. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 435, 888-897
Iron K-beta line emission in solar flares observed by YOHKOH and the solar abundance of iron
Pick,M., Raoult,A., Trottet,G., Vilmer,N., Strong,K., and Magalhaes,A.
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 263-266
Energetic electrons and magnetic field structures in the corona
Pike,C.D., Lang,J., Watanabe,T. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 131-134
Iron K-beta line emission in solar flares
Plunkett,S.P. and Simnett,G.M. 1994,
Solar Physics, 155, 351-371
Temporal correlation of solar hard X-ray bursts with chromospheric evaporation
Poletto,G., Suess,S., Khan,J., Uchida,Y., Hiei,E., Neugebauer,M.,
Goldstein,B. Strong,K., and Harvey,K. 1994,
"Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences", Proc. 3rd SOHO
Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA, 26-29 September 1994, (eds.
Hunt,J.J. and Domingo,V.), European Space Agency Special Publication ESA
SP-373, ESA Paris, 143-148
X-ray bright point and high-speed wind streams: a preliminary analysis from Yohkoh and Ulysses data
Porter,J.G., Moore,R.T., Roumeliotis,G., Shimizu,T., Tsuneta,T.,
Sturrock,P.A., and Acton,L.W. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 65-70
Microflaring at the feet of large active region loops
Porter,L.J. 1994,
PhD Thesis, Stanford Univ. CA United States
Wave heating of the solar corona
Porter,L.J., Klimchuk,J.A., and Sturrock,P.A. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 435, 482-501
The possible role of MHD waves in heating the solar corona
Porter,L.J., Klimchuk,J.A., and Sturrock,P.A. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 435, 502-514
The possible role of high-frequency waves in heating solar coronal loops
Priest,E.R. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 93-98
Dynamic coronal heating by magnetic flux interaction
Priest,E.R., Parnell,C.E. and Martin,S.F. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 427, 459-474
A converging flux model of an X-ray bright point and an associated canceling magnetic feature
Rickard,G.J. and E.R.Priest 1994,
Solar Physics, 151, 107-127
The dynamics of driven magnetic reconnection in coronal arcades
Rust,D.M., Sakurai,T., Gaizauskas,V., Hoffmann,A., Martin,S.M., Priest,E.R. and Wang,J. 1994,
Solar Physics, 153, 1-18
Preflare state: Flares 22 workshop team 1 report
Saito,T., Kozuka,Y., Tsuneta,S., and Minami,S. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 211-216
Rotational reversing model and triple dipole model as substantiated by Yohkoh SXT data
Sakai,J.I. (ed.) 1994,
"Symposium on Current Loop Interaction in Solar Flares", held at Toyama
University, Nov. 30 - Dec 2, 1993, (ed. Sakai,J.I.), 163p, Toyama
University, Faculty of Engineering
Symposium on current loop interaction in solar flares
Sakao,T. 1994,
PhD Thesis, University of Tokyo
Characteristics of solar flare hard X-ray sources as revealed with the hard X-ray telescope aboard the YOHKOH satellite
Sakao,T., Kosugi,T., Masuda,S., Yaji,K., Inda-Koide,M., and Makishima,K.
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 169-172
Hard X-ray imaging observations of footpoint sources in impulsive solar flares
Sakao,T., Kosugi,T., Masuda,S., Yaji,K., Inda-Koide,M., and Makishima,K.
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 91-94
The flare of 16 December 1991
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, Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, (eds. T.Sakurai,
T.Hirayama, and G.Ai), Sagamihara, Japan, 6-8 July 1993, 198-202
X-ray activity in coronal loops and its chromospheric/photospheric signatures
Sakurai,T. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 231-234
Achievement of Yohkoh and the Next Solar Mission
Sakurai,T. 1994,
"Solar Magnetic Fields", (eds. M.Schuessler and W.Schmidt), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 387-389
Coronal activities and photospheric magnetic field changes
Sakurai,T., Hirayama,T., and Ai,G. (eds.) 1994,
, Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, (eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai), Sagamihara, Japan, 6-8 July 1993
Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics
Sakurai,T., Suematsu,Y., Ichimoto,K., Kurokawa,H., Kitai,R., Akioka,M.,
Tohmura,I., Soltau,D., Mickey,D.L., Zhang,H., Li,W., Zirin,H., Tang,F.
"Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences", Proc. 3rd SOHO
Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA, 26-29 September 1994, (eds.
Hunt,J.J. and Domingo,V.), European Space Agency Special Publication ESA
SP-373, ESA Paris, 337-344
Peculiar magnetic field evolution of active region NOAA 7562 in August 1993 - Results from campaign observations with Yohkoh -
Schmieder,B., Peres,G., Enome,S., Falciani,R., Heinzel,P., Henoux,J.C.,
Mariska,J., Reale,F., Rilee,M.L., Rompolt,B., Shibasaki,K.,
Stepanov,A.V., Wuelser,J.P., Zarro.D., Zharkova,V. 1994,
Solar Physics, 153, 55-72
Energy transport and dynamics
Shibasaki,K., Enome,S., Nakajima,H., Nishio,M., Takano,T., Hanaoka,Y.,
Torii,C., Sekiguchi,H., Kawashima,S., Bushimata,mT., Shinohara,N.,
Koshiishi,H. and Shiomi,Y. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 205-208
Structural changes of radio sources during early phase of small bursts
Shibasaki,K., Enome,S., Nakajima,H., Hishio,M., Takano,T., Hanaoka,Y.,
Torii,C., Sekiguchi,H., Kawashima,S., Bushimata,T., Shinohara,N.,
Koshiishi,H. Shiomi.T., Irimajiri,T., Leka,K.D., and Canfield,R.C. 1994,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 46, L17-L20
A purely polarized X-component at 17 GHz
Shibata,K. 1994,
"The Sun as a variable star: Solar and stellar irradiance variations",
Proc. IAU Colloqiume 143, held in Boulder, Colorado, June 20-25, 1993,
(eds. Pap,J.M., Froehlich,C., Hudson,H.S., and Solanki,S.K.), Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge; also in Solar Physics 152, Special Issue,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 89-100
The variable structure of the X-ray corona as viewed by YOHKOH
Shibata,K., Nitta,N., Kitai,R., Kurokawa,H., Yaji,K., Sakurai,T., and
Zhang,H. 1994,
, Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, (eds. T.Sakurai,
T.Hirayama, and G.Ai), Sagamihara, Japan, 6-8 July 1993, 220-225
Flares on Sept 6, 1992 in NOAA 7270
Shibata,K., Nitta,N., Strong,K.T., Matsumoto,R., Yokoyama,T., Hirayama,T., Hudson,H., and Ogawara,Y. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 431, L51-L53
A gigantic coronal jet ejected from a compact active region in a coronal hole
Shibata,K., Nitta,N., Matsumoto,R., Tajima,T., Yokoyama,T., Hirayama,T.
and Hudson,H. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 29-32
Two types of interaction between emerging flux and coronal magnetic field
Shibata,K., Yokoyama,T., and Shimojo,M. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 75-78
Coronal X-ray jets
Shimizu,T. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 61-64
Active-region transient brightenings and the heating of active region corona
Shimizu,T. 1994,
, Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, (eds. T.Sakurai,
T.Hirayama, and G.Ai), Sagamihara, Japan, 6-8 July 1993, 193-197
Active-region transient brightenings in NOAA 7260
Shimizu,T. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 33-36
Active-Region Transient Brightenings
Shimizu,T., Tsuneta,S., Acton,L.W., Lemen,J.R., Ogawara,Y., and Uchida,Y. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 422, 906-911
Morphology of active region transient brightenings with the YOHKOH Soft X-ray telescope
Slater,G.L. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 81
Compact radiation sources within extended flare sites - a study of flares by the SXT in full frame mode -
Smith,K.L., Svestka,K., Strong,T., and McCabe,M.K. 1994,
Solar Physics, 149, 363-380
X-ray observations of a major eruptive flare behind the limb
Sterling,A.C. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 131-134
YOHKOH Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) observations of the 6-Feb-1992 limb flare
Sterling,A.C. 1994,
, Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, (eds. T.Sakurai,
T.Hirayama, and G.Ai), Sagamihara, Japan, 6-8 July 1993, 37-39
Fe XXV Temperatrues in Flares Determined from the Yohkoh BCS Experiment
Sterling,A.C., Doschek,G.A., Mariska,J.T., Hiei,E., and Watanabe,T.
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 127-130
A resonance line ratios method for determining flare temperatures using Yohkoh BCS spectra
Sterling,A.C., Shibata,K., and Mariska,J.T. 1994,
Space Science Reviews, 70, 77-80
Jets and brightenings generated by energy deposition in the middle and upper solar chromosphere
Sterling,A.C., Sterling,G.A., Doschek,G.A., and Pike,C.D. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal, 435, 898-908
Fe XXV temperatures in flares from the YOHKOH Bragg Crystal Spectrometer
Strong,K.T. and the YOHKOH team 1994,
Space Science Reviews, 70, 133-142
Observations of loops and prominences
Strong,K.T., Hudson,H., and Dennis,B. 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
Seikatsu Center, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (eds.
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 65-68
Evidence for impulsive soft X-ray bursts during flares
Strong,K.T., and Yohkoh Team 1994,
Advances in Space Research, 14(4), 3-11
Coronal observations from the Soft X-Ray Telescope on Yohkoh
Sturrock,P.A., Antiochos,S.K., Klimchuk,J.A., and Roumeliotis,G. 1994,
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Asymptotic forms for the energy of force-free field configurations of translational symmetry
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Small-scale brightening events found with Mitaka Ha patrol system and their soft X-ray signatures from Yohkoh SXT
Takahashi,M., Sakai,J.I., Watanabe,T., Sakao,T., Kosugi,T., Sakurai,T.,
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A flare of 1992 Aug 17 23:58 UT
Takakura,T. 1994,
, Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, (eds. T.Sakurai,
T.Hirayama, and G.Ai), Sagamihara, Japan, 6-8 July 1993, 157-158
Hard X-ray images at the flare on 1992 August 17, 1993
Takakura,T., Inda,M., Makishima,K., Kosugi,T., Sakao,T., Masuda,S.,
Sakurai,T. and Ogawara,Y. 1994,
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Time variation of the hard X-ray image in the early phase of solar impulsive bursts
Takakura,T., Nishio,M., Nakajima,H., ENome,S., Shibasaki,K., Takano,T.,
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Evolution of a flare source inferred from hard X-ray and Radio Observations: solar burst on 1992 October 27
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Evolution of flare source inferred from hard X-ray and radio observation: solar burst on 27 October 1992
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Behavior of accelerated electrons in a small impulsive solar flare on 1992 August 12
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"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
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Solar flares as ongoing magnetic reconnection
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Magnetic reconnection in the solar corona
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Quadrupole magnetic field in arcade-type flares
Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S. (eds.) 1994,
"X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH", Proc. International Symposium on the
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X-ray solar physics from YOHKOH
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Hudson,H.S., Anwar,B., and Hiei,E. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
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A search for "black-light flares"
VanDriel-Gesztelyi,L., Hudson,H.S., Anwar,B., and Hiei,E. 1994,
Solar Physics, 152, 145-151
A Yohkoh search for "black-light flares"
Watanabe,T. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
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Characteristics of microflares seen in helium-like sulphur spectra: GOES A-class flare during the minimum activity phase
Watanabe,Ta., Kojima,M., Kozuka,Y., Tsuneta,S., Lemen,J.R., Hudson,H.,
Joselyn,J.A., and Klimchuk,J.A. 1994,
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Uchida,Y., Watanabe,T., Shibata,K., and Hudson,H.S.), Universal Academy
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Interplanetary consequences of transient coronal events
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Interplanetary consequences of transient coronal events observed with Yohkoh SXT
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YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
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Coronal disturbances observed by Yohkoh and their effects on the solar terrestrial environment
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Meterwave solar radio emission from NOAA 7260
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Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
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Soft X-ray feature in active regions associated with meter wavelength solar radio emission
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Material ejection
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Differential rotation in the solar corona
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Multiwavelength observations of a solar flare
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"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, ...
Multiwavelength observations of a solar flare
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Multispectral observations of chromospheric evaporation in the 1991 November 15 X-class solar flare
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Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 195-198
Halpha and X-ray signatures of chromospheric heating observed in solar flares
Wuelser,J.P., Canfield,R.C., Acton,L.W., Culhane,J.L., Phillips,A.,
Fludra,A., Sakao,T., Masuda,S., and Kosugi,T. 1994,
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YohKoh Scientific Results, held February 23-25, 1993, Sagamihara Kokumin
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H-alpha and X-ray signatures of chromospheric evaporation observed during the early phase of the 15 November 1991 flare
Yokoyama,T. and Shibata,K. 1994,
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What is the condition for fast magnetic reconnection?
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Numerical simulation of reconnection between emerging flux and coronal field
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A model of X-ray jets and loop brightenings associated with emerging flux
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Press, Frontiers Science Series No. 10 (FSS-10), 15-18
Solar abundances derived from gamma-ray line spectroscopy of the 1991 October 27 flare
Yoshimori,M., Suga,K., Morimoto,K., Hiraoka,T., Sato,J., Kawabata,K., Ohki,K. 1994,
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 90, 639-643
Gamma-ray spectral observations with YOHKOH
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and Ohki,K. 1994,
"New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal
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Properties of energetic particles studied from gamma-ray observations
Zarro,D.M. 1994,
Final Report Applied Research Corp., Landover, MD.
Correlative analysis of hard and soft X ray observations of solar flares
Zarro,D.M., Mariska,J.T., and Dennis,B.R. 1994,
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Dynamics and Flares", Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No. 360, Proc.
Kofu Symposium, held in Kofu, 1993 Sept 6-10, (eds. S.Enome and
T.Hirayama), NOAJ, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan, 221-224
Studying solar flares with YOHKOH and the COMPTON Gamma-Ray Observatory
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The Ca XIX stationary component - evidence for current heating in solar flares
Anwar,B., Acton,L.W., Hudson,H.S., Makita,M., McClymont,A.N., and Tsuneta,S. 1993,
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Rapid sunspot motion during a major solar flare
Canfield,R.C., DeLaBeaujardiere,J.F., Fan,Y., Leka,K.D., McClymont,A.N.
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The morphology of flare phenomena, magnetic fields, and electric currents in active regions: I. introduction and methods
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Yohkoh basks in sunlight
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Yohkoh observations of plasmas upflow during solar flares
Doschek,G.A., Stong,K.T., Bentley,R.D., Brown,C.M., Culhane,J.L.,
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The 1992 January 5 flare at 13.3 UT: observations from YOHKOH
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Advances in Space Research, 13(9), 395-398
Abundances of sulphur, calcium and iron in solar flares observed by the Yohkoh
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Determination of element abundances using the Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS)
Gomez,D.O., Martens,P.C.H., and Golub,L. 1993,
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Normal Incidence X-ray Telescope (NIXT) power spectra of X-ray emission from solar active regions II. Theory
Gopalswamy,N., Schmahl,E.J., Kundu,M.R., Lemen,J.R., Strong,K.T.,Canfield,R.C. and DeLaBeaujardiere,J. 1993,
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A study of active region magnetic field structure using VLA-Radio, YOHKOH- X-ray and MEES-Optical Observations
Harvey,K.L., Strong,K.T., Nitta,N., and Tsuneta,S. 1993,
Advances in Space Research, 13/9, 27-30
Lifetimes and distribution of coronal bright points observed with YOHKOH
Hiei,E., Hundhausen,A.J., and Sime,D.G. 1993,
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Reformation of a coronal helmet streamer by magnetic reconnection after a coronal mass ejection
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The next Japanese solar satellite
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Solar physics within ESA's planning
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Astroseismology - the impact of solar space observations
Kane,S.R., McTiernan,J.M., Loran,J., Lemen,J., Yoshimori,M., Ohki,K., Kosugi,T. 1993,
Advances in Space Research, 13/9, 237-239
Spatial and spectral characteristics of the X-ray sources in the 15 November 1991 solar flare
Kato,T., Masai,K., Sakimoto,K., Itikawa,Y., Watanabe,T., and BCS group
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Non-equilibrium ionization in an M class solar flare
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Hard X-ray solar flares observed by YOHKOH and particle acceleration
Lang,J., Brown,C.M., Magraw,J.E., and Payne,J. 1993,
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The laboratory calibration of the Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer
Lang,K.R., Willson,R.F., Kile,J.N., Lemen,J., Strong,K.T., Bogod,V.M.,
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Magnetospheres of solar active regions inferred from spectral-polarization observations with high spatial resolution
Leka,K.D., Canfield,R.C., McClymont,A.N., DeLaBeaujardiere,J.-F., and Fan.Y 1993,
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The morphology of flare phenomena, magnetic fields, and electric
currents in active regions. II. NOAA Active Region 5747 (1989 October)
Mariska,J.T., Bentley,R.D., and Pike,C.D. 1993,
Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer Light Curves for Ca XIX - 1 October 1991 - 30 September 1992
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Flare plasma dynamics observed with the YOHKOH Bragg Crystal spectrometer. I. Properties of the Ca XIX resonance line
Matsumoto,R., Tajima,T., Shibata,K., and Kaising,M. 1993,
The Astrophysical Journal, 414, 357-371
Three dimensional magnetohydrodynamics of the emerging magnetic flux in the solar atmosphere
McTiernan,J.M., Kane,S.R., Loran,J.M., Lemen,J.R., Acton,L.W., Hara,H., Tsuneta,S., and Kosugi,T. 1993,
The Astrophysical Journal, 416, L91-L93
Temperature and density structure of the 1991 November 2 flare observed
by the YOHKOH soft X-ray telescope and hard X-ray telescope
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Current loop coalescence studied by 3-D electromagnetic particle code
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Astronomy and Astrophysics, 275, L13-L16
Detectability of chromospheric evaporation fronts in solar flares
Peres,G. and Reale,F. 1993,
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The importance of plasma viscosity on X-ray line diagnostics of solar flares
Petersen,C.C., Bruner,M., Acton,L.W., Ogawara,Y. 1993,
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Yohkoh and the mysterious solar flares
Phillips,K.J.H. 1993,
Astronomy Now, 7(7), 40-41
Japan probes solar mysteries
Saito,T. 1993,
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Conf., Tokyo, Japan, 17-20 November 1922, ESA SP-351, ESA, ESTEC
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Large-scale structure of the solar plasma corona - an analysis of Yohkoh SXT images
Sakao,T. 1993,
"The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions", Proc.
International Astronomical Union Colloquium IAU 141, held in Beijing,
China, 6-12 Sept 1992, (eds. Zirin,H., Ai,G., and Wang,H.), Astronomical
Society of the Pacific (ASP), San Francisco, Conference Series ASP CS
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Hard and Soft X-ray imaging observations by Yohkoh of the 15 November, 1991 flare
Sakurai,T. 1993,
Advances in Space Research, 13/9, 109-117
Magnetic field structures and flares
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Conf., Tokyo, Japan, 17-20 November 1922, ESA SP-351, ESA, ESTEC
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X-ray jets in the solar corona: observations with Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope
Shibata,K., Ishido,Y., Acton,L.W., Strong,K.T., Hirayama,T., Uchida,Y..
McAllister,A.H., Matsumoto,R., Tsuneta,S., Shimizu,T., Hara,H.,
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Society of the Pacific (ASP), San Francisco, Conference Series ASP CS
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Observations of X-ray jets with the Yohkoh soft X-ray Telescope
Sterling,A.C., Shibata,K., and Mariska,J.T. 1993,
The Astrophysical Journal, 407, 778-789
Solar chromospheric and transition region response to energy deposition in the middle and upper chromosphere
Strong,K.T. 1993,
2nd SOHO workshop, Elba, Italy, ..., ESA SP-xxx, ESTEC Nordwijk, The Netherlands, ...
Yohkoh observations of active regions and filaments
Svestka,Z., Uchida, Y., & Bromage, B. 1993,
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Book-Review - the YOHKOH Solar-A Mission
Takakura,T., Inda,M., Makishima,K., Kosugi,T., Sakao,T., Masuda,S., Sakurai,T., Ogawara,Y. 1993,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 45, 737-753
Time variation of the Hard X-ray image during the early phase of solar impulsive bursts
Tarbell,T.D. 1993,
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Investigation of solar active regions at high resolution by balloon
flights of the solar optical universal polarimeter, extended definition
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Yohkoh observations of active regions
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Conf., Tokyo, Japan, 17-20 November 1922, ESA SP-351, ESA, ESTEC
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Highlights of Yohkoh results
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China, 6-12 Sept 1992, (eds. Zirin,H., Ai,G., and Wang,H.), Astronomical
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46, 239-248
Solar flares as an ongoing magnetic reconnection process
Tsuneta,S. and Lemen,J.R. 1993,
"Physics of Solar and Stellar Coronae", G.S.Vaiana Memorial Symposium,
held 22-26 June, 1992, in Palermo, Italy, (ed. J.L.Linsky and S.Serio),
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 183, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 113-130
Dynamics of the solar corona observed with the YOHKOH soft X-ray telescope
Uchida,Y. 1993,
"Physics of Solar and Stellar Coronae", G.S.Vaiana Memorial Symposium,
held 22-26 June, 1992, in Palermo, Italy, (ed. J.L.Linsky and S.Serio),
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 183, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 97-111
New aspects of solar coronal physics revealed by YOHKOH
Uchida,Y. 1993,
Advances in Space Research, 13/9, 205-220
Some initial results from the YOHKOH observations of solar high-temperature and high-energy phenomena
Watari,S., Nitta,N., Tsuneta,S., Strong,K., Akioka,M., and Nishikawa,J.
Proc. "Solar-Terrestrial Predictions Workshop-IV", ..., (eds. J.Hruska,
M.A.Shea, D.F.Smart, and G.Heckman), NOAA/SEL, Boulder, 370-380
Application of the Yohkoh X-ray images to solar terrestrial predictions
Willson,R.F., Lang,K.R., and Gary,D. 1993,
The Astrophysical Journal, 418, 490-495
Particle acceleration and flare triggering in large-scale magnetic loops joining widely-spaced active regions
Wolfson,R. 1993,
The Astrophysical Journal, 419, 382-387
Energy requirements for opening the solar corona
Yohkoh-HXT-Group,The 1993,
National Astronomical Observatory, Japan
The Yohkoh HXT Databook (I) October 1991 - December 1992
Yokoyama,T., and Shibata,K. 1993,
"Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion", Proc. 4th Internat.
Conf., Tokyo, Japan, 17-20 November 1922, ESA SP-351, ESA, ESTEC
Nordwijk, The Netherlands, 203-206
Numerical simulation of magnetic reconnection associated with emerging flux in the solar atmosphere
Yoshimori,M. 1993,
"Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion", Proc. 4th Internat.
Conf., Tokyo, Japan, 17-20 November 1922, ESA SP-351, ESA, ESTEC
Nordwijk, The Netherlands, 211-214
Yohkoh gamma-ray spectral observations - YGSO
Acton,L.W., Feldman,U., Bruner,M.E., Doschek,G.A., Hirayama,T.,
Hudson,H.S., Lemen,J.R., Ogawara,Y., Strong,K.T., and Tsuneta,S. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L71-L76
The morphology of 20 x 10^6 K plasma in large non-impulsive solar flares
Acton,L.W., Tsuneta,S., Ogawara,Y., Bentley,R., Bruner,M., Canfield,R.,
Culhane,L., Doschek,G., Hiei,E., Hirayama,T., Hudson,H.S., Kosugi,T.,
Lang,J., Lemen,J., Nirshimura,J., Makishima,K., Uchida,Y., and
Watanabe,T. 1992,
Science, nce 258, 618-625
The Yohkoh mission for high-energy solar physics
Canfield,R.C., Hudson,H.S., Leka,K.D., Mickey,D.L., Metcalf,T.R.,
Wuelser,J.P., Acton,L.W., Strong,K.T., Kosugi,T., Sakao,T., Tsuneta,S.,
Culhane,J.L., Phillips,A., and Fludra,A. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L111-L115
The X-flare of 1991 November 15 - coordinated MEES/YOHKOH observations
Culhane,J.L., Fludra,A., Bentley,R.D., Doschek,G.A., Watanabe,T.,
Hiei,E., Lang,J., Carter,M.K., Mariska,J.T., Phillips,A.T.,
Phillips,K.J.H., Pike,C.D., and Sterling,A.C. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L101-L106
Observations of several small flares with the Bragg Crystal Spectrometer on Yohkoh
Doschek,G.A., Mariska,J.T., Watanabe,T., Hiei,E., Lang,J., Culhane,J.L.,
Bentley,R.D., Brown,C.M., Feldman,U., Phillips,A.T., Phillips,K.J.H.,
and Sterling,A.C. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L95-L100
Yohkoh Bragg-Crystal Spectrometer observations of the dynamics and temperature behavior of a soft X-ray flare
Gomez,D.O., and Martens,P.C.H. 1992,
Proc. IAU Joint Comm. Meet. on "Solar and Stellar Coronae", (ed.
R.Pallavicini), Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Vol. 63,
Spectra of MHD turbulence in the solar corona
Hara,H., Tsuneta,S., Lemen,J.R., Acton,L.W., and McTiernan,J.M. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L135-L140
High-temperature plasmas in active regions observed with the soft X-ray telescope aboard YOHKOH
Holman,G.D. 1992,
"Coronal Streamers, Coronal Loops, and Coronal and Solar Wind
Composition", Proc. 1st SoHO workshop, held in Annapolis, Maryland, 1992
Aug 25-28, European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 348, (eds.
Domingo,V., Poland,A., Mariska,J.), ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, 189-192
Active region studies with coordinated SOHO, microwave, and magnetograph observations
Hudson,H.S., Acton,L.W., Hirayama,T., and Uchida,Y. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L77-L82
White-light flares observed by Yohkoh
Ichimoto,K., Hirayama,T., Yamaguchi,A., Kumagai,K., Tsuneta,S., Hara,H., Acton,L.W., and Bruner,M.E. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L117-L122
Effective geometrical thickness and electron density of a flare of 1991
December 2 observed with the Soft X-Ray Telescope of Yohkoh and
Kawai,G., Kurokawa,H., Tsuneta,S., Shimizu,T., Shibata,K., Acton,L.W., Strong,K.T., and Nitta,N. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L193-L198
Comparison between H-alpha and Yohkoh Soft X-ray images of emerging flux regions
Klimchuk,J.A. 1992,
"Coronal Streamers, Coronal Loops, and Coronal and Solar Wind
Composition", Proc. 1st SoHO workshop, held in Annapolis, Maryland, 1992
Aug 25-28, European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 348, (eds.
Domingo,V., Poland,A., Mariska,J.), ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, 167-176
Static and dynamic loop models and their observational signatures
Klimchuk,J.A., Lemen,J.R., Feldman,U., Tsuneta,S., and Uchida,Y. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L181-L185
Thickness variations along coronal loops observed by the soft X-ray telescope on YOHKOH
Kosugi,T., Sakao,T., Masuda,S., Makishima,K, Inda,M., Murakami,T., Ogawara,Y., Yaji,K., Matsushita,K. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L45-L59
The hard X-ray telescope (HXT) onboard YOHKOH: Its performance and some initial results
Kurokawa,H., Kawai,G., Kitai,R., Funakoshi,Y., Nakai,Y., Tsuneta,S., Kosugi,T., Enome,S., Acton,L.W., Ogawara,Y. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L129-L133
Detailed comparison between H-alpha and YOHKOH soft X-ray images of a confined two-ribbon flare
Lang,J., Bentley,R.D., Brown,C.M., Culhane,J.L., Doschek,G.A.,
Watanabe,T., Hiei,E., Deslattes,R.D., Fludra,A., Guttridge,P.R.,
Magraw,J.E., Payne,J., Pike,C.D., and Trow,M.W. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L55-L62
The performance of the Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer
Lang,K.R. 1992,
Final Report, 1 Nov. 1988 - 30 Apr. 1992 Tufts Univ., Medford, MA. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy.
High-resolution microwave observations of the sun
Machado,M.E. 1992,
Final Technical Report, 15 Apr. 1991 - 14 Oct. 1992 Alabama Univ., Huntsville.
FNAS/solar flare energetics
Martens,P.C.H., and Gomez,D.O. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L187-L192
Spatial power-spectra from Yohkoh soft X-ray images
Martens,P.C.H., and Gomez,D.O. 1992,
Proc. IAU Joint Comm. Meet. on "Solar and Stellar Coronae", (ed.
R.Pallavicini), Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Vol. 63,
Can Yohkoh/SXT observe coronal MHD turbulence
Matsushita,K., Masuda,S., Kosugi,T., Inda,M., and Yaji,K. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L89-L93
Average height of hard X-ray sources in solar flares
McAllister,A.H., Uchida,Y., Tsuneta,S., Strong,K.T., Acton,L.W., Hiei,E., Bruner,M.,E., Watanabe,T., and Shibata,K. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L205-L210
The structure of the coronal soft X-ray source associated with the dark
filament disappearance of 1991 September 28 using the YOHKOH soft X-ray
Nitta,N., Bastian,T.S., Aschwanden,M.J., Harvey,K.L. and Strong,K.T. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44/5, L167-L172
Simultaneous observations of coronal bright points in X-ray and radio wavelengths
Ogawara,Y. and Uchida,Y. 1992,
COSPAR Information Bulletin 124, 61-64
New vistas of solar physics opened up by satellite Yohkoh
Ogawara,Y., Acton,L.W., Bentley,R.D., Brunder,M.E., Culhane,J.L., Hiei,E., Hirayama,T., Hudson,H., Kosugi,T., Lemen,J.R. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L41-L44
The status of YOHKOH in orbit - an introduction to the initial scientific results
Sakai,J.I. and Koide,S. 1992,
Solar Physics, 142, 399-402
Classification of magnetic reconnection during two current-loop coalescence
Sakao,T., Kosugi,T., Masuda,S., Inda,M., Makishima,K., Canfield,R.C., Hudson,H.S., Metcalf,T.R., Wuelser,J.P., Acton,L. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L83-L88
Hard X-ray imaging observations by YOHKOH of the 1991 November 15 solar flare
Sakurai,T., Shibata,K., Ichimoto,K., Tsuneta,S., Acton,L.W. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L123-L127
Flare-related relaxation of magnetic shear as observed with the soft X-ray telescope of YOHKOH and with vector magnetographs
Shibata,K., Ishido,Y., Acton,L.W., Strong,K.T., Hirayama,T., Uchida,Y.,
McAllister,A.H., Matsumoto,R., Tsuneta,S., Shimizu,T., Hara,H.,
Sakurai,T., Ichimoto,K., Nishino,Y., and Ogawara,Y. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L173-L180
Observations of X-ray jets with the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope
Shimizu,T., Tsuneta,S., Acton,L.W., Lemen,J.R., Uchida,Y. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L147-L153
Transient brightenings in active regions observed by the soft X-ray telescope on YOHKOH
Strong,K.T. 1992,
"Coronal Streamers, Coronal Loops, and Coronal and Solar Wind
Composition", Proc. 1st SoHO workshop, held in Annapolis, Maryland, 1992
Aug 25-28, European Space Agency Special Publication Vol. 348, (eds.
Domingo,V., Poland,A., Mariska,J.), ESA, ESTEC Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, 221-224
Observations of the quiet sun from the soft X-ray telescope on Yohkoh
Strong,K.T., Harvey,K.L., Hirayama,T., Nitta,N., Shimizu,T., and Tsuneta,S. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L161-L166
Observations of the variability of coronal bright points by the Soft X-ray Telescope on Yohkoh
Sturrock,P.A. 1992,
Comments on Astrophysics, 16, 71-85
The emerging picture of eruptive solar flares
Svestka,Z. & Uchida, Y. 1992,
Science, nce 256/5054, 253
Book-Review - the YOHKOH Solar-A Mission
Svestka,Z. & Uchida, Y. 1992,
Journal of the British Astronomical Assocciation, 102/2, 109
Book-Review - the YOHKOH Solar-A Mission
Svestka,Z., Uchida, A., & Jordan, C. 1992,
Astrophysics and Space Science, 192/1, 164
Book-Review - the YOHKOH Solar-A Mission
Tsuneta,S., Hara,H., Shimizu,T., Acton,L.W., Strong,K.T., Hudson,H.S., and Ogawara,Y. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L63-L70
Observations of a solar flare at the limb with the Yohkoh soft X-Ray Telescope
Tsuneta,S., Takahashi,T., Acton,L.W., Bruner,M.E., Harvey,K.L., and Ogawara,Y. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L211-L214
Global restructuring of the coronal magnetic fields observed with the YOHKOH soft X-ray telescope
Uchida,Y. and Ogawara,Y. 1992,
"Eruptive Solar Flares", Proceedings of Colloquium #133 of the
International Astronomical Union, Held at Iguazu, Argentina, 2-6 August
1991, XIV, 409 pp.. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. Also
Lecture Notes in Physics, volume 399. (eds. Z.Svestka, B.V.Jackson,
M.E.Machado), Publisher, Springer-Verlag, New York, 309-313
The Solar-A mission experiments and the targets
Uchida,Y., McAllister,A., Strong,K.T., Ogawara,Y., Shimizu,T., Matsumoto,R., and Hudson,H. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L155-L160
Continual expansion of the active-region corona observed by the YOHKOH soft X-ray telescope
Watanabe,T., Hiei,E., Lang,J., Culhane,J.L., Bentley,R.D., Doschek,G.A.,
Bromage,B.J.I., Brown,C.M., Feldman,U., Fludra,A., Kato,T., Payne,J.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L141-L146
Helium-like sulphur emission lines in solar active regions and their sub-C class variability
Watanabe,T., Kozuka,Y., Ohyama,M., Kojima,M., Yamaguchi,K., Watari,S.
Tsuneta,S., Joselyn,J.A., Harvey,K.L., Acton,L.W., and Klimchuk,J.A.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L199-L204
Coronal/interplanetary disturbances associated with disappearing solar filaments
Yoshimori,M., Takai,Y., Morimoto,K., Suga,K., Ohki,K., Watanabe,T., Yamagami,T., Kondo,I., Nishimura,J. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L51-L54
The Yohkoh Wide Band Spectrometer (WBS) performance and initial results
Yoshimori,M., Takai,Y., Morimoto,K., and Ohki,K. 1992,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 44, L107-L110
Characteristics of two gamma-ray flares observed with the Wide Band Spectrometer aboard Yohkoh
Acton,L.W., Morrison,M., Janesick,J., and Elliott,T. 1991,
"Charge-Coupled Devices and Solid State Optical Sensors II", (eds. Morley,M. and Blouke,M.), Proc. SPIE Vol. 1447, 123-139
Radiation concerns for the Solar-A Soft X-Ray Telescope
Acton,L.W., and Hudson,H.S. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 28-36
Capabilities and limitations of Solar-A
Appenzeller,T. 1991,
Science, nce 254/5033, 793
YOHKOH Captures a Solar Flare
Brown,W.A. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 193-196
Simulation of SXT response to XSST soft X-ray spectrum
Canfield,R.C., DeLaBeaujardiere,J.F., and Leka,K.D. 1991,
Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series A, 336, 381-388
Flare energy release: observational consequences and signatures
Canfield,R.C., Leka,K.D., and Wuelser,J.P. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 96-99
Magnetic morphology of nonthermal electron precipitation during three flares in a highly non-potential active region
Culhane,J.L., Bentley,R.D., Hiei,E., Brown,C.M., Doschek,G.A. 1991,
Advances in Space Research, 11/5, 77-80
Plasma diagnostics with the Solar-A Bragg Crystal Spectrometers
Culhane,J.L., Hiei,E., Bentley,R.D., Brown,C.M., Doschek,G.A.,
Feldman,U., Lang,J. and Watanabe,T. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 22-23
The Solar-A Bragg Crystal Spectrometer
Culhane,J.L., Hiei,E., Doschek,G.A., Cruise,A.M., Ogawara,Y., Uchida,Y.,
Bentley,R.D., Brown,C., Lang,J., Watanabe,T., Bowles,J. A.,
Deslattes,R.D., Feldman.U., Fludra,A., Guttridge,P., Henins,A.,
Lapington,J., Magraw,J., Mariska,J.T., Payne,J., Phillips,K.J.H.,
Slater,K., Tanaka,K, Towndrow,E., Trow,M.W., Yamaguchi,A. 1991,
Solar Physics, 136, 89-104
The Bragg Crystal Spectrometer for Solar-A
Dixon,W.W., Klimchuk,J.A., Sturrock,P.A., Lemen,J.R. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 297-301
Simulated SXT observations of coronal loops
Kosugi,T. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 26-27
The SOLAR-A onboard data processor (DP)
Kosugi,T., Makishima,K., Murakami,T., Dotani,T., Inda,M., Kai,K.,
Masuda,S., Nakajima,H., Ogawara,Y., Sakao,T., Sawa,M. and Shibasaki,K.
Advances in Space Research, 11/5, 81-84
The SOLAR-A hard X-ray telescope (HXT)
Kosugi,T., Makishima,K., Murakami,T., Sakao,T, Dotani,T., Inda,M.,
Kai,K., Masuda,S., Nakajima,H., Ogawara,Y., Sawa,M., and Shibasaki,K.
Solar Physics, 136, 17-36
The Hard X-Ray Telescope (HXT) for the SOLAR-A Mission
Kundu,M.R. and White,S.M. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 338
Millimeter interferometric observations of solar flares during the Solar A mission
Lemen,J.R., Acton,L.W., Brown,W.A., Bruner,M.E., Catura,R.C., Strong,K.T., and Watanabe,T. 1991,
Advances in Space Research, 11/5, 69-72
Imaging capabilities of SXT for Solar-A
Martens,P.C.H., Gomez,D.O., Slater,G., and Golub,L. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 291-296
SXT observations of MHD turbulence in active regions
McTiernan,J.M., Kane,S.R., and Loran,J.M. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 179-183
The electron distribution and SXT images of a coronal soft X-ray source
Moore,R.L., Hagyard,M.J., Davis,J.M., and Porter,J.G. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 324-329
The MSFC vector magnetograph eruptive flares, and the SOLAR-A X-ray images
Morrison,M.D., Lemen,J.R., Acton,L.W., Bentley,R.D., Kosugi,T., Tsuneta,S., Ogawara,Y., Watanabe,T. 1991,
Solar Physics, 136, 105-110
Solar-A reformatting data files and observing log
Ogawara,Y. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 15-17
The Solar-A Mission
Ogawara,Y., Takano,T., Kato,T. Kosugi,T., Tsuneta,S., Wtanabe,T., Kondo,I., Uchida,Y. 1991,
Solar Physics, 136, 1-16
The Solar-A mission - an overview
Phillips,K.J.H. and Feldman,U. 1991,
The Astrophysical Journal, 379, 401-405
The iron-to-calcium abundance ratio in the 20x10^6 K plasma of medium and large solar flares
Sakao,T. and the HXT group 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 20-21
The Hard X-Ray telescope (HXT)
Sakurai,T. 1991,
Advances in Space Research, 11/1, 349-358
Coronal observations with Solar-A satellite
Sakurai,T. 1991,
Advances in Space Research, 11/4, 89-92
Helioseismology observations by solar-A satellite
Strong,K.T., Acton,L.E., Brown,W.A., Claflin,S.L., and Lemen,J.R. 1991,
Advances in Space Research, 11/5, 73-76
Plasma diagnostic capabilities of the soft X-ray telescope on Solar-A
Tokumaru,M., Mori,H., and Tanaka,T. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 349-352
A proposal for a study of the solar wind near the sun by simultaneous observations with Solar-A and Kashima 34m antenna
Tsuneta,S., Acton,L., Bruner,M., Lemen,J., Brown,W., Caravalho,R.,
Catura,R., Freeland,S., Jurcevich,B., Morrison,M., Obawara,Y.,
Hirayama,T., and Owens,J. 1991,
Solar Physics, 136, 37-61
The Soft X-ray Telescope for the Solar-A Mission
Tsuneta,S., and Acton,L.W. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 18-19
Soft X-Ray Telescope (SXT)
Uchida,Y. and Shibata,K. 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
Hiei,E.), 360 pp, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 387, 230-236
On mechanisms of solar flares - Some observational tests by using Solar-A
Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and Hiei,E. (eds.) 1991,
"Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22", Proc. Internat. SOLAR-A
Science Meeting, (K. Tanaka Memorial), held at Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan,
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International Solar A Science Meeting: Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22
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The Solar-A mission and its scientific aims
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23-26 October 1990, (eds. Uchida,Y., Canfield,R.C., Watanabe,T., and
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Search for transient coronal holes by Solar-A Soft X-Ray Telescope
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The SOLAR-A related scientific programs
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Application of SOLAR-A SXT data and geomagnetic storm forecasting research
Yoshimori,M., Okudaira,K., Hirashima,Y., Igarashi,T., Akasaka,M.,
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The Wide Band Spectrometer on the SOLAR-A
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The Wide Band Spectrometer on the SOLAR-A
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Moisture induced dimensional changes in hydrophobic graphite-resin laminates
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Use of graphite epoxy composites in the Solar-A Soft X-Ray Telescope
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Helioseismology observations by the Solar-A satellite
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The Solar-A Soft X-Ray Telescope Experiment
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The Soft X-Ray Telescope for the Solar-A Mission
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X-Ray Calibration of a virtual phase 1024x1024 CCD
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X-ray spectroscopy of high temperature plasma in solar flares
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Measurement of the point spread function and effective area of the Solar-A soft X-ray telescope mirror
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The Solar-A mission
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The SOLAR-A Mission
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The Solar-A (HESP) project for the next solar maximum 1986