·Straylight Network in AL.1 -- "the Retina Pattern" (11-apr-'94)
·Shadowing by SXT Analysis Filter Support Mesh (11-nov-'94)
·Difference Between TFSS Night and FEM Night (14-dec-'94)
·The Sunset Curves of the SXT Signal (14-dec-'94)
·As the Sun Sinks Slowly in the West (16-dec-'94)
·Sunset Eclipse of X-Rays and Visible Straylight (22-dec-'94)
·Variation of SXT Straylight (19-feb-'95)
·Variation of pinhole brightness with Time (24-aug-'95)
·Stray Light Pattern in Thin Aluminum Images (26-aug-'95)
·SFDs Before and After the Filter Failures (01-sep-'95)
·Straylight Grill Pattern In Thin Aluminum (10-nov-'95)
·SXT Thin Aluminum Straylight Grill Patterns - I (14-nov-'95)
·SXT Thin Aluminum Straylight Grill Patterns - II (14-nov-'95)
·Effect of Ent.-Filter Correction on SXT Temperatures (18-jan-'96)
·The Third Step-Increase in SXT Visible Straylight (28-aug-'96)
·Variation of pinhole brightness with Pointing (31-oct-'96)
·Exact Time of 3rd Entrance Filter Failure (03-oct-'97)
·Time of First Entrance Filter Failure (27-jan-'98)
·Straylight Increase of 980123 (02-feb-'98)
·Time of the fourth entrance filter failure (05-feb-'98)
·Attempt to Minimize Pointing Scatter (19-sep-'98)
·January 1999 SXT Entrance Filter Failure (23-feb-'99)
·Time of August 1995 SXT Entrance Filter Event (26-feb-'99)
·Offpoint Test of Mar-1999 (27-mar-'99)
·March 1999 Entrance Filter Failure Event (03-aug-'01)
·April 1999 Entrance Filter Failure Event (12-sep-'01)
·Re-analysis of Entrance Filter Failures (14-jun-2018)