Here are links to some galleries of Yohkoh images and movies.
SXT smoothies!
Smoothly running soft X-ray full-Sun movies.
High Resolution Full Sun Images
Mostly in tiff format, prepared for a use by the press until 2006.
YLA Image and Movie Gallery
Recent version of image and movie archive prepared for public or press use.
Sigmoid Gallery
Images & movies of the sigmoids, 8-9 June, 1998, 7 Apr, 1997, etc.
First Light Archive
First light of the day. A collage of images from SXT and ground-based observatories(1996 to 2001).
YPOP Film Festival
A movie gallery at the Yohkoh Public Outreach Project site.
The X-ray Sun
Introduction to the X-ray structures on the Sun.
Level_3 Jpeg Library :
Soft X-ray
White Light
Jpeg version of the Level_3(movie/browse) full-disk images.
To the YLA Guide
front page with side-frame